3,490 research outputs found

    Vocational Education Students´ perceptions about the effects of a positive development program, responsability Hellison´s model

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    El desarrollo positivo es una perspectiva interdisciplinar que está sirviendo de guía para la elaboración de programas de intervención orientados al desarrollo personal y social a través de la actividad física y el deporte en adolescentes. En el presente estudio, se ha implementado un programa basado en el modelo de responsabilidad personal y social de Hellison (2011), junto con la pedagogía de la aventura, para posibilitar el tratamiento pedagógico específico de las actividades físicas en el medio natural (Caballero-Blanco y Delgado-Noguera, 2014). El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer la percepción del alumnado del ciclo formativo en conducción de actividades físico-deportivas en el medio natural (21 alumnos), sobre los efectos del programa. El programa se implementó durante 5 meses, 15 horas a la semana, por tres profesores, en tres módulos profesionales diferentes. El instrumento empleado fue la entrevista individual semiestructurada, que se empleó tras la intervención. Las entrevistas se analizaron siguiendo el análisis sociológico de sistemas de discursos (Conde, 2009). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los alumnos han percibido una evolución positiva en cuanto al desarrollo personal y social, así como en la cualificación profesional. Por tanto, es posible concluir que el programa ha generado efectos positivos sobre los alumnos.The positive development is an interdisciplinary perspective that is serving as a guide for developing intervention programs aimed at personal and social development through sport and physical activity in adolescents. In this study, we was implemented a program based on personal and social responsibility Hellison’ model (2011), complemented with a adventure pedagogy, which allow special educational treatment of the outdoor activities (Caballero-Blanco y Delgado-Noguera, 2014). The purpose of this study was to asses the vocational education outdoor activities student’s (21 students) perceptions about the effects of the program. The program was implemented a long five months, which meant 15 hours per week, by three teachers in three different profesional modules. The instrument used was the semi-structured individual interviews, applied after the program. To analyse the interviews of students, we used the sociological analysis of systems of discourse (Conde, 2009). The results obtained show that students has perceived a positive trend about personal and social development, as professional qualification. Therefore, it is possible concluded that the program has developed positive effects on students

    Implementación de Last Planner System para mejorar el cumplimiento de plazos de ejecución en una obra pública de saneamiento por administración directa en el distrito de Santa Rosa de Quives, Canta - Lima en el periodo 2016 - 2017

