83 research outputs found

    As organizações não governamentais de ambiente (ONGA's) em Portugal

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    Como resultado do aumento das preocupações com o ambiente, a uma escala global, e das inúmeras campanhas levadas a cabo pelos meios de comunicação a denunciar catástrofes ambientais, tem-se verificado um aumento e uma proliferação de grupos ambientalistas. Estes grupos começaram a organizar-se constituindo as designadas Organizações Não Governamentais de Ambiente (ONGA’s). Em Portugal merecem destaque a LPN (Liga para a Protecção da Natureza), a GEOTA (Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente) e a Quercus (Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza). É precisamente o caso da Quercus que servirá para ilustrar a importância da comunicação para as ONGA’s “atingirem” os seus públicos alvoOrganização Não Governamental de Ambiente (ONGA), Marketing Ambiental

    The Context Influence in Volunteers Motivations

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    Volunteers working in different areas or different NPO (Non-profit Organisations) are significantly different according to several variables, namely in terms of motivation, satisfaction and permanence. Thus, the main goal of this research is to understand volunteers’ motivations and the influence of the context on it. Additionally, demographic variables might have an important impact on volunteers’ activities, be an important predictor of volunteering and, at the same time, influence their time commitment. In this paper we present data from twelve different NPO - 10 hospitals and 2 food banks. The model of data collection was a survey conducted by self-administered questionnaire. The results showed significant differences between the volunteers’ belonging to the two organisations and their motivations, confirming that volunteer’ motivations differ according the type/nature of organisation; this is particularly important because the field in which one works is influenced by a self-evident affinity with shared ideologies, religious convictions, and collective identities. These results present important outcomes that should be reflected in the way organisations act. Keywords: Volunteering; Occasional and permanent volunteers; Motivations; Non-profit organisations

    Rotulagem ecológica: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e Portugal

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    A escassez de recursos naturais, conjuntamente com a deterioração do meio ambiente, é uma realidade dos tempos atuais. Cada vez mais os consumidores buscam produtos amigos do ambiente, e há organizações e empresas que se empenham ativamente na preservação do planeta. Uma forma de sensibilizar para a proteção ambiental é a rotulagem ecológica, que busca certificar e identificar, através de selos, as embalagens e produtos amigos do ambiente. Dentro desse contexto, o rótulo torna-se um importante instrumento de comunicação com o consumidor. Esta investigação pretende analisar vários tipos de rótulos ecológicos de produtos alimentares e de higiene, assim como perceber como os consumidores encaram este tema sob o ponto de vista das vantagens, conhecimento e informação, instrumento de comunicação e fator influenciador na decisão de compra. Em função disso, foi implementada uma investigação qualitativa contemplando análise de conteúdo e focus group com consumidores. Os resultados apontam que nos dois países ainda existe bastante desconhecimento acerca da rotulagem ambiental devido, em parte, à comunicação verde, que é realizada de forma incorreta; para além disso, denota-se um ceticismo significativo em relação à credibilidade dos produtos certificados com os rótulos ecológicos.The scarcity of natural resources in conjunction with the overall deterioration in the environmental quality both represent realities to contemporary societies. Consumers increasingly search out environmentally friendly products and there are organisations and companies actively engaged in attempting to preserve the planet. One means of raising awareness around environmental protection comes with ecological labelling that seeks to certify and identify environmental friendly products through displaying seals and certificates on the packaging. Within this context, the label becomes an important tool for communication with the consumer. This research seeks to analyse various types of ecological labels on foodstuffs and hygiene products and therefore understand the ways in which consumers approach this theme from the point of view of the advantages, knowledge and information, the effectiveness of green communication strategies and the factors influencing their purchasing decisions. Accordingly, we carried out a qualitative research study incorporating the content analysis of a consumer focus group. The results point that in both countries to the continuing lack of awareness about environmental labelling due in part to environmentally friendly, green communication strategies getting implemented incorrectly; furthermore, this reports a significant level of scepticism in relation to the credibility of products certified with ecological labels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Segmentacija tržišta: primjena na turističkim destinacijama Schist Village

