69 research outputs found

    Analysis of Trends in the Higher Education and Science as the Basis for Strategizing the Scientific and Innovative Activities in Regional Universities

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    Aim of the article is to identify global, national and local trends in the development of higher education and science, which should be taken into account when strategizing the scientific and innovative activities of a regional university (in the conditions of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass).Materials and methods. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the theory of strategy and the strategy methodology developed by V. L. Kvint (Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov), which made it possible to substantiate the analysis of opportunities and threats as the initial stage of strategizing the scientific and innovative activities of a regional university. The methods of OTSW-analysis, economic-statistical analysis, comparative analysis were used Analytical and forecast documents of authoritative Russian and international organizations dealing with the problems of science and higher education were used.results. 12 trends of various levels are identified that determine the opportunities and threats for the strategic development of scientific and innovative activities in the universities of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass. At the global level, these include a decrease in demand for higher education and the need for scientific and innovative diversification; the growth of the global research and development market, especially in certain niches; growth in the share of research and development funding by commercial organizations; influence on the research topics of the international agenda, including the UN sustainable development goals. The main national trends are instability and limited funding for research and development, the growing interest of the state in fundamental research; maintaining a low level of integration of universities with business with the growth of the innovative activity of the latter; the growing stratification of the domestic higher education. In the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass, the most important trends are the structural transformation of the traditional university system with increased competition among universities; limited demand for research and development, not corresponding to the economic importance of the region; creation of institutional foundations for the development of scientific and innovative activities and the strategic goals of Kuzbass for scientific and technological development, which determine promising areas of research.Conclusions. Based on the analysis of strategically significant trends, the first stage of the OTSW analysis was implemented, the opportunities and threats that determine the strategic development of research activities of the universities of the Kemerovo region — Kuzbass were identified

    Formation of transportation optimization based on the integrated logistic support

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    The article describes the basic guidelines for integrated logistic support of the transportation process in the formation of the optimization process. The description of the functional cycle of order execution on transport customer service as a basis of integrated logistics is given

    Formation of transportation optimization based on the integrated logistic support

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    The article describes the basic guidelines for integrated logistic support of the transportation process in the formation of the optimization process. The description of the functional cycle of order execution on transport customer service as a basis of integrated logistics is given

    The main principles of transport service of tourist flows

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    The article is devoted to the transport service of tourist flows. The basic principles of transport service of this flows are distinguished. The authors offer to create The Center of Transport Service of Tourist Flows as innovative approach to the organization of the tour transport block. The main functions of CTSTF are given

    The main principles of transport service of tourist flows

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    The article is devoted to the transport service of tourist flows. The basic principles of transport service of this flows are distinguished. The authors offer to create The Center of Transport Service of Tourist Flows as innovative approach to the organization of the tour transport block. The main functions of CTSTF are given

    Idiopathic scoliosis: general characteristics and analysis of etiological theories (literature review)

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    Idiopathic scoliosis is a severe pathology of the musculoskeletal system that affects children and adolescents all over the world. The disease occurs in approximately 0.2-0.6% of the general population, and is the largest subgroup of spinal curvature in humans (70-90% of all known scoliosis cases). In idiopathic scoliosis, a threedimensional deformation of the vertebral column is formed, leading to the formation of a rib hump, curvature of the ribs and chest, asymmetry of the pelvis and impaired development of internal organs. The main feature of the disease is the spontaneous development of deformity during the growth of the child and the tendency to progress. Scoliosis is not only an orthopedic disease, but also a ignificant cosmetic, and, consequently, a psychological and social problem. The standard of treatment for scoliotic disease remains unchanged for a long time: observation, corset treatment and surgical correction. The prognosis for the development of pathology varies depending on the degree of deformation. The corset-therapy, hospitalization, surgery and treatment of chronic back pain have a negative impact on the psychoemotional state of children and adolescents. Despite significant advances in the methods of diagnosis of deformity, improvement of surgical treatment methods and in the study of pathogenesis, the etiological factor of pathology is still unknown. The search for the causes of idiopathic scoliosis covers almost all aspects of its possible origin: genetic, environmental, hormonal, metabolic, biochemical, neurological, and others. In recent decades, relevant theories of the development of scoliosis have been formulated, but none of the theories reveals the essence of the pathological process and has no clear justification. The greatest number of supporters is the genetic theory: genetic factors play a key role in the occurrence and development of idiopathic scoliosis. Understanding the underlying factors of the disease will enable prevention, early diagnosis, and identification of the risk groups of the patients in question

