585 research outputs found

    Fostering Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility in Higher Education: The Case of Tor Vergata University of Rome

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    In the panorama of international strategies and commitments to sustainability, education is central to the pursuit of sustainable development. Educational institutions at all levels are playing a new role in promoting values and ideals linked to sustainable behavioral models. These models can face the complexity of reality in a cooperative, active and responsible way, leading to a vision for solidarity and progress. In this context, universities face huge challenges. They must recognize the changes happening in society and change accordingly. Universities are therefore increasingly required to actively introduce attitudes and behaviors that favor sustainable development and involve the entire academic community in this process. This paper aims to define the role of universities in sustainable development. As well as training professionals, their roles and responsibilities mean that they strongly influence the societies in which they operate. To become sustainable and ensure that their respective territories follow suit, universities must change internally and initiate systemic processes to engage all members of their communities. Moreover, dynamic bottom-up models of learning and dissemination of environmental sustainability and social responsibility should aim to encourage students to be active inside and outside their universities. After a detailed literature review, this paper explores how sustainable development should be used in educational paths as well as didactic activities to influence the way students think, act and engage within their academic communities. Based on the objective of this work, the case of the Tor Vergata University of Rome is used to describe the results of the active change

    Sustainability and Large-Scale Events: The Case of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy and the Application of Sustainable Development Goals

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    Large-scale events, which are characterised by a dynamic complexity involving different national public administrations and institutional levels, require special attention in order to select adequate event management systems. Consequently, the analysis of a best practice event may be useful to identify the main variables, in terms of sustainable strategic planning, execution and control –required to achieve the greatest level of efficiency with regard to cost optimisation and quality of service delivery– along with exhorting the public sector to seek a structural renovation that makes better use of its available resources and fosters global sustainable growth. From this perspective, one such relevant experience has been the Italian case of the 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, coordinated by the Prefect of Rome. Indeed, the latter decided to adopt actions consistent with sustainability standards due to an inter-institutional network design and the engagement of institutions at different levels. Within a very short period, the Prefect of Rome achieved three main results: the coordination of the activities of the working groups, the integration of internal and external surveillance and communication systems, and collaboration with higher education institutions to acquire and disseminate knowledge. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to describe and analyse this best practice event organised and managed by the Italian public administration with reference to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To systemise and combine the outcomes of these processes, as well as to evaluate whether they were consistent with sustainable development, the systems thinking technique was used. This paper explores the concept of sustainable development and focuses on its traditional social, environmental and economic pillars within the context of planned events such as the 2016 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

    Musique, numérisation, loi HADOPI : analyse d’une controverse dans les médias français

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    Cette recherche porte sur la controverse médiatique entourant le projet de loi HADOPI en France, à compter du dépôt du rapport Olivennes en novembre 2007 jusqu’à son adoption définitive en octobre 2009, loi qui vise à développer l’offre légale d’œuvres culturelles sur Internet, en régulant les pratiques de téléchargement. Durant ces deux années, HADOPI a fait l’objet de maintes discussions, de débats et de négociations sur les activités des internautes ayant recours à ces nouveaux modes de consommation de la musique sur Internet, entre autres. L’étude porte sur un corpus d’articles journalistiques des principales institutions médiatiques françaises, tant la presse généraliste quotidienne qu’hebdomadaire. Son cadre théorique s’inspire essentiellement des travaux du sociologue français Michel Callon et sa notion de cadrage (framing) qui suppose qu’un problème identifié à un environnement donné est avant tout défini et pris en charge par des acteurs spécifiques à cet environnement. Je défends l’idée que l’adoption définitive de la loi HADOPI repose sur un processus de négociations complexe, dont les points de vue dans les discours de presse semblent être organisés en deux camps par les médias, les « pour » et les « contre ». La définition de la situation du point de vue d’un « camp » comme de l’autre évoque les principaux constats de la controverse médiatique selon les intervenants concernés.This research explores the media controversy about the HADOPI law project in France, from its inception in November 2007 until its final adoption in October 2009, in particular surrounding illegal downloading activity. During those two years, HADOPI was the subject of a series of discussions, debates, arguments and negotiations about those activities. This study analyzes media articles from major French media institutions using popular papers from the daily and weekly press. The theoretical framework is based on Michel Callon’s notion of framing, according to which an issue identified in a specific context is defined by specific actors from this environment. I also argue that the adoption of the HADOPI law was the result of a complex process of negotiation, and the points of view are split into pros and cons camps for and against, by each media outlet. The definition of the context from one camp or the other presents the media controversy’s assessments from the actors involved


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    In the panorama of international strategies and commitments to sustainability, education is central to the pursuit of sustainable development. Educational institutions at all levels are playing a new role in promoting values and ideals linked to sustainable behavioral models. These models can face the complexity of reality in a cooperative, active and responsible way, leading to a vision for solidarity and progress. In this context, universities face huge challenges. They must recognize the changes happening in society and change accordingly. Universities are therefore increasingly required to actively introduce attitudes and behaviors that favor sustainable development and involve the entire academic community in this process. This paper aims to define the role of universities in sustainable development. As well as training professionals, their roles and responsibilities mean that they strongly influence the societies in which they operate. To become sustainable and ensure that their respective territories follow suit, universities must change internally and initiate systemic processes to engage all members of their communities. Moreover, dynamic bottom-up models of learning and dissemination of environmental sustainability and social responsibility should aim to encourage students to be active inside and outside their universities. After a detailed literature review, this paper explores how sustainable development should be used in educational paths as well as didactic activities to influence the way students think, act and engage within their academic communities. Based on the objective of this work, the case of the Tor Vergata University of Rome is used to describe the results of the active change

    Boas práticas para a implantação de sistemas silvipastoris.