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    Purpose – The Schist Village network is a sustainable development project in Portugal’s Pinhal Interior region that includes 27 villages located in the central inland area of the country. Overall, this study sets out evidence about the motivations, interests, behaviors, and images of visitors/tourists (tourism consumers) regarding the Schist Villages in the area. Design/Methodology/Approach – The sample of individuals interviewed includes a total of 223 individuals (59 international and 164 national tourists), all of whom personally answered the questionnaire. Findings and implications – Through analysis of the survey results obtained, it is possible to chart a profile of Schist Village visitors/tourists, ascertain their preferences and the key attributes associated with the image of this tourist destination and, based on these, put forward strongly focused orientations and guidelines to help develop future marketing plans for this territory. Limitations – One limitation stems from how the data was gathered and analyzed constitutes but a mere “moment” in a fairly vast and dynamic universe given that the questionnaires were completed across a defined and fairly brief period of time. The fact that the questionnaires were handed out by network partners effectively excluded from the study all those tourism consumers who travel and visit the territory without any direct recourse to the services of the aforementioned partners. Originality – This study presents an easy and clear way to segment the market that could be used by several stakeholders in order to improve their targeting activities.Svrha – Mreža Schist Village predstavlja projekt održivoga razvoja u regiji Pinhal Interior, a obuhvaća 27 sela u središnjem području unutrašnjosti Portugala. Istraživanje pruža dokaze o motivima, interesima, ponašanjima te predodžbi koju posjetitelji/turisti (turistički potrošači) imaju o destinaciji Schist Village. Metodološki pristup – Uzorak intervjuiranih posjetitelja uključuje 59 međunarodnih turista te 164 domaća turista, što je ukupno 223 ispitanika koji su osobno sudjelovali u istraživanju. Rezultati i implikacije – Analizom rezultata dobivenih anketiranjem moguće je prikazati profil posjetitelja/turista Schist Villagea, utvrditi njihove preferencije i ključna obilježja povezana s imidžom ove turističke destinacije, te na temelju njih istaknuti jako usredotočene smjernice i upute za razvoj budućih marketinških planova za ovo područje. Ograničenja – Jedno ograničenje proizlazi iz načina na koji su prikupljeni i analizirani podaci, a što predstavlja samo “trenutak” u povelikom i dinamičnom prostornom te vremenskom okviru jer su upitnici podijeljeni i ispunjeni u određenom i relativno kratkom razdoblju. Isto tako, činjenica da su upitnike ispitanicima uručivali partneri u mreži projekta znači da su iz istraživanja isključeni svi oni turisti koji putuju i posjećuju područje, ali izravno ne koriste usluge navedenih partnera. Doprinos – Istraživanje pruža jednostavan i jasan način za segmentaciju tržišta koji bi mogle koristiti različite interesne skupine radi poboljšanja svojih aktivnosti

    Antecedentes de la Economía Colaborativa en un Escenario de Pandemia: Actitudes Pro-sociales, Comportamientos Pasados y Expectativas de Transformación

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a significant impact on most sharing economy activities, and at present, it is particularly challenging to achieve a consensual model to predict sharing economy behaviour. Based on empirical and theoretical premises established before the pandemic, we intend to explore the association between a set of psychosocial variables (i.e., cooperation, environmental awareness, past behaviour) and sharing economy behaviour, particularly the use of shared assets (i.e., cars and accommodation) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the present study analyses the mediating role of transformation expectations, as the decision to engage or not in sharing behaviour may be influenced by beliefs about the consequences of those actions from the user’s perspective. This study comprised a total of 596 participants. Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire and was statistically analysed and interpreted using PLS 3.0. Structural Equation Modelling statistical software. Contrary to our predictions, the results show that cooperation negatively influenced the willingness to participate in sharing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, that environmental awareness was not a significant predictor, and that past sharing behaviour has the strongest influence on the willingness to share during pandemic times. Finally, the mediating effect of transformation expectations was significant in both associations, i.e., pro-environmental consciousness and past sharing experiences, and the willingness to adopt sharing behaviour during COVID-19.[ES] Se espera que la pandemia de COVID-19 tenga un impacto importante en la mayoría de las actividades de la economía colaborativa, y en la actualidad, es particularmente difícil lograr un modelo consensual para predecir el comportamiento de la economía colaborativa. Sobre la base de premisas empíricas y teóricas establecidas antes de la pandemia, pretendemos explorar la asociación entre un conjunto de variables psicosociales (es decir, cooperación, consciencia ambiental, comportamiento pasado) y el comportamiento de la economía colaborativa, en particular el uso de activos compartidos (automóviles y alojamiento), durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Además, el presente estudio analiza el papel mediador de las expectativas de transformación, ya que la decisión de participar o no en el comportamiento de compartir puede estar influenciada por creencias sobre las consecuencias de esas acciones desde la perspectiva del usuario. Este estudio comprendió un total de 596 participantes. Los datos se recopilaron a través de un cuestionario autoadministrado y se analizaron e interpretaron estadísticamente utilizando el PLS 3.0., un software estadístico de modelación de ecuaciones estructurales. Contrariamente a nuestras predicciones, los resultados muestran que la cooperación influyó negativamente en la voluntad de participar en actividades compartidas durante la pandemia de COVID-19, que la conciencia ambiental no fue un predictor significativo y que el comportamiento de compartir en el pasado tiene la influencia más fuerte en la voluntad de compartir durante tiempos de pandemia. Finalmente, el efecto mediador de las expectativas de transformación fue significativo en ambas asociaciones, es decir, la conciencia proambiental y las experiencias pasadas de intercambio, y la disposición a adoptar un comportamiento de intercambio durante COVID-19.This research is financed by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/04630/2020

    Utjecaj internog marketinga na predanost organizaciji – nalazi iz institucija skrbi za osobe starije životne dobi

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    The provision of institutional care, particularly for the elderly, assumes dedication and commitment of the employees. Hence, identifying the prevailing level of organizational commitment (OC) and precisely which internal marketing (IM) techniques may be deployed to shape this performance is of inherent importance. The objective of this research project is, correspondingly, to ascertain the extent to which IM influences the OC of employees at three elderly care support institutions. To study this influence, we selected a sample of 188 individuals, all employees at the three institutions who agreed to participate in the study by answering a questionnaire. As regards IM, quality of work, ascending communication, and valuing and sharing information are the most commonly adopted practices at institutions. In terms of OC related dimensions, we found the affective and the instrumental to be the predominant types of commitment. Our findings support a moderately positive correlation between the IM and OC variables. This study enables an evaluation of respective institutions, informing them of the changes that are both feasible and necessary to the provision of quality care services and, consequently, a higher level of employee commitment and performance.Pružanje institucijske brige, posebno za osobe starije životne dobi, pretpostavlja posvećenost i predanost zaposlenika. Stoga je iznimno važno identificiranje prevladavajuće razine organizacijske predanosti i tehnika internog marketinga koje se mogu primijeniti za oblikovanje takvog djelovanja. S tim u skladu, cilj istraživačkog projekta jest utvrditi doseg utjecaja internog marketinga na organizacijsku predanost zaposlenika u tri institucije za skrb o osobama starije životne dobi. Za proučavanje ovog utjecaja odabrali smo uzorak od 188 ispitanika, zaposlenika triju institucija koji su pristali sudjelovati u istraživanju putem anketiranja. Za sam interni marketing, kvaliteta rada, komunikacija prema gore te vrednovanje i dijeljenje informacija najčešće su usvojene prakse u institucijama. U pogledu dimenzija povezanih s predanošću organizaciji, saznali smo da su prevladavajuće vrste predanosti bile afektivna i instrumentalna. Naši rezultati pokazuju umjereno pozitivnu korelaciju između varijabli internog marketinga i organizacijske predanosti. Istraživanje omogućuje procjenu pojedinačnih institucija i njihovo informiranje o izvedivim i potrebnim promjenama za pružanje kvalitetnih usluga skrbi te, posljedično, više razine zaposlenikove predanosti i djelovanja

    Antecedents of the Sharing Economy in a Pandemic Scenario: Prosocial Attitudes, Past Behaviour and Transformation Expectations

