16 research outputs found

    Gold research in the mylonitic shear zone BustoLimideiro (Santa Comba, La Coruña). Spain

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    [Resumen] Entre 1985-91, el consorcio ADARO-SEREM, ha realizado una investigación minera por oro, en las Reservas Finisterre A-Noia (La Coruña). En el transcurso de la investigación, se han empleado diversas metodologías y técnicas, obteniéndose buenos resultados con métodos tradicionales como son: cartografía, propección geoquímica en suelos, calicatas y sondeos. Se han detectado varias estructuras mineralizadas, destacando la existencia de una banda milonítica generada en varias etapas de deformación, prácticamente continuas en el tiempo. Las mineralizaciones presentes, se asocian a estas etapas de deformación.[Abstract] Since 1985 to 1991, the Consortium ADARO-SEREM attained a goldresearch in the alining Reserve Finisterre A-Noia (La Coruña, Galicia, Spain). Although severa! methods were tried, the best results were obtained by using the traditional techniques such us cartography, geoquimical soil prospection, trenches and drilling. Several mineralized structures have been detected, in relation with a mylonitic bend which was caused by several deformation phases, more or less continuous in time. The mineralized bodies are associated with these phases of deformation

    The pegmoaplitic field of Doade (Ourense, Spain) and associated Sn and Ta mineralizations

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    [Abstract] This paper deals with the analysis of the geology and structure of the pegmoaplitic field of Doade (Ourense, Spain). Several bodies are distinguished taking into account their mineralogy and spatial distribution. The composition shows the existence of four types of pegmoaplites, all of them corresponding to the same family in different evolutionary stages, in accordance with their spatial distribution (a clear zonality from the granite boundary into the metamorphic rock). Also the study of the greinesization process and the casiterite contain is carried out

    Environmental alteration caused by extractive activities in metallic ore mines

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    [Resumen] Las actividades asociadas a la extracción de minerales metálicos son causa de importantes alteraciones en los sistemas naturales, y generan en muchas ocasiones impactos ambientales importantes de carácter irreversible. En este trabajo se pasa revista a las actividades propias de la minena metálica tanto en la fase de investigación de yacimientos, como en la de explota.ción. A continuación se analizan las alteraciones que estas actividades provocan en los distintos elementos del medio físico (agua, suelo, aire, equilibrio geodinámico, vegetación, etc.) definiéndose las más significativas y los casos de impacto más graves.[Abstract] The extractive activities in metallic ore mining cause important alterations in the natural systems, many of which have an irreparable character. The paper analyzes first the main activities both in the research (exploration) phase and in the exploitation of the mines. Then, the alteration occasioned in (over) the physical environment elements (water, air, soils, vegetation, geodynamic balance, etc.), marking and defining the most important modifications

    Geological setting of gold-ore mineralizations' in western Santa Comba (A Coruña)

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    [Resumen] En esta nota, se presentan los principales rasgos geológicos obtenidos de los trabajos de investigación de las Reservas Finisterre A y B2. Se pone de manifiesto la existencia de una estructura circular y de varias bandas de deformación, una de ellas con gran desarrollo de milonitas. Por último, se sitúan los antiguos trabajos mineros de oro existentes en la zona en su marco geológico, corroborando su relación con las bandas de deformación y su encuadre en el modelo de yacimientos de Shear Zone que está siendo actualmente definido.[Abstract] The main geological features of the Finisterre A and B2 Reserves are presented in this paper. It is disclosed the existence of a circular structure, as well as several bands of deformation, one of them with an important development of mylonites. Finally, the old mines of gold, long ago known in the region, are situated in relation with the deformation bands, and interpretated as originated in a Shear 20ne Ore Model, which is still being defined

    Environmental study to restare a gravel pit

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    [Abstract] The actual work is developing the environmental study carried out to prepare the restoration Plan of a gravel pit from the Madrid Community. To restore this gravel pit, called «Torre Blanca» offers great difficulty due to its wide surface, its complex topography, presence of lagoons, different uses and uncontrolled activities. With this work we intend to provide a methodologic guide which will serve as reference to other works about less complex exploitations or ofsimilar difficulty. This study consists of the following parts: 1.- Description of the gravel pit and present use ofthe ground. 2.- Analysis ofthe physical environment. 3.- Analysis ofthe social and economic environment. 4.- Proposal for use. This Proposal was developed later in a Restoration Plan

    The western extremity of the fundamental surface of Galicia: The plateau of Santa Comba

