21 research outputs found

    Penatalaksanaan Tetanus Pada Pasien Anak

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    Latar Belakang. Tetanus merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi. Penyakit ini ditandai oleh kekakuan otot dan spasme yang diakibatkan oleh pelepasan neurotoksin (tetanospasmin) oleh Clostridium tetani. Tetanus dapat terjadi pada orang yang belum diimunisasi, orang yang diimunisasi sebagian, atau telah diimunisasi lengkap tetapi tidak memperoleh imunitas yang cukup karena tidak melakukan booster secara berkala. Tujuan. Penulisan ini untuk mengetahui penyebab tetanus pada pasien ini dan dapat memberikan terapi yang cepat dan tepat. Kasus. Seorang anak laki-laki, 2 tahun 6 bulan, dengan status gizi baik, datang dengan keluhan tidak dapat membuka mulut dan badan kaku sejak 2 hari sebelumnya. Diketahui sejak 1 bulan sebelumya sering keluar cairan dari telinga kanan, dan sering dikorek-korek. Riwayat imunisasi tidak lengkap. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang didapatkan diagnosis tetanus generalisata derajat II. Pasien diberikan terapi cairan, anti tetanus serum (ATS) 80.000 IU dibagi menjadi 30.000 IU intravena dan 50.000 IU intramuskular. Pasien juga diberikan metronidazol, diazepam, tetes telinga ofloksasin, dan ear toilet. Simpulan. Tetanus disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri Clostridium tetani. Prinsip pengobatannya meliputi netralisasi toksin, eradikasi bakteri penyebab dengan antibiotik, perawatan luka port d'entrée, dan terapi suportif. [Medula Unila.2013;1(4):85-93

    Analisis Nilai Tambah Kopi Teripang Jahe PRA Campur Saset

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    Sea cucumbers can be used as an additive in the production of herbal coffee. It has been found in previous study that the ginger sea cucumber coffee preferred by consumers, and the composition of sea cucumber ginger coffee which is observed from chemical properties (acidity/pH and ash content) and physical properties (water content, soluble speed, and steeping levels) has also complied with SNI. Coffee industry has a promising business opportunities in an effort to increase profits or value added. This study aims to obtain an added value of ginger sea cucumber coffee packaging product. Research conducted using the Hayami method to calculate the added value. The result showed that the added value of sea cucumber ginger coffee obtained by Rp 625,858 kg, with a profit rate of 43%. The analysis shows that the sea cucumber ginger coffee can provide an added value which is highly profitable for small industries

    Pengaruh Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi terhadap Pengelolaan Anggaran

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of the application of the principles of good governance such as the principles of accountability and transparency, which is carried out on budget management. The method is quantitative approach. Three hypotheses is proposed in this study. First, whether accountability affects Budget Management, second, whether Transparency affects the Budget Management and third, whether Accountability and Transparency does affect the Budget Management. Research states that accountability is positively associated with budget management, transparency is also positively related to budgetmanagement, and Accountability, and Transparency together positively related to budget management

    Individual based model links thermodynamics, chemical speciation and environmental conditions to microbial growth

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    Individual based Models (IbM) must transition from research tools to engineering tools. To make the transition we must aspire to develop large, three dimensional and physically and biologically credible models. Biological credibility can be promoted by grounding, as far as possible, the biology in thermodynamics. Thermodynamic principles are known to have predictive power in microbial ecology. However, this in turn requires a model that incorporates pH and chemical speciation. Physical credibility implies plausible mechanics and a connection with the wider environment. Here, we propose a step toward that ideal by presenting an individual based model connecting thermodynamics, pH and chemical speciation and environmental conditions to microbial growth for 5·105 individuals. We have showcased the model in two scenarios: a two functional group nitrification model and a three functional group anaerobic community. In the former, pH and connection to the environment had an important effect on the outcomes simulated. Whilst in the latter pH was less important but the spatial arrangements and community productivity (that is, methane production) were highly dependent on thermodynamic and reactor coupling. We conclude that if IbM are to attain their potential as tools to evaluate the emergent properties of engineered biological systems it will be necessary to combine the chemical, physical, mechanical and biological along the lines we have proposed. We have still fallen short of our ideals because we cannot (yet) calculate specific uptake rates and must develop the capacity for longer runs in larger models. However, we believe such advances are attainable. Ideally in a common, fast and modular platform. For future innovations in IbM will only be of use if they can be coupled with all the previous advances

    NUFEB: A massively parallel simulator for individual-based modelling of microbial communities.

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    We present NUFEB (Newcastle University Frontiers in Engineering Biology), a flexible, efficient, and open source software for simulating the 3D dynamics of microbial communities. The tool is based on the Individual-based Modelling (IbM) approach, where microbes are represented as discrete units and their behaviour changes over time due to a variety of processes. This approach allows us to study population behaviours that emerge from the interaction between individuals and their environment. NUFEB is built on top of the classical molecular dynamics simulator LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator), which we extended with IbM features. A wide range of biological, physical and chemical processes are implemented to explicitly model microbial systems, with particular emphasis on biofilms. NUFEB is fully parallelised and allows for the simulation of large numbers of microbes (107 individuals and beyond). The parallelisation is based on a domain decomposition scheme that divides the domain into multiple sub-domains which are distributed to different processors. NUFEB also offers a collection of post-processing routines for the visualisation and analysis of simulation output. In this article, we give an overview of NUFEB's functionalities and implementation details. We provide examples that illustrate the type of microbial systems NUFEB can be used to model and simulate