34 research outputs found

    Maahanmuuttaja- taustaisen nuoren heikotus - tapauksen ratkaisu

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    Suomessa syntynyt 14-vuotias somalinuori tuli päivystykseen pari viikkoa jatkuneiden rintatuntemusten vuoksi. Väsymystä, heikotusta ja huimausta oli ollut pitempäänkin

    Severe hospital-acquired hyponatremia in acutely ill children receiving moderately hypotonic fluids

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    Background Hypotonic fluids have been associated with hospital-acquired hyponatremia. The incidence of life-threatening severe hyponatremia associated with hypotonic fluids has not been evaluated. Methods This was a population-based cohort study of 46,518 acutely ill children 15 years of age or under who visited the pediatric emergency department (ED) at Oulu University Hospital, Finland, between 2007 and 2017. We retrieved all electrolyte measurements from the comprehensive electronic laboratory system and reviewed medical records for all patients with severe hyponatremia. Results The overall occurrence of severe hyponatremia (serum sodium < 125 mmol/L) was found in 27 out of 46,518 acutely ill children (0.06%, 95% confidence interval 0.04-0.08%). After admission, severe hyponatremia developed in seven of 6,984 children receiving moderately hypotonic fluid therapy (0.1%, 95% confidence interval 0.04-0.2%), usually within 8 h of admission. All children who developed severe hyponatremia during hospitalization were severely ill. Conclusion In this register-based cohort study of children presenting to the ED, severe hyponatremia developed in one of 998 acutely ill children receiving moderately hypotonic fluid therapy.Peer reviewe

    Severe hospital-acquired hyponatremia in acutely ill children receiving moderately hypotonic fluids

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    Background Hypotonic fluids have been associated with hospital-acquired hyponatremia. The incidence of life-threatening severe hyponatremia associated with hypotonic fluids has not been evaluated. Methods This was a population-based cohort study of 46,518 acutely ill children 15 years of age or under who visited the pediatric emergency department (ED) at Oulu University Hospital, Finland, between 2007 and 2017. We retrieved all electrolyte measurements from the comprehensive electronic laboratory system and reviewed medical records for all patients with severe hyponatremia. Results The overall occurrence of severe hyponatremia (serum sodium < 125 mmol/L) was found in 27 out of 46,518 acutely ill children (0.06%, 95% confidence interval 0.04-0.08%). After admission, severe hyponatremia developed in seven of 6,984 children receiving moderately hypotonic fluid therapy (0.1%, 95% confidence interval 0.04-0.2%), usually within 8 h of admission. All children who developed severe hyponatremia during hospitalization were severely ill. Conclusion In this register-based cohort study of children presenting to the ED, severe hyponatremia developed in one of 998 acutely ill children receiving moderately hypotonic fluid therapy.Peer reviewe

    Postural balance, isometric trunk muscle strength and low back symptoms among young adults

