116 research outputs found


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    Generasi muda adalah agen perubahan dalam masyarakat. Kelompok ini berpeluang untuk berkontribusi positif kepada lingkungan melalui ide ide yang kreatif dan inovatif. Untuk itu generasi muda perlu dibekali dengan berbagai ketrampilan yang dapat mendukung peran sebagai agen perubahan. PKM pelatihan las ini direncanakan untuk dilaksanakan dalam suatu rangkaian kegiatan meliputi identifikasi masalah dengan mitra, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk mencari solusi bersama, melaksanakan pelatihan dan workshop las dan mengaplikasikan hasil pelatihan. Sesuai dengan materi pelatihan maka dapat dikatakan hasil capaian mitra dalam implementasi hingga saat ini telah memiliki kemampuan dalam mengenal dan memahami karakteristik material yang dapat dilas, serta proses pengelasan,  menganalisa kebutuhan bahan yang diperlukan dan dapat memproduksi 1(satu) set meja

    Penerapan Solar Home System Bagi Keluarga Petani di Dusun Niskolen

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    Abstract - This activity tries to reveal the impact of installing a solar home system with energy-saving lamps on the social and economic benefits for farming families in Niskolen hamlet. The social and economic benefits are intended for continuity in efforts to expand access to electricity services in areas not yet covered by electricity, and to encourage economic development and growth as well as improve the welfare of farmers. These social and economic benefits have long-term effects, such as increasing reading and learning opportunities, improving people's health standards, and with electricity at night farmers can carry out social and economic activities, as well as facilitate and speed up information from electronic media. The existence of electric lighting will pave the way for the development of the various talents that exist for innovation and entrepreneurship. Abstrak – Kegiatan ini mencoba untuk mengungkapkan dampak pemasangan solar home system dengan lampu hemat energi terhadap manfaat social dan ekonomi bagi keluarga petani di dusun Niskolen. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi dimaksudkan untuk kelangsungan dalam upaya perluasan akses pelayanan listrik pada wilayah yang belum terjangkau listrik, dan mendorong pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi serta meningkatkan kesejateraan petani. Manfaat sosial dan ekonomi ini berpengaruh secara jangka panjang, antara lain seperti, peningkatan kesempatan membaca dan belajar, peningkatan taraf kesehatan rakyat, dan dengan adanya listrik pada waktu malam hari petani dapat melakukan kegiatan sosial dan ekonomi, serta memudahkan dan mempercepat informasi dari media elektronik. Dengan adanya penerangan listrik akan membuka jalan kepada pengembangan berbagai bakat yang ada untuk inovasi dan kewirausahaan


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    Hasil analisis sifat teknis tanah berupa sifat fisik dan mekanisdi laboratorium merupakan gambaran keadaan sesungguhnya di lapangan. Pada kenyataannya penetapan parameter sifat fisik dan mekanis tanah sering tidak mewakili keadaan sesungguhnya.Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu dan tempat penyimpanan terhadap sifat fisik dan mekanis. Analisa data dilakukan dengan membuat perhitungan berdasarkan hasil pengujian kadar air dan kuat geser. Pendekatan regresi linear digunakan pada analisis kadar air untuk mengetahui pola penurunan kadar air. Akibat lama waktu penyimpanan terhadap sifat fisik adalah terdapat dua pola penurunan kadar air. Pola 1 adalah penurunan kadar air secara signifikan pada range hari ke-0 sampai hari ke-6 dan pola 2 adalah penurunan kadar air secara landai pada hari ke-6 sampai hari ke-27. Penurunan kadar air yang terbesar terjadi pada sampel yang disimpan pada ruang bebas,yakni 6.03% pada sampel Tarus dan 9.29% pada sampel Namosain, sedangkan yang terkecil adalah sampel yang disimpan pada box sampel yakni 3.39% pada sampel Tarus dan 3.88% pada sampel Namosain. Persentase perubahan kekuatan geser yang terbesar dari hari ke-0 hingga hari ke-27 adalah 4.79% pada sampel Tarus dan 0.89% pada sampel Namosain


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    Salah satu parameter penting dalam  perencanaan suatu kolom adalah daktilitas.  Nilai daktilitas suatu kolom dapat ditentukan dari kurva hubungan antara momen dan kurvatur. Nilai momen dan kurvatur didapat dari perhitungan tegangan dan regangan beton.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi tegangan dan regangan kolom beton bertulang terhadap daktilitas penampang tak terkekang. Dalam analisis ini hubungan tegangan dan regangan menggunakan 4 metode yaitu Kent and Park, Popovics, Thorenfeldt dan Hognestad yang kemudian dilakukan analisis momen dan kurvatur secara manual dari hubungan tegangan dan regangan. Selain menghitung secara manual juga digunakan program bantuResponse 2000. Output Response 2000 digunakan sebagai pembanding dengan cara perhitungan manual. Hasil analisis secara manual maupun menggunakan Response 2000 menunjukkan luas tulangan longitudinal dan mutu tulangan longitudinalyang meningkat dapat menurunkan nilai daktilitas kolom sedangkan mutu beton yang meningkat maka daktilitas juga meningkat. Selain itu, konfigurasi tulangan longitudinal juga dapat mempengaruhi nilai daktilitas suatu kolom dengan nilai daktilitas paling kecil terdapat pada sampel UC3-01.One of the important parameter in a column planning is ductility. Ductility of a column can determined from relation curve between moment and curvature.Moment and curvature value is obtained from the calculation of concrete stress and strain.This research aims is to know the effect of stress and strain variation of reinforced concrete column on unconfined section ductility.In this research, stress and strain relation use 4 methods such as Kent and Park, Popovics, Thorenfeldt and Hognestad and then moment-curvature analysis is done manually by Ms.Excel 2013 from stress-strain relation. Besides counting manually also used the Response 2000 program. Output of Response 2000 is used as a comparison by manual calculation. The results of manual analysis or using Response 2000 indicates that an increase in the area of longitudinal reinforcement and the steel yield strength can decreases the ductility while an increase in the concrete strength increases the ductility. In addition, the configuration of longitudinal reinforcement also affects the ductility of a column with the smallest ductility value in the UC3-01


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    Jumlah angkutan pribadi di Kota Kupang saat ini terus meningkat, sedangkan jumlah angkutan umum di beberapa trayek menurun. Hal ini terjadi karena saat ini banyak masyarakat telah berpindah moda dari angkutan umum ke angkutan pribadi. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi masyarakat berpindah yaitu kinerja angkutan umum, kenyamanan, jarak, waktu dan faktor lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja angkutan umum dan dan penyebab masyarakat berpindah moda dari angkutan umum ke angkutan pribadi. Pengukuran kinerja angkutan dilakukan berdasarkan Standar Pelayanan Angkutan Umum Departemen Perhubungan dan pengukuran pendapat masyarakat menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis dan Analisis Mean. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui beberapa faktor dominan yang menjadi penyebab masyarakat berpindah moda yaitu kurangnya jumlah angkutan umum, faktor waktu seperti kurangnya waktu pelayanan dan waktu menunggu angkutan yang lama, rute pelayanan seperti rute angkutan umum yang terbatas dan angkutan umum tidak melayani hingga ke tujuan, faktor jarak seperti jarak berjalan kaki menuju tempat menunggu angkutan umum yang jauh dan faktor kenyaman penumpang seperti kurang ramahnya pengemudi dan kondektur serta suhu di dalam angkutan umum yang kurang baik. The number of private transports in Kupang City is currently increasing, while the number of public transport in some routes decreases. This happens because today many people have moved from public transport mode to private transportation. Several factors that influence public transportation are public transport performance, comfort, distance, time and other factors. This study aims to determine the performance of public transport and and the cause of the community move from public transport mode to private transportation. Measurement of transportation performance is done based on Transportation Service General Standard of Department of Transportation and measurement of public opinion using Importance Performance Analysis method and Mean Analysis. Based on the results of the research, it is known that some dominant factors are the cause of the shifting society, namely the lack of public transportation, time factor such as lack of service time and long waiting time, service routes such as limited public transport routes and public transport does not serve up to destination, distance factors such as walking distance to awaiting distant public transport and convenience factors such as the passengers lack of friendliness and conductor and the temperature in public transport is less good

    Cardiovascular disease in a cohort exposed to the 1940-45 Channel Islands occupation

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    BACKGROUND To clarify the nature of the relationship between food deprivation/undernutrition during pre- and postnatal development and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in later life, this study examined the relationship between birth weight (as a marker of prenatal nutrition) and the incidence of hospital admissions for CVD from 1997–2005 amongst 873 Guernsey islanders (born in 1923–1937), 225 of whom had been exposed to food deprivation as children, adolescents or young adults (i.e. postnatal undernutrition) during the 1940–45 German occupation of the Channel Islands, and 648 of whom had left or been evacuated from the islands before the occupation began. METHODS Three sets of Cox regression models were used to investigate (A) the relationship between birth weight and CVD, (B) the relationship between postnatal exposure to the occupation and CVD and (C) any interaction between birth weight, postnatal exposure to the occupation and CVD. These models also tested for any interactions between birth weight and sex, and postnatal exposure to the occupation and parish of residence at birth (as a marker of parish residence during the occupation and related variation in the severity of food deprivation). RESULTS The first set of models (A) found no relationship between birth weight and CVD even after adjustment for potential confounders (hazard ratio (HR) per kg increase in birth weight: 1.12; 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.70 – 1.78), and there was no significant interaction between birth weight and sex (p = 0.60). The second set of models (B) found a significant relationship between postnatal exposure to the occupation and CVD after adjustment for potential confounders (HR for exposed vs. unexposed group: 2.52; 95% CI: 1.54 – 4.13), as well as a significant interaction between postnatal exposure to the occupation and parish of residence at birth (p = 0.01), such that those born in urban parishes (where food deprivation was worst) had a greater HR for CVD than those born in rural parishes. The third model (C) found no interaction between birth weight and exposure to the occupation (p = 0.43). CONCLUSION These findings suggest that the levels of postnatal undernutrition experienced by children, adolescents and young adults exposed to food deprivation during the 1940–45 occupation of the Channel Islands were a more important determinant of CVD in later life than the levels of prenatal undernutrition experienced in utero prior to the occupatio

