12 research outputs found

    A review on novel COVID-19: background, etiology, pathogenesis, transmission, prevention and management

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    Mankind's history is watching a bizarre time battling an imperceptible adversary, the novel COVID-19 Coronavirus. At first seen in the Wuhan province of China, presently limitlessly spreading all over world. How the COVID 19 has been made on the globe become Pandemic needs no depiction. The virus has been accounted for affecting the lungs and related respiratory tracts promoting harm of the alveoli. It has been accounted that the respiratory sickness is the prevailing Clinical symptom of COVID-19. This review article discusses an easily understanding of the causes, different type of Human viruses regarded of Coronavirus, clinical diagnosis of RT-PCR, FET, Primary prevention and control of the virus. Therefore, this review article main theme is to provide more reliable and valid information to control and manage public emergency in both acute and chronic conditions of coronaviru

    Preparation and evaluation of adipic dihydrazide cross-linked hyaluronic acid microspheres for cephalexin

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    Hyaluronic acid also called as Hyaluronan, Sodium Hyaluronate (SA), sodium salt form of Hyaluronic acid is a biodegradable, biocompatible, and viscoelastic linear polysaccharide of a wide molecular weight range (1000 to 10,000,000 Da). In this project, described a method for preparing HA microspheres at different pH conditions by adapting a non-toxic and aqueous based crosslinking chemistry for sustained drug delivery of drugs. The derivatization chemistry of HA utilizing adipic dihydrazide has been used to construct hydrogels, applied for microsphere preparation. ADH was coupled efficiently to carbodimide-activated glucoronic acid residues of hyluronans. These ADH modified hyaluronan can be loaded with drug molecules and then cross linked into hydrogel. The drug was present in the bulk of hydrogel droplets which are present in liquid paraffin are precipitated by IPA. Formulating HA microspheres with this method have several advantages. Preliminary studies were conducted to confirm the better ratio of HA and ADH to show maximum entrapment efficiency and drug release. Then microspheres were prepared at different pH conditions and formulations were subjected to evaluation of various parameters like percentage yield, particle size, drug entrapment efficiency, porosity and bulk density, surface morphology, in vitro drug release among which F2B was optimized as best formulation which showed 74.6% entrapment efficiency and above 90% of drug release in 12 hours indicating Hyaluronic acid microspheres can be used as good carriers for sustained drug delivery of drugs

    Ectopic pregnancy: a cause for maternal morbidity

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    Background: Despite the scientific and technological advances maternal morbidity and mortality continue to occur across the globe with regional variation. Ectopic pregnancy is one such cause which contributes to devastating fate of pregnant ladies. Over a period of time there have been variations in the incidence, cause, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy. The objective is to observe variations with respect to incidence, cause, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancyMethods: The present study was a 1year prospective and 1 year retrospective study from Dec 2012 to Nov 2014 at a tertiary medical college in Karnataka.  All diagnosed cases of ectopic pregnancy were enrolled in the study. Statistical methods employed in the present study were contingency table, chi-square test and contingency coefficient analysis (cross tabs procedure).Results: 38 cases were studied during two year period out of which 94.8% were tubal pregnancies, 2.6% each were cervical pregnancy and pregnancy in the rudimentary horn of the uterus. Maximum incidence of tubal gestation was noticed between the age group of 21-30 years (60.1%). 55.2% were nulliparous and 29% were multiparas. Commonest mode of termination was rupture in 57.9% of the cases; tubal abortion was seen with haemoperitoneum in 26.3% of the cases.Conclusions: Ectopic pregnancy remains a significant gynaecologic emergency, delay in diagnosis and treatment can be catastrophic, but early diagnosis and timely treatment can virtually eliminate need for surgical intervention


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    Objective: To develop in-situ gel formulations of Lornoxicam for sustained release to reduce the dosing frequency in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: The method of ion-sensitive in-situ gel formation was used in this study. Lornoxicam in situ gel formulations were prepared by varying concentrations of sodium alginate as a bio-degradable gel-forming polymer, CaCl2 as a cross-linking agent, and chitosan, HPMCK4, HPMCK15, guar gum, gellan gum, xanthan gum, pectin were used as drug release rate controlling polymers. The formulations F11-F18 were assessed for physical appearance, pH, in vitro drug release, viscosity, in vitro gelling capacity, and drug content. FTIR, DSC, and in vivo drug kinetics studies were conducted for lornoxicam pure drug and optimized formulation. Results: Formulations showed an optimum viscosity that will allow ease of administration and swallowing. All formulations were shown pH between 6.7 to 7.3, floating lag time was 2-3 sec and floated for 12 h. In vitro, drug release studies were reporting that commercial sustained release formulation of lornoxicam released 99.92% drug in 8 h, and optimized formulation F11 released 99.52% of the drug over a 12 h extended period. FTIR studies revealed no interaction between drugs and excipients used. The results of in vivo kinetic studies are approving the better performance of the optimized formulation. The Cmax, Tmax, t1/2, and AUC values are confirming the same thing. Conclusion: Lornoxicam oral in situ gel containing chitosan as a drug release controlling polymer is a promising approach for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in a convenient dosage form with better patient compliance and therapeutic response


