5 research outputs found

    Concepções de alunos da rede pública de minas gerais sobre planetas e planetas anões do sistema solar / Conceptions from students of the public schools of minas gerais about planets and dwarf planets in solar system

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    Neste trabalho buscou-se verificar, através de um questionário de pesquisa, o conhecimento de estudantes da rede pública de ensino do interior de Minas Gerais sobre o tema planetas e planetas anões do Sistema Solar. Verificou-se também o entendimento desses estudantes sobre o caráter dinâmico da Ciência, usando como exemplo de mudança em conceitos científicos, a reclassificação a partir de 2006, pela União Astronômica Internacional (IAU) do planeta Plutão, que passou à categoria de “planeta anão”. A pesquisa foi realizada com 120 estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, de cinco escolas da região do Alto Paraopeba, sendo quatro escolas da rede estadual de ensino e uma escola da rede federal de ensino, envolvendo as cidades de Congonhas, Ouro Branco e Conselheiro Lafaiete. O questionário de pesquisa aplicado possuía seis questões, entre objetivas e discursivas e neste trabalho algumas serão apresentadas e discutidas. Utilizou-se como metodologia de análise a categorização por semelhança de respostas, proposta por Bardin. Percebeu-se uma grande dificuldade dos alunos em responder algumas das questões de pesquisa, surgindo com isso muitas concepções alternativas. Observou-se também que os alunos não entendem bem o caráter dinâmico da Ciência. Plutão como planeta anão é o mais citado pelos alunos, possivelmente pela sua exposição na mídia.

    Biotransformation of Metal-Rich Effluents and Potential Recycle Applications

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    In this chapter, it was introduced about the metallurgic effluents, and their potential to be converted into some feasible coproducts for industries. Some possibilities to introduce circular economy in the context of metallurgic effluents, and in the same way, some techniques to promote bioremediation using microorganisms and products from them were also described. Reported studies, as well as some perspectives to use metal-rich effluents in agriculture and soil quality improvement, were also shown. Copper effluents were kept as the main candidate for sustainable use, as a potentially interesting material for circular economy approaches

    Micro-Addition of Silver to Copper: One Small Step in Composition, a Change for a Giant Leap in Biocidal Activity

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    The use of copper as an antimicrobial agent has a long history and has gained renewed interest in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, the authors investigated the antimicrobial properties of an alloy composed of copper with a small percentage of silver (Cu-0.03% wt.Ag). The alloy was tested against various pathogens, including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the H1N1 virus, using contact exposure tests. Results showed that the alloy was capable of inactivating these pathogens in two hours or less, indicating its strong antimicrobial activity. Electrochemical measurements were also performed, revealing that the small addition of silver to copper promoted a higher resistance to corrosion and shifted the formation of copper ions to higher potentials. This shift led to a slow but continuous release of Cu2+ ions, which have high biocidal activity. These findings show that the addition of small amounts of silver to copper can enhance its biocidal properties and improve its effectiveness as an antimicrobial material