68 research outputs found

    Integrated Registration, Segmentation, and Interpolation for 3D/4D Sparse Data

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    We address the problem of object modelling from 3D and 4D sparse data acquired as different sequences which are misaligned with respect to each other. Such data may result from various imaging modalities and can therefore present very diverse spatial configurations and appearances. We focus on medical tomographic data, made up of sets of 2D slices having arbitrary positions and orientations, and which may have different gains and contrasts even within the same dataset. The analysis of such tomographic data is essential for establishing a diagnosis or planning surgery.Modelling from sparse and misaligned data requires solving the three inherently related problems of registration, segmentation, and interpolation. We propose a new method to integrate these stages in a level set framework. Registration is particularly challenging by the limited number of intersections present in a sparse dataset, and interpolation has to handle images that may have very different appearances. Hence, registration and interpolation exploit segmentation information, rather than pixel intensities, for increased robustness and accuracy. We achieve this by first introducing a new level set scheme based on the interpolation of the level set function by radial basis functions. This new scheme can inherently handle sparse data, and is more numerically stable and robust to noise than the classical level set. We also present a new registration algorithm based on the level set method, which is robust to local minima and can handle sparse data that have only a limited number of intersections. Then, we integrate these two methods into the same level set framework.The proposed method is validated quantitatively and subjectively on artificial data and MRI and CT scans. It is compared against a state-of-the-art, sequential method comprising traditional mutual information based registration, image interpolation, and 3D or 4D segmentation of the registered and interpolated volume. In our experiments, the proposed framework yields similar segmentation results to the sequential approach, but provides a more robust and accurate registration and interpolation. In particular, the registration is more robust to limited intersections in the data and to local minima. The interpolation is more satisfactory in cases of large gaps, due to the method taking into account the global shape of the object, and it recovers better topologies at the extremities of the shapes where the objects disappear from the image slices. As a result, the complete integrated framework provides more satisfactory shape reconstructions than the sequential approach

    Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data

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    This paper addresses the two inherently related problems of segmentation and interpolation of 3D and 4D sparse data by integrating integrate these stages in a level set framework. The method supports any spatial configurations of sets of 2D slices having arbitrary positions and orientations. We introduce a new level set scheme based on the interpolation of the level set function by radial basis functions. The proposed method is validated quantitatively and/or subjectively on artificial data and MRI and CT scans and is compared against the traditional sequential approach

    Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data

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    International audienceWe address the two inherently related problems of segmentation and interpolation of 3D and 4D sparse data and propose a new method to integrate these stages in a level set framework. The interpolation process uses segmentation information rather than pixel intensities for increased robustness and accuracy. The method supports any spatial configurations of sets of 2D slices having arbitrary positions and orientations. We achieve this by introducing a new level set scheme based on the interpolation of the level set function by radial basis functions. The proposed method is validated quantitatively and/or subjectively on artificial data and MRI and CT scans, and is compared against the traditional sequential approach which interpolates the images first, using a state-of-the-art image interpolation method, and then segments the interpolated volume in 3D or 4D. In our experiments, the proposed framework yielded similar segmentation results to the sequential approach, but provided a more robust and accurate interpolation. In particular, the interpolation was more satisfactory in cases of large gaps, due to the method taking into account the global shape of the object, and it recovered better topologies at the extremities of the shapes where the objects disappear from the image slices. As a result, the complete integrated framework provided more satisfactory shape reconstructions than the sequential approach

    Registration and Modeling from Spaced and Misaligned Image Volumes

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    We present an integrated registration, segmentation, and shape interpolation framework to model objects from 3D and 4D volumes made up of spaced and misaligned slices having arbitrary relative positions. The framework was validated on artificial data and tested on real MRI and CT scans. The complete framework performed significantly better than the sequential approach of registration followed by segmentation and shape interpo- lation

    What's cooking and why? Behaviour recognition during unscripted cooking tasks for health monitoring

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    Nutrition related health conditions can seriously decrease quality of life; a system able to monitor the kitchen activities and eating behaviour of patients could provide clinicians with important indicators for improving a patient’s condition. To achieve this, the system has to reason about the person’s actions and goals. To address this challenge, we present a behaviour recognition approach that relies on symbolic behaviour repre- sentation and probabilistic reasoning to recognise the person’s actions, the type of meal being prepared and its potential impact on a patient’s health. We test our approach on a cooking dataset containing unscripted kitchen activities recorded with various sensors in a real kitchen. The results show that the approach is able to recognise the sequence of executed actions and the prepared meal, to determine whether it is healthy, and to reason about the possibility of depression based on the type of meal

    Real-time RGB-D Tracking with Depth Scaling Kernelised Correlation Filters and Occlusion Handling

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    We present a real-time RGB-D object tracker which manages occlusions and scale changes in a wide variety of scenarios. Its accuracy matches, and in many cases outper-forms, state-of-the-art algorithms for precision and it far exceeds most in speed. We build our algorithm on the existing colour-only KCF tracker which uses the ‘kernel trick ’ to extend correlation filters for fast tracking. We fuse colour and depth cues as the tracker’s features and exploit the depth data to both adjust a given target’s scale and to detect and manage occlusions in such a way as to maintain real-time performance, exceeding on average 35fps when benchmarked on two publicly available datasets. We make our easy-to-extend modularised code available to other researchers.

    Online quality assessment of human movement from skeleton data

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    We propose a general method for online estimation of the quality of movement from Kinect skeleton data. A robust non-linear manifold learning technique is used to reduce the dimensionality of the noisy skeleton data. Then, a statistical model of normal movement is built from observations of healthy subjects, and the level of matching of new observations with this model is computed on a frame-by-frame basis following Markovian assumptions. The proposed method is validated on the assessment of gait on stairs
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