2,963 research outputs found

    Measures to promote renewable energy for electricity generation in Algeria

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    Algeria has enormous renewable energy potential. However, fossil fuels remain the main electricity generation source, and the country is the third largest CO2 emitter in Africa. Algeria is also particularly vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, a set of actions related to energy, forests, industry and waste sectors have been programmed, over the period 2015–2030, and the government action program has given priority to promote renewable energy. In this sense, Algeria is committed to significantly promote investment in renewable energy, during the period 2020–2030. Thus by 2030, renewable electricity production capacity will achieve 22,000 MW, representing 27% of total electricity generation. This paper analyzes the electricity generation measures implemented in Algeria to reach the required energy mix, the legislative framework, financial aid, the feed-in tariff system, the tax incentives, and the tender and auctions undertaken. The analyses reveal that, although the electricity price premium policy has not been revoked, the newly enacted tender scheme is designed to become the standard procedure for launching renewable energy projects in Algeria in the coming years

    Residential electricity consumption and economic growth in Algeria

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    Within the framework of the COP21 (Conference of the Parties) agreement, Algeria submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution pledging to reduce carbon emissions by at least 7% by 2030. However, it will be a difficult task to reach this target as total final energy consumption has increased 32% from 2010 to 2014, with the major energy increases being related to electricity use in the residential sector. In this context, the relationship between residential electricity consumption and income is analyzed for Algeria in the period 1970–2013, by estimating a residential electricity consumption per capita demand function which depends on GDP per capita, its squared and cubed terms, the electricity prices, and the goods and services imports. An extended Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) was adopted to consider the different growth patterns registered in the evolution of GDP. The estimate results show that the relationships between electricity use and GDP (in per capita terms) present an inverted N-shape, with the second turning point having been reached. Therefore, promoting growth in Algeria could be convenient to reduce the electricity consumption, as a higher income level may allow the use of more efficient appliances. Additionally, renewable energies may be adequate to increase the electricity production in order to cover the increasing residential demand.Junta de Andalucía proyecto SEJ-132Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España, Cátedra de Economía de la Energía y del Medio Ambiente (Cátedra de Energía y Economía Ambiental) ECO2014-56399-

    The relationships between total, electricity and biofuels residential energy consumption and income in Latin America and the Caribbean Countries

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    Controlling residential energy consumption in Latino America and the Caribbean countries is crucial to reduce CO2 emissions, as it has an important energy-saving potential, and its environmental controls are difficult to displace offshore. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between residential energy consumption and income for 22 Latin America and the Caribbean countries in the period 1990-2013. For this purpose, residential energy environmental Kuznets curves (EKC) are estimated by taking into account the heterogeneity among the countries by including two control variables: one representing the possible effect of urbanization on residential energy use and the second representing the possible effect of petrol production. The EKC are estimated for total residential energy consumption, for residential electricity consumption and for biofuels and waste energy consumption. The elasticities of total, electricity and biofuels residential energy consumption with respect to income are calculated for each year and country, analyzing the different behavior between countries. Obtained results show that the EKC hypothesis is confirmed for the residential sector when the biofuels energy consumption is considered. Moreover, the results also show that the turning point has been reached in some countries. Nevertheless, the EKC is not confirmed when electricity or total residential energy consumption is considered. Thus, for total residential energy consumption, the elasticity is always positive, growing also as the income does. For electricity energy consumption, the elasticity is also always positive, since although the elasticity decreases until a threshold, from an per capita income value it begins to grow

    La ejecución de la obligación de entrega en el contrato de suministro en el ACM

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    El contrato de suministro no tiene regulación propia en las normas de la contratación privada. El ACM lo incorporará al elenco de contratos que regulan el intercambio de bienes como un contrato afín a la compraventa con la que tiene muchísimas conexiones. La principal obligación del suministrador - suministrar – puede identificarse con la obligación de entrega de los bienes en la compraventa si bien tiene algunas características propias derivadas del carácter de ejecución continuada del contrato. A estas especialidades recogidas en el texto proyectado dedicaremos este estudio

    Renewable energy in Latin America

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    Proyecto RTI 2018-096725-B-100 financiado por MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 y por “FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa” Proyecto US1260925 financiado por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y a la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía, dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020.Since the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015, signatory countries have been adopting commitments to promote the use of renewable energy. Among the signatory countries, those of Latin America have stood out for the high percentage of renewables in their energy mix and their commitment to continue advancing towards energy decarbonization. This commitment implies the need to adequately recognize the starting point of renewable energy consumption in the region, and its relationship with the population and regional production. This study analyzes the evolution of renewable energy consumption in the Latin American region and its member countries, in relation to the Worldwide position, from 1993 to 2018. For this, the direct consumption of renewable energies and the energy used to generate electricity and heat, have been considered. These values are analyzed in Worldwide per capita and per unit production terms. The results show that the Latin American region has a higher percentage of renewables in its energy mix than Worldwide, with this percentage being even higher when considering only the consumption of renewable energies of indirect origin. Brazil stands out for the share of its renewable consumption. In terms of per capita renewable energy consumption, Latin America presents higher values than those achieved Worldwide, with a growing trend throughout the studied period. The renewable energy intensity is also higher in Latin America, with a decreasing trend, as experienced Worldwide.MCIN/AEI 10.13039/501100011033 y FEDER RTI 2018-096725-B-10Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía US126092