    Организационно-педагогические условия формирования конкурентоспособности студента в социальном партнёрстве техникума с работодателями

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    The Federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education (FSES SPO) reflect the requirements for graduates of the College in the field of formed competitiveness. Despite the tasks defined by the state educational policy in the field of ensuring the competitiveness of students, they have a clear underestimation of the importance of competitiveness for the success of their professional career. Although the problem of competitiveness of graduates is devoted to a lot of research in the context of various factors affecting it and the changed socio-cultural situation, but requires a more thorough study of the possibilities of social partnership of the College with employers and the impact of various organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of its formation. The article deals with the organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the formation of competitiveness among College graduates in the social partnership of the College with employers: the organization of a competitive and developing integrative educational environment; the creation of the Institute of mentoring as an integral element of the integrative educational process; special training of teachers of the College for the future activities on the formation of the competitiveness of the student in the social partnership of the College with employers. Each of the proposed organizational and pedagogical conditions is disclosed in detail, the component structure of the integrative educational environment and the principles of its organization.В федеральных государственных образовательных стандартах среднего профессионального образования (ФГОС СПО) отражены требования к выпускнику техникума в области сформированной конкурентоспособности. Несмотря на определенные государственной образовательной политикой задачи в области обеспечения конкурентоспособности студентов, у выпускников присутствует явная недооценка значимости своей конкурентоспособности для успешности профессиональной карьеры. Проблеме конкурентоспособности выпускника посвящено достаточно научных исследований в контексте различных влияющих на нее факторов и изменившейся социокультурной ситуации, но важно более тщательно исследовать возможности социального партнерства техникума с работодателями и влияние различных организационно-педагогических условий, обеспечивающих эффективность ее формирования. В статье рассматриваются организационно-педагогические условия, обеспечивающие успешность формирования конкурентоспособности у выпускников техникума в социальном партнерстве техникума с работодателями: организация конкурентно-развивающей интегративной образовательной среды; создание института наставничества как составного элемента интегративного образовательного процесса; специальная подготовка педагогических работников техникума для предстоящей деятельности по формированию конкурентоспособности студента в социальном партнерстве техникума с работодателями. Каждое из предложенных организационно-педагогических условий подробно раскрывается, приводится компонентная структура интегративной образовательной среды и принципы ее организации

    Возрастные изменения структуры и биомеханических свойств фиброзной оболочки глаза (обзор зарубежной литературы). Сообщение 1. Структурные изменения

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    oai:oai.glaucoma.elpub.ru:article/76The sclera and cornea form the fibrous tunic of the eye which resists external and internal actions and maintains the shape of the eyeball. The functioning of these tunics is associated with their structural and biomechanical properties. Age-related changes of these properties affect protective and supporting functions of the sclera and cornea thus being direct or indirect cause of many ocular disorders. Structural changes of the fibrous tunic of the eye primarily consist in the disorientation of collagen, elastin, and proteoglycan fibers which are the basis of corneal and scleral stroma. Fibrils are disoriented, the number of cross-link bridges increases. Structural changes of ocular connective tissue affect its functionality, i.e., viscoelastic properties of the cornea and sclera. According to the foreign authors, a common tendency of age-related changes of the fibrous tunic of the eye is its stiffening and decrease in viscoelastic properties.Роговица и склера формируют фиброзную оболочку глаза, способную противостоять внешним и внутренним воздействиям и поддерживать форму глазного яблока. Функционирование данных оболочек связано с их структурными особенностями и биомеханическими свойствами, изменение которых с возрастом сказывается на способности выполнять защитную и опорную функции и является прямой или косвенной причиной ряда глазных болезней. Структурные изменения фиброзной оболочки глаза связаны в первую очередь с нарушением организации волокон коллагена, эластина и протеогликанов, которые составляют основу стромы роговицы и склеры. Происходит изменение организации фибриллярных компонентов и увеличение количества поперечных сшивок. Структурные изменения соединительной ткани глаза отражаются на ее функциональном состоянии, в первую очередь на вязкоупругих свойствах роговицы и склеры. Общей тенденцией возрастных изменений фиброзной оболочки глаза, по данным зарубежных исследователей, является увеличение жесткости и снижение вязкоэластических показателей

    Возрастные изменения структуры и биомеханических свойств фиброзной оболочки глаза (обзор зарубежной литературы). Сообщение 2. Биомеханические изменения

