382 research outputs found

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Endometrium with Extensive Icthyosis Uteri

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    We report a rare case of squamous cell carcinoma of endometrium arising in icthyosis uteri in a 60 years old lady presenting with vaginal bleedin

    Web Page Designing for Academic Libraries in Cyber Age

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    With the explosive growth of web today, libraries in their old concepts are no more in existence. A good and well designed and developed library web page is not only excellent media for publicizing the libra ry functions, activities, programs, resources and services but also helps to bring to the notice of users all significant information which they must know in developing and using their library in the process of time. In this respect, considerable thought should go to determining the kind of information and its presentation on the web. In view of above concepts an attempt is made in this paper to develop a model of web page designing for academic libraries basing on the existing available web pages

    Retrieval with gene queries

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    BACKGROUND: Accuracy of document retrieval from MEDLINE for gene queries is crucially important for many applications in bioinformatics. We explore five information retrieval-based methods to rank documents retrieved by PubMed gene queries for the human genome. The aim is to rank relevant documents higher in the retrieved list. We address the special challenges faced due to ambiguity in gene nomenclature: gene terms that refer to multiple genes, gene terms that are also English words, and gene terms that have other biological meanings. RESULTS: Our two baseline ranking strategies are quite similar in performance. Two of our three LocusLink-based strategies offer significant improvements. These methods work very well even when there is ambiguity in the gene terms. Our best ranking strategy offers significant improvements on three different kinds of ambiguities over our two baseline strategies (improvements range from 15.9% to 17.7% and 11.7% to 13.3% depending on the baseline). For most genes the best ranking query is one that is built from the LocusLink (now Entrez Gene) summary and product information along with the gene names and aliases. For others, the gene names and aliases suffice. We also present an approach that successfully predicts, for a given gene, which of these two ranking queries is more appropriate. CONCLUSION: We explore the effect of different post-retrieval strategies on the ranking of documents returned by PubMed for human gene queries. We have successfully applied some of these strategies to improve the ranking of relevant documents in the retrieved sets. This holds true even when various kinds of ambiguity are encountered. We feel that it would be very useful to apply strategies like ours on PubMed search results as these are not ordered by relevance in any way. This is especially so for queries that retrieve a large number of documents

    Studies on the Extent of Genetic Contamination in Seed Production of Ridge Gourd (Luffa acutangula Roxb.)

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    Studies were conducted during 2002-2005 (Rabi season) to evaluate the extent of genetic contamination in round fruited ridge gourd (recessive) vehen grown for seed production under open field conditions. The round fruited ridge gourd was sown at 200 m, 400 m, 600 m and 800 m distance from Arlia Sumeet (long fruited) which acted as the local marker (dominant). The highest percentage of genetic contamination was recorded at a distance of 200 m from the contaminator (Arka Sumeet) (28.62% and 88.1%, respectively, in the years 2003 and 2005). It was also observed that there was a gradual reduction in contamination level with increasing distance from 28.62 to 17.44% at 600 m distance in 2003 and 88.11% at 800 m to 74.23% in 2005. The lowest percentage of contamination was recorded at the highest isolation distance (at 600 m, 17.44% in 2003 and at 800 m, 74.24% in 2005), although it is not within the prescribed maximum permissible limit of genetic contamination (1 and 2% for foundation and certified seed respectively). In the present study, in all the isolation distances studied, the level of contamination is well above the permissible minimum seed certification standards (99 and 98 % genetic purity for Foundation and Certified seed respectively). Hence, any reduction in the isolation distance from the prescribed (800 m) isolation would drastically affect the genetic purity of ridge gourd for seed production under open field conditions

    Insect species diversity in Tropics: sampling methods and a case study

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    The tropical regions of the world generally have a richer store of biological diversity than other regions of the globe. But most tropical habitats face a significant threat of destruction. Yet, little is known about tropical biotic communities. Suspecting that at least part of the reason for the poor documentation of tropical insect communities is the lack of appropriate research methodology, we have endeavoured to standardize a package of methods for quantitative sampling of insects, suitable for tropical ecologists with modest research budgets. This methodology includes the use of a small light trap as well as net sweeps, pitfall traps and scented traps. The methods have been used to sample insect species diversity patterns in three replicate one hectare plots each in twelve selected sites in the Uttara Kannada district of Kamataka, India. During this case study, we have encountered 16,852 adult individuals belooging to 1,789 species. 219 families and 19 orders of insects. Here, we provide evidence that this methodology is adequate for sampling insects and differentiating habitats on the basis of the distribution of insect species. Some interesting biological problems that tropical ecologists can study with the data generated from the application of these methods are also briefIy illustrated