    Tourism and hospitality sector electricity use: evidences from 12 EU countries

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    At the Paris Conference of the Parties (COP21) in 2015, 195 countries agreed to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change. Along this line, the EU is committed to a 40% reduction in their domestic greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This new target represents a significant progression beyond its existing 20% emission reduction commitment by 2020. Thus, greater efforts will be needed affecting all productive sectors in order to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption. In order to reach this ambitious target, new measures affecting all economic sectors would be needed. This paper focuses on the tourism sector. This aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between tourist overnight stays and the hospitality sector electricity consumption. These relationships are studied for 12 EU countries during the period 2005-2012, accordingly with the available data. With this aim, econometric panel data techniques are used in order to estimate an electricity consumption function for the hospitality sector which depends on tourism, income, price and climate variables. The Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis is also tested. An Energy-tourism Kuznets Curve would show that increasing earnings from tourism will bring about reduced electricity consumption from a threshold point, which could be related to the fact that more earnings could imply undertaking more energy efficiency measures

    Tourism and economic growth: a meta-analysis of panel data studies

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    Although for decades it has been acknowledged that tourism likely contributes to economic growth, theoretical models that consider a causal relationship between both are a recent phenomenon. From a sample of 11 studies based on panel data techniques published through to 2011, and for a total of 87 heterogeneous estimations, a metaanalysis is performed by applying models for both fixed and random effects, with the main objective being to calculate a summary measure of the effects of tourism on economic growth. While the results obtained point to a positive elasticity between economic growth and tourism, the magnitude of the effect was found to vary according to the methodological procedure employed in the original studies for empirical estimations

    Rol femenino en las películas de Walt Disney

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    La investigación se centra en el estudio de la figura femenina con la clara finalidad de degradar al género. El foco de atención se realizará sobre la famosa productora Walt Disney, como consecuencia de la monopolización que ejercía en la industria cinematográfica y más concretamente en la animación. Walt Disney fue exhortado por las instituciones militares y políticas de EEUU a firmar contratos para producir cortos y películas de educación de la ciudadanía, aunque, como veremos a lo largo de este estudio, también realizó algunas producciones por iniciativa propia siempre con el mismo objetivo. ¿Qué importancia tiene el comportamiento de las princesas Disney? Será objeto de estudio cortos y películas de Walt Disney, y por ende, también de Pixar. Analizaremos títulos como Ralph rompe internet (2018), Mulan (1998), Blancanieves (1937). Aquí veremos la evolución de la mujer más detalladamente, por escenas. Destacaremos frases y momentos del papel sumiso y ligado a un príncipe azul, así como de mujeres que se dedican a coser, cocinar, cantar…Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodism

    Co2 emission and economic growth in Algeria

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    Algeria is one of the most important CO2 emitters among developing countries and the third among African countries. It pledged to curb carbon emissions by at least 7% by 2030. However, complying with this target may be a difficult task without compromising economic growth. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth in Algeria, taking into account energy use, electricity consumption, exports and imports. The validity of the EKC hypothesis, throughout the period from 1970 to 2010, is tested by using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag model extended to introduce the break points. Results confirm the EKC for Algeria. Nevertheless, the turning point is reached for a very high GDP per capita value, indicating that economic growth in Algeria will continue to increase emissions. Results also indicate that an increase in energy use and electricity consumption increase CO2 emissions, and that exports and imports affect them negatively and positively, respectively. Therefore, it is necessary to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency policies. Regulatory reforms are needed to facilitate foreign investments with which to carry out these policies. Likewise, it may be appropriate to decrease subsides in energy prices to encourage energy efficiency.Cátedra de economía de la energía y del medio ambiente (Universidad de Sevilla)Fundación Roger TornéMinisterio de economía y competitividad (España) ECO 2014-56399-R. Claves para Desacoplar Crecimiento y Emisiones de Co2 en Españ

    How do macroeconomics’ students assess the use of digital learning resources? A post-pandemic analysis.

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    This study analyses student assessment outcomes on three types of Digital Learning Resources created for online teaching of Macroeconomics during the Covid-19 pandemic: digital teaching notes, digital PowerPoint presentations and short videos of complex graphics. Results indicate that all Digital Learning Resources offered to the students are positively assessed in terms of quality, use intensity, utility and general assessment. Digital notes are significantly the most highly rated, which seems to indicate a preference for traditional learning resources. Additionally, our analysis shows that the intensity of Internet use and study time constitute significant factors in explaining the students' higher perception of the teaching notes, compared to the other learning resources. Student gender is not a significant factor to explain the students’ assessments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech