78 research outputs found

    Computational protein design (fully automated) package macro for CHARMM

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    <p>Please cite:</p> <p>Suarez, M., Tortosa, P. & Jaramillo, A. PROTDES: CHARMM toolbox for computational protein design. Syst Synth Biol 2, 105–113 (2008)</p

    Cumulative number of publications investigating <i>Leptospira</i> infection in bats over the past 75 years.

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    <p>Cumulative number of publications investigating <i>Leptospira</i> infection in bats over the past 75 years.</p

    Geographic distribution and diversity of <i>Leptospira</i> in bats.

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    <p>Countries are highlighted in red when PCR and/or serology were found positive (corresponding to the following bat families: Phyllostomidae, Mollosidae, Vespertillionidae, Hipposideridae, Miniopteridae, Nycteridae, Mormoopidae, Pteropodidae) and in grey for negative results (Thyropteridae). When available, <i>Leptospira</i> diversity is shown in green when genetic data have been used for species identification and in blue when serological analyses have been performed for serovar determination.</p

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Hidden diversity of Nycteribiidae (Diptera) bat flies from the Malagasy region and insights on host-parasite interactions

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    Nycteribiidae specimens and sequences used in this study, including isolates, GenBank accession numbers, host, and origin. Molecular data produced in the frame of the present work are marked with an asterisk (*). Abbreviations: FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History; KU, University of Kansas Natural History Museum; UADBA, Université d’Antananarivo, Département de Biologie Animale; NA, not available. (DOC 108 kb

    Maximum-likelihood consensus tree derived from 33 mitochondrial Cytochrome <i>b</i> nucleotide sequences (478 bp).

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    <p>Computations were performed with the general time reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model, an estimation of the proportion of invariable sites (I = 0.52) and of the nucleotide heterogeneity of substitution rates (α = 1.31). <i>Haemoproteus</i> parasite species, host species and geographic origin are indicated, when available. Two <i>Haemoproteus iwa</i> sequences derived from this study were included and are indicated in red; the sequence obtained from a <i>Haemoproteus</i> parasite detected in a hippoboscid fly is colored in blue. Bootstrap values were reported when higher than 80. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers are indicated in parenthesis.</p

    Maximum-likelihood consensus tree derived from 31 mitochondrial Cytochrome <i>b</i> nucleotide sequences (479 bp).

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    <p>Computations were performed with the general time reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model, an estimation of the proportion of invariable sites (I = 0.48) and of the nucleotide heterogeneity of substitution rates (α = 0.52). <i>Plasmodium</i> parasite species, host species and geographic origin are indicated, when available. The <i>Plasmodium</i> sequence derived from this study is indicated in red. Bootstrap values were reported when higher than 80. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers are indicated in parenthesis.</p

    Maximum-likelihood consensus tree derived from 32 mitochondrial Cytochrome oxydase I nucleotide sequences (698 bp).

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    <p>Computations were performed with the unequal-frequency Kimura 3-parameter (K81 uf) nucleotide substitution model and an estimation of the nucleotide heterogeneity of substitution rates (α = 1.64). Hippoboscid fly species, host species and geographic origin are indicated. Sequences derived from this study are indicated in red. Nucleotide sequence accession numbers are indicated in parenthesis.</p

    Geographic distribution of the three Malagasy <i>Litomosa</i> clades identified from <i>Miniopterus</i> spp. overlaid on bioclimatic regions of the island.

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    <p>Geographic distribution of the three Malagasy <i>Litomosa</i> clades identified from <i>Miniopterus</i> spp. overlaid on bioclimatic regions of the island.</p
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