60 research outputs found

    Analisis Kadar Etanol Hasil Fermentasi Ragi Roti Pada Tepung umbi Gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) terhadap kadar etanol

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    The research aims to know the long influence of fermentation with bread yeast in Dioscorea hispida flavor to ethanol production. This experiment research was doing in Balai Besar Labolatorium Departemen Kesehatan RI (BBLDKRI), Makassar. The sample of the research was 250 g in every sample of Dioscorea hispida flavor. It had done by chemical by use HCl which boiling in 120°C. This research used 4 M HCl which repeat in 3 times. The result of hydrolysis was 48 hours, 96 hours, and 144 hours. This research used free variable that is the long time of fermentation and variable that was the ethanol value of Dioscorea hispida that had fermented. This research used random complete planning and picnometer was used to know the ethanol value and match it at the kind of the weight table. The result of data analysis showed that the ethanol value in Dioscorea hispida flavor which fermented is 0.0% control); 0.5% (48 hours); 1.1% (96 hours), and 3.6 % (144 hours). The result of this research showed that there was the long influence of the fermentation to the ethanol value in Dioscorea hispida flavor fermentation and after doing the inferential technique analysis and between control and treatment proved that the last fermentation is obvious different with the ethanol value. So, can be concluded that longer time that used in fermentation (144 Hours), higher the ethanol value (3.6 %) in the (Dioscorea hispida).

    Penghasilan ekso-poligalakturonase oleh aspergillus niger daripada ekstrak pektin daun nephrolepis biserrata dalam fermentasi keadaan pepejal

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    Pectinase is an important enzyme especially in food and medicinal industries. Production of pectinase from fermentation of microorganisms requires pectin as an inducer, which is usually derived from citrus extracts. However, the ability of lignocellulosic material to produce pectin has not been much explored. Therefore, this study was conducted to produce exo-polygalacturonase enzymes (one of the pectinase enzymes) from Aspergillus niger using pectin extracted from the Nephrolepis biserrata leaves (a type of fern) which are available in abundance in the tropical and subtropical countries. In this study, the optimum production for the extraction of pectin from Nephrolepis biserrata leaves was 8.16% (g/g) with pH of 1.5, extraction time at 76.32 min and temperature at 100 °C. The pectin was further characterized and compared with a commercial pectin when it was used in solid state fermentation to produce exo-polygalacturonase from Aspergillus niger. In addition, the Nephrolepis biserrata leaves were also treated and used as substrates in addition to the ferm entation media used. The central composite design was used to optimize four significant variables resulted from the screening process that has been analyzed for production of exo-polygalacturonase. The variables included incubation time, temperature, concentration of pectin and moisture content. The optimum exopolygalacturonase production was obtained at 54.64 U/g with the conditions of the significant variables as 120 h of incubation time, 34 °C, 5.0 g/L of pectin concentration and 75.26% of moisture content. For partial characterization of exopolygalacturonase, the optimum temperature and pH were found to be 50 °C and pH of 4.0, respectively. Temperature stability of exo-polygalacturonase activity by Aspergillus niger was achieved at 40 °C to 50 °C up to 60 min of the incubation time. Exo-polygalacturonase was stable at pH of 3 to pH of 7 after 120 min of incubation, with the relative activity above 70%. Later, the kinetic constants and coefficients were determined from the Monod Model and Leudeking Piret equation with (j,max = 0.043 per hour, Ks = 0.473 g/L, Yx/s = 0.149 mg/g, Y E/s = 16.43 U/L and Y e /x = 114.4 U/mg. The value of specific enzyme levels were determined at, qE = 4.79 U/(mg.h) and the specific glucose consumption rate is qs = 0.289 g/(mg.h). Therefore, it can be concluded that Nephrolepis biserrata leaves contains pectin can act as a substrate for the production of exo-polygalacturonase in solid-state fermentation by Aspergillus niger

    Pengaruh Lama Perebusan Terhadap Kadar Protein Tempe Kacang Tunggak (Vigna Unguiculata)

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    This study was an experiment that aims to determine the effect of boiling time on protein content of cowpea tempe. This research was conducted in a laboratory experiment of Biology, Makassar State University and in Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Health Makassar, Indonesia. The sample used cowpea tempe, made using 100 grams cowpea and 0,2 grams of tempe yeast for each sample, and got treatment without boiling as a control and variety of boiling time treatment for 2 minutes, 4 minutes and 6 minutes. This study used a complete randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replication. Determination of protein content by Kjeldahl method. The results showed that the effect of boiling time was very real (PË‚0,05) for protein content, where the highest protein levels found in the treatment of boiling for 2 minutes (8,50). It was comparable with boiling for 4 minutes and 6 minutes, but did not different from the control. The lowest protein content was found in boiling treatment for 6 minutes (4,76). So it can be concluded that the longer time boiling, then lower protein conten

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Untuk Siswa Kelas X MIPA SMA/MA

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    This type of study is research and development. This research aims to develop the student’s worksheet based on Problem Based Learning model for the firstgrade students of senior high school in MIPA major which are valid, practical and effective. This research refers to the development model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This research data consists of: (1) validity data through expert assessment, (2) practicality data through observation of the implementation of worksheet and the data of the teacher and the student response, (3) effectiveness data through a learning outcomes test and the student’s proble solving abilities test. The result of the data analysis shows that: (1) the worksheet has a validity level of 4.3 which is categorized as valid, (2) the worksheet is declared practical with an implementation level of 1.8 which is categorized as fully implemented, the teacher and the student’s response is positive, (3) the worksheet is formulated as effective with the level of mastery of learning outcomes 83.9% and the improvement of student problem solving skills with a gain score of 0.5

    Exploration of Plant Species in Traditional Ceremonies Kajang Tribe in Bulukumba Regency South Sulawesi

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    Abstract: Plant that is used in traditional ceremonies kajang tribe in Bulukumba regency is a symbol of the hopes from society containing two meanings, religious and adjust to the plants function. The research method is descriptive, conducted in Tanah Towa village, Kajang Sub-district which aimed to determine species of the plants, parts of the plants, and the meaning of the plants in traditional ceremony. Informants consisted of indigenous leaders and community leaders who are aged over 50 years, while community leaders under the age of 50 years. Data collection techniques are interview and documentation techniques while processing the data with qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of the research show that, species of plants that is used in traditional ceremony, there are 26 species were classified into 17 order, part of the plant that used are roots (radix), stems (caulis), leave (folium), flowers and fruit (flos and fructus). Traditional ceremonies especially using plants are wedding ceremony, pregnancy, birth, funerals, new homes, agricultural, prolonged drought, pilgrimage to the tomb, and Ammatoa inauguration ceremony
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