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    Abstract Low back pain (LBP) is a significant health problem in all developed countries. The high prevalence of LBP in youth is a cause of concern because a link has been reported between LBP in adolescence and chronic LBP (CLBP) in adulthood. In order to prevent CLBP in adulthood potential protective factors in youth should be identified. The association between trunk muscle strength and LBP has been widely studied but the results are conflicting. The current knowledge on the role of postural balance in relation to LPB is even more controversial. The aims of the thesis were to evaluate 1) the reproducibility of the inclinometric postural balance and maximal isometric trunk muscle strength measurements, 2) the association of low back symptoms with postural balance, trunk muscle strength, and cross-sectional area and fat content of extensor muscles, and 3) muscular fitness in relation to physical activity and television viewing. The study population belongs to the 1986 Northern Finland Birth Cohort (NFBC 1986), originally consisting of 9,479 children with an expected date of birth between July 1, 1985 and June 30, 1986. A total of 874 subjects completed the physical examination at a mean age of 19 years. Of those who participated in the physical examination 554 subjects took part in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine, including extensor muscles, at a mean age of 21 years. Reproducibility of isometric trunk muscle testing was found to be comparable to other methods that are used to measure trunk muscle function. Low back symptoms were not associated with postural balance or trunk muscle strength. Neither was there an association between LBP and the cross-sectional area or fat content of the lumbar muscles. Trunk muscles were significantly stronger in those who participated in regular physical activity and weaker in those who watched TV more than two hours daily. In conclusion, physical activity has an association with muscular fitness whereas association with TV viewing is negative independently of the level of physical activity. Single measurement of trunk muscle strength, and cross-sectional area or fat content of lumbar extensor muscles has little significance in the evaluation of the severity of low back symptoms in young adults.Tiivistelmä Alaselkäkipu on huomattava kansanterveydellinen ongelma kaikissa kehittyneissä maissa. Erityisen huolestuttavaa on alaselkäkivun yleisyys nuorilla, sillä tällä on todettu olevan yhteyttä krooniseen selkäkipuun aikuisuudessa. Jotta kroonista kipua aikuisiällä voitaisiin ehkäistä, kivulta suojaavat tekijät pitäisi pystyä tunnistamaan jo nuoruudessa. Vartalon lihasvoiman ja alaselkäkivun yhteyttä on tutkittu runsaasti viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana mutta tulokset ovat ristiriitaisia. Tulokset seisomatasapainon yhteydestä alaselkäkipuun ovat niin ikään ristiriitaisia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli 1) arvioida inklinometrisen tasapainomittauksen ja isometristen lihasvoimamittausten luotettavuutta, 2) arvioida alaselkäoirein yhteyttä vartalon lihasvoimaan, seisomatasapainoon sekä ojentajalihasten rasvoittumiseen ja poikkipinta-alaan ja 3) arvioida lihasvoiman yhteyttä liikunta-aktiivisuuteen ja television katseluun. Tutkimusaineiston perustan muodostavat Pohjois-Suomen 1986 syntymäkohorttiin kuuluvat nuoret Oulun ja Lapin lääneistä, alkuperäiseen kohorttiin kuului 9,479 lasta, joiden laskettu syntymäaika oli heinäkuun 1:n 1986 ja kesäkuun 30:n 1986 välillä. Heistä Oulun Diakonissalaitoksen Liikuntaklinikalla suoritettuihin tutkimuksiin osallistui yhteensä 874 nuorta. Tutkimukseen liittyen Oulun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan radiologian klinikalla suoritettuihin selän magneetti- kuvauksiin osallistui 554 nuorta. Isometrinen lihasvoimatestaus osoittautui luotettavaksi tavaksi mitata vartalon lihasvoimaa. Alaselkäoireilla tai niiden vakavuudella ei todettu olevan yhteyttä vartalon lihasvoimaan tai seisomatasapainoon. Myöskään oireiden ja vartalon ojentajalihasten rasvoittumisen tai poikkipinta-alan välillä ei todettu olevan yhteyttä. Aktiivisemmin liikkuvien lihasvoima oli merkittävästi parempi kuin vähemmän liikkuvilla, toisaalta televisiota runsaasti katsovien lihasvoima oli televisiota vähän katsovia huonompi riippumatta siitä kuinka paljon he harrastivat liikuntaa. Aktiivisella liikunnalla on positiivinen yhteys lihasvoimaan. Toisaalta runsaalla television katsomisella on negatiivinen yhteys lihasvoimaan harrastetun liikunnan määrästä riippumatta. Yksittäisillä mittauksilla, kuten lihaksen poikkipinta-alalla tai vartalon lihasvoimalla ei todettu yhteyttä alaselkäoireiden vakavuuteen nuorilla aikuisilla

    Näin diagnosoin ja hoidan lasten virtsatieinfektiot

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    Tiivistelmä Virtsatieinfektio on pienillä lapsilla yleisin sairaalahoitoon johtava bakteeritulehdus. Virtsankeräystyynyllä tai -pussilla saatu positiivinen tulos kannattaa yleensä varmistaa luotettavammalla menetelmällä. Lentovirtsan saamista imeväiseltä voi nopeuttaa sivelemällä alavatsaa kylmillä nestelapuilla. Hyvävointinen lapsi voidaan hoitaa suun kautta annosteltavilla lääkkeillä avoterveydenhuollossa. Virtsaelinten kaikututkimus on aiheellinen ainakin imeväisillä sekä ensimmäisen munuaistason tulehduksen jälkeen

    Effect of point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens on antibiotic use in children:a randomized clinical trial