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a significant impact on most sharing economy activities, and at present, it is particularly challenging to achieve a consensual model to predict sharing economy behaviour. Based on empirical and theoretical premises established before the pandemic, we intend to explore the association between a set of psychosocial variables (i.e., cooperation, environmental awareness, past behaviour) and sharing economy behaviour, particularly the use of shared assets (i.e., cars and accommodation) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the present study analyses the mediating role of transformation expectations, as the decision to engage or not in sharing behaviour may be influenced by beliefs about the consequences of those actions from the user’s perspective. This study comprised a total of 596 participants. Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire and was statistically analysed and interpreted using PLS 3.0. Structural Equation Modelling statistical software. Contrary to our predictions, the results show that cooperation negatively influenced the willingness to participate in sharing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, that environmental awareness was not a significant predictor, and that past sharing behaviour has the strongest influence on the willingness to share during pandemic times. Finally, the mediating effect of transformation expectations was significant in both associations, i.e., pro-environmental consciousness and past sharing experiences, and the willingness to adopt sharing behaviour during COVID-19.Se espera que la pandemia de COVID-19 tenga un impacto importante en la mayoría de las actividades de la economía colaborativa, y en la actualidad, es particularmente difícil lograr un modelo consensual para predecir el comportamiento de la economía colaborativa. Sobre la base de premisas empíricas y teóricas establecidas antes de la pandemia, pretendemos explorar la asociación entre un conjunto de variables psicosociales (es decir, cooperación, consciencia ambiental, comportamiento pasado) y el comportamiento de la economía colaborativa, en particular el uso de activos compartidos (automóviles y alojamiento), durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Además, el presente estudio analiza el papel mediador de las expectativas de transformación, ya que la decisión de participar o no en el comportamiento de compartir puede estar influenciada por creencias sobre las consecuencias de esas acciones desde la perspectiva del usuario. Este estudio comprendió un total de 596 participantes. Los datos se recopilaron a través de un cuestionario autoadministrado y se analizaron e interpretaron estadísticamente utilizando el PLS 3.0., un software estadístico de modelación de ecuaciones estructurales. Contrariamente a nuestras predicciones, los resultados muestran que la cooperación influyó negativamente en la voluntad de participar en actividades compartidas durante la pandemia de COVID-19, que la conciencia ambiental no fue un predictor significativo y que el comportamiento de compartir en el pasado tiene la influencia más fuerte en la voluntad de compartir durante tiempos de pandemia. Finalmente, el efecto mediador de las expectativas de transformación fue significativo en ambas asociaciones, es decir, la conciencia proambiental y las experiencias pasadas de intercambio, y la disposición a adoptar un comportamiento de intercambio durante COVID-19.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O perfil dos consumidores de vestuário - um estudo de segmentação de mercado

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    As tendências actuais do mercado consumidor pressionaram a indústria do vestuário a adoptar uma clara orientação para o mercado, significando isto uma necessidade de investigação contínua acerca dos consumidores, de modo a atingir o seu alvo de mercado, dirigindo os seus esforços para segmentos bem definidos e, geralmente, seguindo as indicações dos estudos efectuados. Neste artigo, a temática da segmentação de mercado é direccionada para investigar a sua aplicação no caso do vestuário de moda. Os investigadores de marketing sempre dedicaram uma atenção especial à compreensão das motivações e comportamentos dos consumidores de moda, ressaltando a importância da identificação de distintos segmentos de consumidores, devendo as suas atitudes em relação à compra de vestuário ser avaliadas.The present trends of the consuming market had pressured the industry of clothes to adopt a clear orientation for the market, being meant this a necessity of continuous inquiry concerning the consumers, in order to reach its target of market, directing its efforts for well defined segments and, generally, following the indications of the effectuates studies. In this article, the thematic one of the market segmentation is directed to investigate its application in the case of fashion clothes. The marketing investigators had always dedicated to a special attention to the understanding of the motivations and behaviours of the consumers of fashion, standing out the importance of the identification of distinct segments of consumers, having its attitudes in relation to the clothes purchase to be evaluated