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    RESUMEN La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general Implementar la metodología del Sistema del Ultimo Planificador (Last Planner System) para mejorar el cumplimiento de plazos de ejecución en una obra pública de saneamiento bajo la modalidad de ejecución presupuestaria directa en el distrito de Santa Rosa de Quives, provincia de Canta y departamento de Lima en el periodo 2016 – 2017. Las entidades públicas ejecutan obras por contrata y por administración directa; en el primer caso son las empresas contratistas que adoptan las herramientas y metodologías más convenientes para optimizar su rentabilidad y, aun así, estas tienen ciertas perdidas. En el segundo caso las entidades públicas ejecutan las obras de manera tradicional sin considerar aspectos relevantes en la etapa de planificación, programación y control, lo cual conlleva a variabilidades significativas que repercuten en la gestión de la ejecución de la obra con sobrecostos, incumplimientos y mala imagen. Con los enfoques de la filosofía lean construction, que profesa una construcción sin perdidas, se ejecutó el piloto de la aplicación de LPS, en un lapso de 9 semanas, equivalente a 60 días, que era el plazo de ejecución, cuya implementación estuvo liderada por el área técnica de la municipalidad: la Sub Gerencia de Desarrollo Urbano y Rural y las otras áreas de soporte: Unidad de Logística y Presupuesto. A partir del cronograma de ejecución de obra del expediente técnico se elaboró el plan maestro, donde se identificó los hitos relevantes de la planificación y programación de obra, luego se elaboró el Plan intermedio (look ahead: mirar hacia adelante), donde se analizaron las restricciones de las primeras 4 semanas y se determinaron los responsables del levantamiento de dichas restricciones, posteriormente se elaboró el plan semanal donde solo se programan las actividades sin restricciones y al final de cada semana se evaluó la confiabilidad de la programación con los cálculos del Porcentaje de Actividades Completadas y las causas de incumplimiento para adoptar las medidas correctivas y hacer la mejora continua en las semanas siguientes. También se monitoreo y se hizo control de avance y plazo con la curva S, para darle más soporte a la programación. De acuerdo con los resultados se concluye que es una buena práctica; se tuvieron resultados favorables ya que se terminó en el plazo comprometido a pesar de adversidades climatológicas de temporada. Además, como consecuencia de la adecuada gestión de la producción se pudo conseguir ahorros en favor del proyecto. PALABRAS CLAVE: Plan maestro, Plan semanal, look ahead (mirar hacia adelante), restricciones, PAC, causas de incumplimiento, control de avance y plazo.ABSTRACT The present investigation has like general objective To implement the methodology of the Last Planner System (Last Planner System) to improve the fulfillment of terms of execution in a public work of sanitation under the modality of direct budgetary execution in the district of Santa Rosa de Quives, province of Canta and department of Lima in the period 2016 - 2017. Public entities perform works by contract and by direct administration; in the first case they are the contractors that adopt the most convenient tools and methodologies to optimize their profitability and, even so, these have certain losses. In the second case, public entities execute the works in a traditional manner without considering relevant aspects in the planning, programming and control stage, which leads to significant variability that affects the management of the execution of the work with cost overruns, defaults and bad image. With the approaches of the lean construction philosophy, which professes a construction without losses, the pilot of the application of LPS was executed, in a span of 9 weeks, equivalent to 60 days, which was the execution period, whose implementation was led by the technical area of the municipality: the Sub Management of Urban and Rural Development and the other support areas: Logistics and Budget Unit. Based on the work execution schedule of the technical file, the master plan was drawn up, where the relevant milestones in the planning and programming of the work were identified, then the intermediate plan was prepared (look ahead: look forward), where the restrictions of the first 4 weeks and those responsible for the lifting of these restrictions were determined, later the weekly plan was elaborated where only the activities are scheduled without restrictions and at the end of each week the reliability of the programming was evaluated with the calculations of the Percentage of Completed Activities and causes of non-compliance to adopt corrective measures and make continuous improvement in the following weeks. It was also monitored, and progress control was made with the S curve, to give more support to the programming. According to the results, it is concluded that it is a good practice; Favorable results were obtained as it was completed in the committed period despite seasonal weather adversities. In addition, as a consequence of the adequate management of production, savings could be achieved in favor of the project. KEYWORDS: Master Plan, Weekly Plan, look ahead (forward), restrictions, Percentage of activities completed, causes of non-compliance, progress and term control

    Molecular kinetics of solid and liquid CHCl3_3

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    We present a detailed analysis of the molecular kinetics of CHCl3_3 in a range of temperatures covering the solid and liquid phases. Using nuclear quadrupolar resonance we determine the relaxation times for the molecular rotations in solid at pre-melting conditions. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to characterize the rotational dynamics in the solid and liquid phases and to study the local structure of the liquid in terms of the molecular relative orientations. We find that in the pre-melting regime the molecules rotate about the C-H bond, but the rotations are isotropic in the liquid, even at supercooled conditions.Comment: Chemical Physics Letter (in press). 14 pages, 7 figure

    An update of the KIDMED questionnaire, a Mediterranean Diet Quality Index in children and adolescents

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    Objective: The KIDMED questionnaire was published in 2004 to evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) in children and adolescents. In the last 14 years, several respected official dietetics and health organizations have recommended appropriate dietary habits, including eating whole grains and consuming whole fruit rather than fruit juice. We propose an update of the KIDMED questionnaire. Design: Based on the scientific evidence, the present commentary suggests some changes to the KIDMED questionnaire. Results: We suggest deleting ‘or fruit juice’ from the first question of the questionnaire, rewording the question as ‘Takes a fruit every day’, and assigning a positive value of +1. We suggest adding ‘whole-grain’ to the eighth question of the questionnaire, rewording the question as ‘Consumes whole-grain pasta or whole-grain rice almost every day (5 or more times per week)’, and assigning a positive value of +1. Further, we propose to add ‘whole cereals or whole grains’ to the ninth question of the questionnaire, reword the question as ‘Has whole cereals or whole grains (whole-meal bread, etc.) for breakfast’, and assign a positive value of +1. Conclusions: The present commentary examines some signs of a paradigm shift about fruit juice and whole grains after the development of the KIDMED questionnaire. The changes are of paramount importance in order to make the questionnaire an updated tool to evaluate adherence to the MD

    Flight to quality and bailouts : policy remarks and a literature review

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    October 9, 200

    The 'surprising' origin and nature of financial crises : a macroeconomic policy proposal

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    September 14, 200