2,234 research outputs found

    Mammographic image restoration using maximum entropy deconvolution

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    An image restoration approach based on a Bayesian maximum entropy method (MEM) has been applied to a radiological image deconvolution problem, that of reduction of geometric blurring in magnification mammography. The aim of the work is to demonstrate an improvement in image spatial resolution in realistic noisy radiological images with no associated penalty in terms of reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio perceived by the observer. Images of the TORMAM mammographic image quality phantom were recorded using the standard magnification settings of 1.8 magnification/fine focus and also at 1.8 magnification/broad focus and 3.0 magnification/fine focus; the latter two arrangements would normally give rise to unacceptable geometric blurring. Measured point-spread functions were used in conjunction with the MEM image processing to de-blur these images. The results are presented as comparative images of phantom test features and as observer scores for the raw and processed images. Visualization of high resolution features and the total image scores for the test phantom were improved by the application of the MEM processing. It is argued that this successful demonstration of image de-blurring in noisy radiological images offers the possibility of weakening the link between focal spot size and geometric blurring in radiology, thus opening up new approaches to system optimization.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Synthesis and Analysis of Entangled Photonic Qubits in Spatial-Parity Space

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    We present the novel embodiment of a photonic qubit that makes use of one continuous spatial degree of freedom of a single photon and relies on the the parity of the photon's transverse spatial distribution. Using optical spontaneous parametric downconversion to produce photon pairs, we demonstrate the controlled generation of entangled-photon states in this new space. Specifically, two Bell states, and a continuum of their superpositions, are generated by simple manipulation of a classical parameter, the optical-pump spatial parity, and not by manipulation of the entangled photons themselves. An interferometric device, isomorphic in action to a polarizing beam splitter, projects the spatial-parity states onto an even--odd basis. This new physical realization of photonic qubits could be used as a foundation for future experiments in quantum information processing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Topological phase for spin-orbit transformations on a laser beam

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    We investigate the topological phase associated with the double connectedness of the SO(3) representation in terms of maximally entangled states. An experimental demonstration is provided in the context of polarization and spatial mode transformations of a laser beam carrying orbital angular momentum. The topological phase is evidenced through interferometric measurements and a quantitative relationship between the concurrence and the fringes visibility is derived. Both the quantum and the classical regimes were investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spitzer Space Telescope Spectroscopy of Ices toward Low-Mass Embedded Protostars

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    Sensitive 5-38 ÎĽm Spitzer Space Telescope and ground-based 3-5 ÎĽm spectra of the embedded low-mass protostars B5 IRS1 and HH 46 IRS show deep ice absorption bands superposed on steeply rising mid-infrared continua. The ices likely originate in the circumstellar envelopes. The CO_2 bending mode at 15 ÎĽm is a particularly powerful tracer of the ice composition and processing history. Toward these protostars, this band shows little evidence for thermal processing at temperatures above 50 K. Signatures of lower temperature processing are present in the CO and OCN^- bands, however. The observed CO2 profile indicates an intimate mixture with H_(2)O, but not necessarily with CH_(3)OH, in contrast to some high-mass protostars. This is consistent with the low CH_(3)OH abundance derived from the ground-based L-band spectra. The CO_2 : H_(2)O column density ratios are high in both B5 IRS1 and HH 46 IRS (~35%). Clearly, the Spitzer spectra are essential for studying ice evolution in low-mass protostellar environments and for eventually determining the relation between interstellar and solar system ices

    A Catalog of Background Stars Reddened by Dust in the Taurus Dark Clouds

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    Normal field stars located behind dense clouds are a valuable resource in interstellar astrophysics, as they provide continua in which to study phenomena such as gas-phase and solid-state absorption features, interstellar extinction and polarization. This paper reports the results of a search for highly reddened stars behind the Taurus Dark Cloud complex. We use the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Point Source Catalog to survey a 50 sq deg area of the cloud to a limiting magnitude of K = 10.0. Photometry in the 1.2-2.2 micron passbands from 2MASS is combined with photometry at longer infrared wavelengths (3.6-12 micron) from the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite to provide effective discrimination between reddened field stars and young stellar objects (YSOs) embedded in the cloud. Our final catalog contains 248 confirmed or probable background field stars, together with estimates of their total visual extinctions, which span the range 2-29 mag. We also identify the 2MASS source J04292083+2742074 (IRAS 04262+2735) as a previously unrecognized candidate YSO, based on the presence of infrared emission greatly in excess of that predicted for a normal reddened photosphere at wavelengths >5 microns

    Local light-ray rotation

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    We present a sheet structure that rotates the local ray direction through an arbitrary angle around the sheet normal. The sheet structure consists of two parallel Dove-prism sheets, each of which flips one component of the local direction of transmitted light rays. Together, the two sheets rotate transmitted light rays around the sheet normal. We show that the direction under which a point light source is seen is given by a Mobius transform. We illustrate some of the properties with movies calculated by ray-tracing software.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Mini-Survey Of SDSS of [OIII] AGN With Swift

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    The number of AGN and their luminosity distribution are crucial parameters for our understanding of the AGN phenomenon. Recent work (e.g. Ferrarese and Merritt 2000) strongly suggests every massive galaxy has a central black hole. However, most of these objects either are not radiating or have been very difficult to detect. We are now in the era of large surveys, and the luminosity function (LF) of AGN has been estimated in various ways. In the X-ray band, Chandra and XMM surveys (e.g., Barger et al. 2005; Hasinger, et al. 2005) have revealed that the LF of Hard X-ray selected AGN shows a strong luminosity-dependent evolution with a dramatic break towards low L(x) (at al z). This is seen for all types of AGN, but is stronger for the broad-line objects (e.g., Steffen et al. 2004). In sharp contrast, the local LF of optically-selected samples shows no such break and no differences between narrow and broad-line objects (Hao et al. 2005). If, as been suggested, hard X-ray and optical emission line can both be fair indicators of AGN activity, it is important to first understand how reliable these characteristics are if we hope to understand the apparent discrepancy in the LFs

    The structure of the jet in 3C 15 from multi-band polarimetry

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    We investigate the structure of the kpc-scale jet in the nearby (z = 0.073) radio galaxy 3C 15, using new optical Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ACS/F606W polarimetry together with archival multi-band HST imaging, Chandra X-ray data and 8.4 GHz VLA radio polarimetry. The new data confirm that synchrotron radiation dominates in the optical. With matched beams, the jet is generally narrower in the optical than in the radio, suggesting a stratified flow. We examine a simple two-component model comprising a highly relativistic spine and lower-velocity sheath. This configuration is broadly consistent with polarization angle differences seen in the optical and radio data. The base of the jet is relatively brighter in the ultraviolet and X-ray than at lower energies, and the radio and optical polarization angles vary significantly as the jet brightens downstream. Further out, the X-ray intensity rises again and the apparent magnetic field becomes simpler, indicating a strong shock. Modelling the synchrotron spectrum of this brightest X-ray knot provides an estimate of its minimum internal pressure, and a comparison with the thermal pressure from X-ray emitting gas shows that the knot is overpressured and likely to be a temporary, expanding feature.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA
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