    Livelihood analysis using wealth ranking tool of PRA

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    The present study was undertaken in Maroorpatti village in Namakkal district of Tamilnadu. From the results o/the livelihood analysis conducted/or the three different categories a/wealth ranking, it may be pointed out that with respect to the size of land holdings the rich farmer had double the size a/the medium and as such large as 10 times that the poor farmer. The rich farmer had an incomparably large number o/cattle with respect to his counterparts. While the rich farmer received monthly income from livestock, the medium farmer, who was thus classified solely by his agricultural land holdings, always expected his agricultural field to boost his monthly income. Furthermore, from the expenditure pal1ern observed, the rich farmer's were inclined to save nearly 35% of their monthly income, while the poor farmers were always in need of 25% loan to meet their monthly needs. As a consequence, the crises analysis indicated that the poor farmer as well as the medium farmer usually takes a loan of 40% towards meeting any calamities faced in their agricultural and livestock sectors

    Studies on Parental Synchronization in Flowering for Hybrid Seed Production in Onion (Allium cepa L.)

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    An experiment was conducted at the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, in Rabi season during 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 to study the flowering of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines CMS (A) and pollinator lines (C) of onion cv. Arka Lalima for working out effective synchrony in hybrid seed production. Results indicated that days to 100% flowering and days to complete flowering in a plant varied significantly in the parental lines and C line was found to be earlier than A line by 12 days and 25 days, respectively. The duration of flowering in a plant was also less in C line (23 days) than in A line (29 days). Due to lack of floral synchrony between parental lines, pollen availability becomes a limiting factor in hybrid seed production in cv. Arka Lalima. Delay in planting of C lines by a week after planting A lines resulted in synchronised flowering of parental lines at peak flowering stage. This also resulted in higher fruit set (80%) and hybrid seed yield (15g/plant) as against planting of A and C lines simultaneously (29.54% and 0.38g, respectively)

    Teknologi Pendidikan sebagai Pembelajaran Kompetitif untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa: Studi Kasus di Salah Satu SMA di Salatiga

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara atau metode yang tepat guna meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di salah satu SMA di Salatiga dengan menggunakan teknologi sebagai sarana perbaikan proses pembelajaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah dengan deskriptif analisis dengan menggunakan instrument angket yang dibagikan secara acak kepada 64 siswa SMA “X”di Salatiga. Teknologi pendidikan merupakan suatu perangkat bantu untuk memfasilitasi proses belajar mengajar supaya lebih efektif, menarik dan efisien, serta dapat membantu guru ataupun siswa untuk mendapatkan materi dengan cepat dan dapat belajar secara mandiri. Teknologi pendidikan dapat berupa audio, visual dan audio visual. Teknologi dalam pendidikan ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan hasil prestasi siswa dan mutu pendidikan yang ada serta menciptakan proses belajar mengajar yang kreatif, inovatif, menarik dan menantang. Penelitian ini memiliki manfaat yaitu untuk mendapatkan metode pembelajaran yang tepat untuk meningkatkan prestasi siswa, sehingga mutu pendidikan di SMA “X”Salatiga dapat meningkat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prestasi belajar (nilai rata-rata siswa) dipengaruhi oleh motivasi dan keuletan siswa dalam belajar, sehinngga metode pembelajaran yang tepat adalah dengan metode pembelajaran yang kompetitif. Dalam penelitian ini didapat beberapa saran untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui metode pembelajaran yang kompetitif dan menggunakan teknologi pendidikan sebagai media pembelajaran. Beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya dengan membuat film, membuat poster dengan menggunakan software yang ada, pembelajaran dengan menggunakan skype atau guru membuat online game yang sesuai dengan materi yang diajarkan

    Ultrasonic Velocity in Some Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes

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    P R A methods for studying the impact of technology adoption in crop and poultry enterprises in a rural village

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    Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods have of late been highly successful in bridging the gap between development functionaries and target groups for whom the development straties and efforts have been focused at. PRA describes a growing family of approaches and methods to enable local people to share, enhance and analyze their knowledge of life and conditions, to plan and to act. (Chambers, 1994)