5 research outputs found

    Robotically driven construction of buildings: Exploring on-demand building components production

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    Robotically Driven Construction of Buildings (RDCB) is an exploration into design to production solutions for robotically driven construction of buildings initiated by the faculties of Civil Engineering and Architecture, TU Delft and Architecture, TU Eindhoven and implemented 2014 within the 3TU Lighthouse framework. The aim of was to involve the disciplines of architecture, robotics, materials science, and structural design in order to integrate knowledge from the individual disciplines and develop new numerically controlled manufacturing techniques and building-design optimisation methods for adding creative value to buildings in a cost-effective and sustainable way.RDCB builds up on expertise developed at Hyperbody with respect to applications of robotics in architecture and this paper presents the contribution of the Robotic Building team from Hyperbody, Faculty of Architecture, TU Delft to the RDCB project. The contribution is in line with Europe’s aim to improve material and energy efficiency of buildings and efficiency of construction processes. Robotically driven construction and customised building materials have the potential to realise this in a cost-effective way and at the same time reduce accidents and health hazards for workers in the building sector. In order to achieve this RDCB is distributing materials as needed and where needed. This requires exploration of a variety of techniques and implies working with customised materials and techniques while finding the best methods of applying materials in the logic of specific force flows or thermal dissipation patterns.RDCB advances multi- and trans-disciplinary knowledge in robotically driven construction by designing and engineering new building systems for the on-demand production of customisable building components (Bier, 2014). The main consideration is that in architecture and building construction the factory of the future employs building materials and components that can be on site robotically processed and assembled

    Selected problems in differential geometry

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    This thesis covers an overview and solution to selected problems in the differential geometry of plane curves. It focuses mainly on calculating areas of regions bounded by plane curves and also on evolutes, involutes and related trochoids and their properties. The work also provides a self-contained theoretical introduction to the differential geome- try of plane curves. Some ideas and mathematical derivations obtained from the original publications were further expanded and generalized by the author. All derivations men- tioned in the work are given in a uniform convention, which should make it easier for the reader to orientate and find relations between the topics discussed. The thesis can be used as a study support for students of bachelor's courses in geometry or specifically for students with a focus on descriptive geometry. 1Tato diplomová práce obsahuje přehled a řešení vybraných úloh z diferenciální ge- ometrie rovinných křivek. Největší pozornost je věnována výpočtům obsahů rovinných oblastí ohraničených rovinnými křivkami a dále evolutám, evolventám a jim příbuzným trochoidám a jejich vlastnostem. Práce také obsahuje ucelený teoretický úvod do diferen- ciální geometrie rovinných křivek. Některé myšlenky a matematická odvození převzatá z původních publikací byly autorem dále rozšířeny a zobecněny. Veškerá odvození uve- dená v práci jsou podána v jednotné konvenci, což usnadní čtenáři orientaci a hledání souvislostí mezi diskutovanými tématy. Práce může najít využití jako studijní podpora studentům bakalářských kurzů geometrie nebo speciálně posluchačům studia se zaměře- ním na deskriptivní geometrii. 1Department of Mathematics EducationKatedra didaktiky matematikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    The Representational Variant of the Force Concept Inventory

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    The goal of this bachelor thesis was to translate the Representative variant of the force concept inventory test (R-FCI), which is used to diagnose preconceptions about force and motion of secondary school pupils, into Czech. In addition, the test was conducted in several classes at various czech secondary schools and was also given to the students of physics with specialization in education at the Faculty of mathematics and physics, Charles university in Prague. The participants were given the test before and after the basics of newtonian mechanics were discussed in class. The results of the survey were processed and used to discuss pupils'misconceptions and the success of their suppression as a result of teaching. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the R-FCI test and the way the survey results are processed. The second part presents and interprets the results of individual groups in which the test was conducted. The third part consists of discussion of the most frequent pupils' misconceptions and of the success of their identification using the R-FCI test. Finally, the results of the survey are compared with the research conducted by P. Nieminen, A. Savinainen and J. Viiri in 2010.V rámci bakalářské práce byl přeložen do češtiny test Representational variant of the force concept inventory (R-FCI), který slouží k diagnostikování prekoncepcí o síle a pohybu u žáků středních škol. Dále byl prostřednictvím tohoto testu proveden průzkum v několika třídách na českých středních školách a v prvním ročníku oboru fyziky se zaměřením na vzdělávání na MFF UK. Test byl zadán před započetím výuky dynamiky a po jejím ukončení. Výsledky průzkumu byly zpracovány a využity k diskuzi žákovských miskoncepcí a úspěšnosti jejich potlačení při školní výuce. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. V první části je představen test R-FCI a způsob zpracování výsledků průzkumu. Ve druhé části jsou uvedeny a interpretovány výsledky jednotlivých skupin studentů, kterým byl test zadán. Ve třetí části je dále uvedena diskuze nejčastějších přetrvávajících žákovských miskoncepcí a úspěšnosti jejich identifikace pomocí testu R-FCI a porovnání výsledků průzkumu s výsledky průzkumu provedeného P. Nieminenem, A. Savinainenem a J. Viirim roku 2010.Department of Physics EducationKatedra didaktiky fyzikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    The Representational Variant of the Force Concept Inventory

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    The goal of this bachelor thesis was to translate the Representative variant of the force concept inventory test (R-FCI), which is used to diagnose preconceptions about force and motion of secondary school pupils, into Czech. In addition, the test was conducted in several classes at various czech secondary schools and was also given to the students of physics with specialization in education at the Faculty of mathematics and physics, Charles university in Prague. The participants were given the test before and after the basics of newtonian mechanics were discussed in class. The results of the survey were processed and used to discuss pupils'misconceptions and the success of their suppression as a result of teaching. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the R-FCI test and the way the survey results are processed. The second part presents and interprets the results of individual groups in which the test was conducted. The third part consists of discussion of the most frequent pupils' misconceptions and of the success of their identification using the R-FCI test. Finally, the results of the survey are compared with the research conducted by P. Nieminen, A. Savinainen and J. Viiri in 2010

    Selected problems in differential geometry

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    This thesis covers an overview and solution to selected problems in the differential geometry of plane curves. It focuses mainly on calculating areas of regions bounded by plane curves and also on evolutes, involutes and related trochoids and their properties. The work also provides a self-contained theoretical introduction to the differential geome- try of plane curves. Some ideas and mathematical derivations obtained from the original publications were further expanded and generalized by the author. All derivations men- tioned in the work are given in a uniform convention, which should make it easier for the reader to orientate and find relations between the topics discussed. The thesis can be used as a study support for students of bachelor's courses in geometry or specifically for students with a focus on descriptive geometry.