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    An Intelligent Predictive Algorithm for the Anti-Rollover Prevention of Heavy Vehicles for Off-Road Applications

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    Rollover detection and prevention are among the most critical aspects affecting the stability and safety assessment of heavy vehicles, especially for off-road driving applications. This topic has been studied in the past and analyzed in depth in terms of vehicle modelling and control algorithms design able to prevent the rollover risk. However, it still represents a serious problem for automotive carmakers due to the huge counts among the main causes for traffic accidents. The risk also becomes more challenging to predict for off-road heavy vehicles, for which the incipient rollover might be triggered by external factors, i.e., road irregularities, bank angles as well as by aggressive input from the driver. The recent advances in road profile measurement and estimation systems make road-preview-based algorithms a viable solution for the rollover detection. This paper describes a model-based formulation to analytically evaluate the load transfer dynamics and its variation due to the presence of road perturbations, i.e., road bank angle and irregularities. An algorithm to detect and predict the rollover risk for heavy vehicles is also presented, even in presence of irregular road profiles, with the calculation of the ISO-LTR Predictive Time through the Phase-Plane analysis. Furthermore, the artificial intelligence techniques, based on the recurrent neural network approach, is also presented as a preliminary solution for a realistic implementation of the methodology. The paper finally assess the efficacy of the proposed rollover predictive algorithm by providing numerical results from the simulation of the most severe maneuvers in realistic off-road driving scenarios, also demonstrating its promising predictive capabilities

    A Análise da isenção de Imposto De Renda sobre proventos de aposentadoria ou reforma na ADI 6.025/DF

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    A jurisprudência que será analisada neste trabalho é a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) nº 6.025/DF julgada pelo plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) no dia 20 de abril de 2020. Nesta ocasião, o Tribunal entendeu ser constitucional o artigo 6º, inciso XIV da Lei nº 7.713 que fixa a isenção de imposto de renda sobre proventos de aposentadoria ou reforma motivada por acidente em serviço e os percebidos pelos portadores de moléstia profissional, tuberculose ativa, alienação mental, esclerose múltipla, neoplasia maligna, cegueira, hanseníase, paralisia irreversível e incapacitante, cardiopatia grave, doença de Parkinson, espondiloartrose anquilosante, nefropatia grave, hepatopatia grave, estados avançados da doença de Paget (osteíte deformante), contaminação por radiação, síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida, com base em conclusão da medicina especializada, mesmo que a doença tenha sido contraída depois da aposentadoria ou reforma (BRASIL, 1988a). Estas enfermidades são consideradas graves tanto pela doutrina, a exemplo de Leandro Paulsen (2019), quanto pela lei e pela jurisprudência, conforme será entendido a seguir

    Padrão de atividade temporal e uso do habitat por Crax Globulosa e Pauxi Tuberosa em floresta de várzea e terra firme na Amazônia brasileira

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    The evaluation of how species use habitat in areas well conserved is an important tool to understand their ecological niches. In this study, we aimed to determine the diel activity pattern and how inundation height, distance to the nearest water body, number of feline records and presence of baits influence habitat use by two curassow species, Crax globulosa and Pauxi tuberosa, in flooded and unflooded forests in Amazonia. Camera-trap stations were installed in the dry season, during five consecutive years in the flooded forest and three years in unflooded forest. The diel activity patterns of the species in the flooded forest were similar, as they were in flooded and unflooded forest. The number of feline records did not affect curassow distribution in any of the studied environments. However, in unflooded forest, P. tuberosa used sites with baits more often, whereas C. globulosa in flooded florest was more frequently recorded where inundation was shallow. Further, in flooded forest, both species responded to distance to the nearest water body, but in opposite ways: C. globulosa used more often sites near water bodies and P. tuberosa was recorded more often away from water bodies. These results suggest that there is no temporal partitioning in habitat use between the studied curassow species. Rather, the species tend to segregate spatially in response to the distribution of water bodies, possibly reflecting variation in available resources. This study allowed to increase the knowledge of the ecological niche and habitat use by C. globulosa and P. tuberosa, besides providing the first information about iterespecific relation of these species in the Brazilian Amazonian forest.A avaliação de como cracídeos usam o habitat em áreas ainda bem conservadas é uma importante ferramenta para compreender sobre seu nicho ecológico. Neste estudo, objetivamos determinar o padrão de atividade temporal e como a altura da inundação, distancia de um corpo hídrico, registro de felídeos e o uso de isca associadas a camera traps influenciam o uso do habitat por Crax globulosa e Pauxi tuberosa em áreas de várzea e terra firme. As armadilhas fotográficas foram instaladas no período de seca, durante cinco anos consecutivos na várzea e três anos na terra firme. O padrão de atividade temporal das espécies na várzea foram semelhantes, assim como entre várzea e terra firme. O numero de registro de felinos não afetou a distribuição de cracídeos nos ambientes estudados. No entanto, na floresta de terra firme, P. tuberosa utilizou locais com iscas com mais freqüência, enquanto na várzea, C. globulosa respondeu de forma negativa a altura da inundação. Além disso, na várzea ambas as espécies responderam à distância ao corpo hídrico mais próximo, mas de maneiras opostas: C. globulosa usou áreas mais próximas a corpos de água e P. tuberosa foi registrada mais frequentemente longe dos corpos de água. Os resultados sugerem que não há divisão temporal no uso do habitat entre as espécies de cracídeos estudadas. Em vez disso, as espécies tendem a segregar espacialmente em resposta à distância dos corpos d'água, possivelmente refletindo a variação na obtenção dos recursos disponíveis. Os achados deste estudo permitiram ampliar o conhecimento do nicho ecológico e uso do habitat por C. globulosa e P. tuberosa e forneceu as primeiras informações na Amazônia brasileira sobre a relação interespecífica das espécie
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