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    [Abstract] The Plateau ofSanta ir Comba is a very degraded rest ofan old surface (Late-Mesozoic -Paleogene), ofcomplex history. It has a mean altitude of400 m, and it is located in the western part of the Coruñan province. Their main geomorfological elements are: the residual reliefs (Ievels Al, A2, A3, A4, between 500 and 700 m of altitude), the platform or basal surface of the Plateau ofSanta Comba, between 400 and 500 m (A6 and A5) and the several flats that compond the degradation surface ofthe basal surface (levels Bl, B2, Cl). The Plateau of Santa Comba is the westernmost secror the Fundamental Surface of Galicia, and therefore, it can be correlated with the Fundamental Surface of the Hesperian Massif of the Peninsula. Their etche character (chemical corrosion) is geomorfologicaly evident for the existence of residual forms (inselbergs) conserved on it. They consist of pseudo apalachian reliefs with elear development of rocky platforms and basal carvings, sometimes multiple (flared slopes), and smaller forms, (vasque, tafoni, etc) that are conserved specially well on the older residual reliefs. The layout of the old fluvial network, previous ro the definition of the western Galician Rías, still remains drawn on the basal surface of the Plateau ofSanta Comba. This layout has been partly used by the present Xallas river, although fossil reaches are also conserved, distinguishables for the disproportionate dimensions of the valley compared with the actual secondary net associated ro them. Both in the periphery of the Plateau of Santa Comba and in their interior, they are located the heads ofthe fluvial net generated as aconsequence ofthe opening ofthe Atlantic Ocean and the alpine compression (since Late Mesozoic ro roday). They have affected the old fluvial net by means of processes of captures. Finally, the genesis for etching (chemical corrosion) of the Plateau ofSanta Comba as well as other big forms associated ro it, (Ría de Muros, Meridian Depression and satellite depressions , residual reliefs, etc.) allow us to propose a new genetic model for the reliefofwestern Galicia, more elose ro the postulate forVON RICHTHOFEN (1901), with evacuation of the regolith, and exposing of the etche surfaces (chemical corrosion) for the fluvial activity than to the traditional actual model based on the blocks tecronic

    Neogene evolution of the lower reach of the Tambre river

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    [Abstract] The present paper srudy the evolution of the lower part of the Tambre Basin duting the Neogene. The basin, the fluvial network and a group of features are analyzed, such as the asymmetry of the net, the entrenchement, steps, etc, that are present in the Tambre and also frequent in other fluvial systems of Galicia. Ir is settled down that the current configuration of the fluvial network has been reached after a complex system of captures, with inversion of the drainage directions. Such evolution is not presented like an anecdotic circunstance in the layout ofthe river but rather it is considered a remarkable example ofthe fluvial processes that have contributed to the modeling ofthe present relief of Western Galicia

    Investigación minera por estaño en la reserva nº 146 "Villardeciervos" (Orense)

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    [Resumen] La presente comunicación concierne a los trabajos realizados y resultados obtenidos en la investigación llevada a cabo por ENADIMSA, en la Reserva a favor del Estado na 146, "Villardeciervos". Se investigaron tres zonas de interés potencial que habían sido puestas de manifiesto en trabajos anteriores realizados por el IGME, reflejados en el infonne "Estimación del potencial minero en la zona de Villardevós-(Orense)" (1970). Los resultados fueron considerados negativos en lo que a interés minero se refiere[Abstract] This paper deals with the work and results obtained during the investigation, carried out by ENADIMSA, at "Villadeciervos" state reservation, na 146. Three potentially interesting areas, previously evidenced by studies conducted by the "IGME", which are described in the report: "Estimación del potencial minero en la zona de Villardevós-(Orense)" (1976), were investigated. With respect to mineral potential the results obtamded were considered to be negativ

    Structure and mineralogy of a gold ore body of shear zone origin: the Fosas de Vila ore. La Coruña. Spain

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    [Abstract] This paper studies a shear zone containing a gold-bearing milonitic body, in which, evidences of several mining works are still visible. The geometry of the structure is described, as well as the different evolutive stages of the milonitic body and the mineralizations associated with them

    Roman mining works and gold ore deposits in the San Pedro de Olleros sector (El Bierzo, León)

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    [Abstract] The gold mining in the Bierzo Region, NW Spain had great importance, not only in the well known Las Médulas site, but also in the north sector of El Bierzo Basin, (San Pedro de Olleros Valle de Finolledo). This work have recognised the roman exploitation sites, differentiating the fertile facies within the tertiary sequences. Although no data about ages have still found, an approach to the tectonosedimentary evolutive history is carried out, taking into account the geometry and characteristics of the deposits[Abstract] The gold mining in the Bierzo Region, NW Spain had great importance, not only in the well known Las Médulas site, but also in the north sector of El Bierzo Basin, (San Pedro de Olleros -Valle de Finolledo). This work have recognised the roman exploitation sites, differentiating the fertile facies within the tertiary sequences. Although no data about ages have still found, an approach to the tectonosedimentary evolutive history is carried out, taking into account the geometry and characteristics of the deposit