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    Abstract-Target tracking has its own impact on many applications and also it requires more pay on network design and implementation for both target and Tracking system. In recent years number of vehicle increases gradually, according to the growth of vehicles it is important to monitor the vehicles to avoid many issues related to vehicles, Recent advancement in microcontroller microelectronics -Rf sensing and RF id made possibility of sensing several at a time, Research on hybrid network multi tag algorithm supports and made easy to monitor. This paper presents formulated reasonable solutions regarding vehicle tracking and identification, Ordinary track system incorporates Gsm, Gprs, Gps with some algorithms of Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference of Arrival(TDOA) and Distance measurement by Kalman Filtering (KF), By providing adequate and improvements makes better system than existing. Improvements through proposed methods are exposed with the help of simulation and experiments

    Effect of Weevil Infestation on Maize Seed and Feed Quality at Different Storage Periods

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    In the seed /grain samples collected from six months old stock, the highest mean number (32.33) of rice weevils were recorded in Venkatesh Poultry Feed, Karimnagar and Sanjeev Reddy poultry feed, Nizamabad with per cent damage 14.50 and 13.63 per cent respectively. The significantly highest population of rice weevils were recorded in the one year old samples collected from Sharanya Poultry Feed, Karimnagar (36.00) with per cent damage 13.07 %. Similarly the highest mean population of rice weevils were recorded in MARKFED, Ranga reddy (187.67) with per cent damage 53.33 in samples collected from two years old seed stocks. The data indicate population buildup from six months to one year was not significant but population increased by five to six folds from six months to two years storage duration. Germination percentage of the maize samples collected from different locations from six months, one year and two years old stocks showed negative and highly significant relationship with population of Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (-0.86, 0.92 and 0.99, respectively) and similar trend was observed with its infestation (-0.87, -0.96 and -0.99, respectively). While, moisture content (per cent) of the maize samples of six months, one year and two years old stocks collected from different location showed positive and non significant relationship with population of Sitophilus oryzae (l.) (0.49, 0.51 and 0.78) and with its infestation similar trend was noticed (0.39, 0.46 and 0.80), respectively. The population size of weevils and the storage period are the factors that have the highest influence on seed germination

    In-house preparation, development and evaluation of herbal cosmetics face pack using various natural powders

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    An eco- friendly product has been the primary agenda of 21st century of the global scientists. Herbal cosmetics have growing demand in the global market. The aim of present work is to In-house preparation, development and evaluation of herbal cosmetics face pack using various natural powders for glowing skin by using natural Ingredients. The natural powders used are shade dried commercial turmeric, rice flour, gram flour, rose powder, tomato powder, orange peel powder. Sandalwood powder, milk powder, camphor powder were purchased form local market in the form of dried powder, all powdered natural ingredients were sieved using #120 mesh, weighed accurately and mixed geometrically for uniform preparation and evaluated for parameters including macroscopical, Physiochemical, irritancy, antimicrobial tests along with stability studies. Thus, in this work we formulate herbal face pack by using easily available ingredients. After evaluation, we found good flow properties, free from skin irritation and maintained proper stability storage conditions. Results of this study scientifically verified that herbal face pack having enough potential to give efficient glowing effect on skin. The overall study is useful to substantiate product claims due to its benefits on the human being. Keywords: herbal cosmetics, turmeric, Sandalwood powder, orange peel powde

    Ectopic pregnancy: a cause for maternal morbidity

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    Background: Despite the scientific and technological advances maternal morbidity and mortality continue to occur across the globe with regional variation. Ectopic pregnancy is one such cause which contributes to devastating fate of pregnant ladies. Over a period of time there have been variations in the incidence, cause, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy. The objective is to observe variations with respect to incidence, cause, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancyMethods: The present study was a 1year prospective and 1 year retrospective study from Dec 2012 to Nov 2014 at a tertiary medical college in Karnataka.  All diagnosed cases of ectopic pregnancy were enrolled in the study. Statistical methods employed in the present study were contingency table, chi-square test and contingency coefficient analysis (cross tabs procedure).Results: 38 cases were studied during two year period out of which 94.8% were tubal pregnancies, 2.6% each were cervical pregnancy and pregnancy in the rudimentary horn of the uterus. Maximum incidence of tubal gestation was noticed between the age group of 21-30 years (60.1%). 55.2% were nulliparous and 29% were multiparas. Commonest mode of termination was rupture in 57.9% of the cases; tubal abortion was seen with haemoperitoneum in 26.3% of the cases.Conclusions: Ectopic pregnancy remains a significant gynaecologic emergency, delay in diagnosis and treatment can be catastrophic, but early diagnosis and timely treatment can virtually eliminate need for surgical intervention