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    Abstract Importance: Limited data are available on the clinical impact of multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens in acutely ill children. Objective: To evaluate the effect of multiplex PCR point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens on antibiotic use in acutely ill children. Design, Setting, and Participants: This unblinded, randomized clinical trial was conducted from May 6, 2019, through March 12, 2020. The participants were followed up until hospitalization or discharge from the emergency department (ED) for primary outcome. The study was conducted at the pediatric ED of Oulu University Hospital, Finland. Eligible study participants were children aged 0 to 17 years with fever and/or any respiratory signs or symptoms. Children with underlying medical conditions were included. The statistical analyses were performed between August 11, 2020, and September 14, 2021. Interventions: The participants were randomly assigned in a 2:1 ratio either to undergo multiplex PCR point-of-care testing (18 respiratory viruses and 3 bacteria with results ready within 70 minutes) upon arrival at the ED or to receive routine care. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was the proportion of children receiving antibiotic therapy. The secondary outcomes were the numbers of diagnostic tests and radiographic imaging procedures performed and costs. Results: A total of 1417 children were assessed for eligibility. After exclusions, 1243 children (692 boys [56%]) were randomly allocated to either the intervention (829 children) or control (414 children) group. The mean (SD) age of the participants was 3.0 (3.6) years in the intervention group (median [IQR], 1.7 [0.4–4.1] years) and 3.0 (3.5) years (median [IQR], 1.9 [0.4–4.1] years) in the control group. Multiplex PCR point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens did not reduce the overall prescribing of antibiotics in the emergency department (226 children [27.3%] in the intervention group vs 118 children [28.5%] in the control group; risk ratio, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.79–1.16). Targeted antibiotic therapy was started in 12 children (1.4%) tested with point-of-care multiplex PCR and 2 children (0.5%) in the control group (risk ratio, 3.0; 95% CI, 0.76–11.9). The numbers of diagnostic tests did not differ between the groups, nor did the costs. Conclusions and Relevance: In this randomized clinical trial, point-of-care testing for respiratory pathogens did not reduce the use of antibiotics at the pediatric ED. Testing for respiratory pathogens appears to have a limited impact on clinical decision-making for acutely ill children. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0393294

    Development of gut mycobiome in infants and young children:a prospective cohort study

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    Abstract Background: The composition of the gut fungal microbiome, mycobiome, is likely associated with human health. Yet, the development of gut mycobiome is poorly understood in infants and children. Here we investigate how perinatal events influence the development of gut mycobiome. Methods: In this prospective cohort study of 140 infants, we used ITS gene sequencing of fecal samples from birth to the age of 18 months. We compared gut mycobiome composition according to delivery mode and exposure to intrapartum antibiotics during vaginal delivery. Results: At birth, gut mycobiome were dominated by the genus Candida, at 6-month stool samples by Malassezia and Cystofilobasidium, and the 18-month stool samples by Trichosporon and unidentified fungi. Perinatal factors altered mycobiome. At 18 months, gut mycobiome of infants born vaginally consisted mostly of Trichosporon (32%) and unidentified fungi (31%), while those born via Cesarean section delivery samples had mycobiome dominated by Saccharomyces (50%). At the age of 18 months, those exposed to intrapartum antibiotics had mycobiome dominated by Trichosporon (66%) not seen in those unexposed to antibiotics. Conclusions: Delivery mode and exposure to intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis were markedly associated with gut mycobiome composition from birth to 18 months of age. Impact: â—Ź The composition of the gut mycobiome is likely associated with human health. Yet, the development of gut mycobiome is poorly understood in infants and children. â—Ź In this prospective cohort study, delivery mode and exposure to intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis were markedly associated with gut mycobiome composition from birth to 18 months of age. â—Ź The impact of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis on fungal microbiome in vaginally born infants, previously shown to influence gut bacteriome composition, may be explained by the interaction between bacteria and fungi. â—Ź Gut mycobiome composition likely deserves further investigation in relation to gut microbiome and health in children

    Diaper-embedded urine test device for the screening of urinary tract infections in children:a cohort study

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    Abstract Background: There is a need for an easy and sensitive method for screening of urinary tract infections in young children. We set out to test whether a novel diaper-embedded urine test device is feasible and reliable in screening for urinary tract infections. Methods: This prospective cohort study consisted of young children examined due to a suspected acute urinary tract infection at the Pediatric Emergency Department of the Oulu University Hospital, Finland. We analyzed the same urine samples using three different methods: 1) a diaper-embedded test device applied to the urine pad within the diaper, 2) a urine sample aspirated from the urine pad for the conventional point-of-care dipstick test, and 3) a urine sample aspirated from the urine pad and analyzed in the laboratory with an automated urine chemistry analyzer. The gold standard for confirming urinary tract infection was quantitative bacterial culture. Results: Urine samples were available from 565 children. Bacterial culture confirmed urinary tract infection in 143 children. Sensitivity of the positive leukocyte screening of the diaper-embedded urine test device was 93.1% (95% CI: 87.4–96.8) and that of the point-of-care urine dipstick analysis was 95.4% (90.3–98.3) in those with both tests results available (n = 528). The sensitivity of the positive leukocyte test of the diaper-embedded test device was 91.4% (85.4–95.5) and that of the automated analysis was 88.5% (82.0–93.3) in those with both tests available (n = 547). The time to the test result after urination was immediate for the diaper-embedded test, 1–5 min for point-of-care dipstick, and 30–60 min for laboratory-based automated urine chemistry analyzer. Conclusions: In this prospective study, the diaper-embedded urine test device was an easy and sensitive screening method for UTIs in young children. The main clinical benefit of the diaper-embedded urine test device was that the screening test result was available immediately after urination