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    The sclera and cornea form the fibrous tunic of the eye which resists external and internal actions and maintains the shape of the eyeball. The functioning of these tunics is associated with their structural and biomechanical properties. Age-related changes of these properties affect protective and supporting functions of the sclera and cornea thus being direct or indirect cause of many ocular disorders. Structural changes of the fibrous tunic of the eye primarily consist in the disorientation of collagen, elastin, and proteoglycan fibers which are the basis of corneal and scleral stroma. Fibrils are disoriented, the number of cross-link bridges increases. Structural changes of ocular connective tissue affect its functionality, i.e., viscoelastic properties of the cornea and sclera. According to the foreign authors, a common tendency of age-related changes of the fibrous tunic of the eye is its stiffening and decrease in viscoelastic properties.Роговица и склера формируют фиброзную оболочку глаза, способную противостоять внешним и внутренним воздействиям и поддерживать форму глазного яблока. Функционирование данных оболочек связано с их структурными особенностями и биомеханическими свойствами, изменение которых с возрастом сказывается на способности выполнять защитную и опорную функции и является прямой или косвенной причиной ряда глазных болезней. Структурные изменения фиброзной оболочки глаза связаны в первую очередь с нарушением организации волокон коллагена, эластина и протеогликанов, которые составляют основу стромы роговицы и склеры. Происходит изменение организации фибриллярных компонентов и увеличение количества поперечных сшивок. Структурные изменения соединительной ткани глаза отражаются на ее функциональном состоянии, в первую очередь на вязкоупругих свойствах роговицы и склеры. Общей тенденцией возрастных изменений фиброзной оболочки глаза, по данным зарубежных исследователей, является увеличение жесткости и снижение вязкоэластических показателей

    Эмоциональные и личностные особенности восприятия боли у женщин при эндометриозе

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    Introduction. This article is devoted to psychological features in patients with pain syndrome in endometriosis and their pain perception.The objective of the study was to identify features of pain syndrome perception, personality traits, emotional features and satisfaction with quality of life in patients with endometriosis.Material and methods. 56 women were examined: 27 patients with endometriosis and 29 women without gynecological diseases. The following psychodiagnostic methods were used: «The McGill Pain Questionnaire», «Visual Analogue Scale», «Giessen test», the test of L. N. Sobchik «Diagnosis of interpersonal relationships», the questionnaire of N. E. Vodopyanova «Assessment of the level of satisfaction with the quality of life», «Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale» (HADS).Results. The results of the study indicated that patients with painful forms of endometriosis were less satisfied with the quality of life in the field of health, emotional and physical comfort. The feminine type of gender-role behavior was identified in self-perception, and the responsibly-magnanimous style prevails in interpersonal relations. The perception of pain was interrelated with interpersonal behavior style.Conclusion. Psychological characteristics of patients with endometriosis must have been taken into account during treatment and rehabilitation, since they affected the subjective perception of pain, could reduce satisfaction with the quality of life and worsen the emotional state.Введение. Рассматриваются психологические особенности пациенток с болевым синдромом при эндометриозе, а также их связь с восприятием боли.Цель исследования – выявление особенностей восприятия болевого синдрома, а также личностных, эмоциональных особенностей и удовлетворенности качеством жизни у женщин с эндометриозом.Материал и методы. Всего обследованы 56 испытуемых: 27 женщин с эндометриозом и 29 женщин без гинекологической патологии. Использованные психодиагностические методики: Болевой опросник Мак-Гилла, визуальная аналоговая шкала боли, «Оценка уровня удовлетворенности качеством жизни» (в адаптации Н. Е. Водопьяновой), «Гиссенский личностный опросник», Метод диагностики межличностных отношений (ДМО Л. Н. Собчик), Госпитальная шкала тревоги и депрессии (HADS).Результаты. В результате исследования было выявлено, что для пациенток с болевой формой эндометриоза характерна меньшая удовлетворенность качеством жизни в сфере здоровья, эмоционального и физического комфорта. В восприятии себя наблюдается феминный тип поло-ролевого поведения, а в межличностных отношениях преобладает ответственно-великодушный стиль. Восприятие боли взаимосвязано со стилем поведения в межличностных отношениях.Выводы. При лечении и реабилитации пациенток с эндометриозом необходимо учитывать их психологические особенности, поскольку они оказывают влияние на субъективное восприятие болевого синдрома, могут снижать удовлетворенность качеством жизни и ухудшать эмоциональное состояние