    Identification of a wide spectrum of ciliary gene mutations in nonsyndromic biliary atresia patients implicates ciliary dysfunction as a novel disease mechanism

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    Background: Biliary atresia (BA) is the most common obstructive cholangiopathy in neonates, often progressing to end-stage cirrhosis. BA pathogenesis is believed to be multifactorial, but the genetic contribution, especially for nonsyndromic BA (common form: > 85%) remains poorly defined. Methods: We conducted whole exome sequencing on 89 nonsyndromic BA trios to identify rare variants contributing to BA etiology. Functional evaluation using patients’ liver biopsies, human cell and zebrafish models were performed. Clinical impact on respiratory system was assessed with clinical evaluation, nasal nitric oxide (nNO), high speed video analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Findings: We detected rare, deleterious de novo or biallelic variants in liver-expressed ciliary genes in 31.5% (28/89) of the BA patients. Burden test revealed 2.6-fold (odds ratio (OR) [95% confidence intervals (CI)]= 2.58 [1.15–6.07], adjusted p = 0.034) over-representation of rare, deleterious mutations in liver-expressed ciliary gene set in patients compared to controls. Functional analyses further demonstrated absence of cilia in the BA livers with KIF3B and TTC17 mutations, and knockdown of PCNT, KIF3B and TTC17 in human control fibroblasts and cholangiocytes resulted in reduced number of cilia. Additionally, CRISPR/Cas9-engineered zebrafish knockouts of KIF3B, PCNT and TTC17 displayed reduced biliary flow. Abnormally low level of nNO was detected in 80% (8/10) of BA patients carrying deleterious ciliary mutations, implicating the intrinsic ciliary defects. Interpretation: Our findings support strong genetic susceptibility for nonsyndromic BA. Ciliary gene mutations leading to cholangiocyte cilia malformation and dysfunction could be a key biological mechanism in BA pathogenesis. Funding: The study is supported by General Research Fund, HMRF Commissioned Paediatric Research at HKCH and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Enhanced New Staff Start-up Fund

    Interventions for the control of Aedes aegypti in Latin America and the Caribbean: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness and degree of implementation of interventions for the control of Aedes aegypti in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) as reported in scientific literature. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, SOCINDEX, and LILACS, for experimental and observational studies, economic assessments and qualitative experiences carried out in LAC from 2000 to 2016. We assessed incidence and morbimortality of Aedes aegypti-related diseases and entomological indices: Breteau (containers), House, and Pupae per Person. We used GRADE methodology for assessing quality of evidence. Results: Of 1826 records retrieved, 75 were included and 9 cluster randomised clinical trials could be meta-analysed. We did not identify any intervention supported by a high certainty of evidence. In consistency with qualitative evidence, health education and community engagement probably reduces the entomological indices, as do the use of insecticide-treated materials, indoor residual spraying and the management of containers. There is low certainty of evidence supporting the use of ovitraps or larvitraps, and the integrated epidemiological surveillance strategy to improve indices and reduce the incidence of dengue. The reported degree of implementation of these vector control interventions was variable and most did not extend to whole cities and were not sustained beyond 2 years. Conclusions: We found a general lack of evidence on effectiveness of vector control in the region, despite a few interventions that showed moderate to low certainty of evidence. It is important to engage and educate the community, apart from achieving the implementation of integrated actions between the health and other sectors at national and regional level.Fil: Bardach, Ariel Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en EpidemiologĂ­a y Salud PĂșblica. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en EpidemiologĂ­a y Salud PĂșblica; ArgentinaFil: GarcĂ­a Perdomo, Herney AndrĂ©s. Universidad del Valle; ColombiaFil: Alcaraz, Andrea. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Tapia LĂłpez, Elena. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Ruano Gandara, Ruth Amanda. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Ruvinsky, Silvina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de PediatrĂ­a "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Ciapponi, AgustĂ­n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en EpidemiologĂ­a y Salud PĂșblica. Instituto de Efectividad ClĂ­nica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en EpidemiologĂ­a y Salud PĂșblica; Argentin
