32 research outputs found

    E. coli metabolic protein aldehydealcohol dehydrogenase-E binds to the ribosome: a unique moonlighting action revealed

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    It is becoming increasingly evident that a high degree of regulation is involved in the protein synthesis machinery entailing more interacting regulatory factors. A multitude of proteins have been identified recently which show regulatory function upon binding to the ribosome. Here, we identify tight association of a metabolic protein aldehyde-alcohol dehydrogenase E (AdhE) with the E. coli 70S ribosome isolated from cell extract under low salt wash conditions. Cryo-EM reconstruction of the ribosome sample allows us to localize its position on the head of the small subunit, near the mRNA entrance. Our study demonstrates substantial RNA unwinding activity of AdhE which can account for the ability of ribosome to translate through downstream of at least certain mRNA helices. Thus far, in E. coli, no ribosome-associated factor has been identified that shows downstream mRNA helicase activity. Additionally, the cryo-EM map reveals interaction of another extracellular protein, outer membrane protein C (OmpC), with the ribosome at the peripheral solvent side of the 50S subunit. Our result also provides important insight into plausible functional role of OmpC upon ribosome binding. Visualization of the ribosome purified directly from the cell lysate unveils for the first time interactions of additional regulatory proteins with the ribosom

    Molecular dynamics of ribosomal elongation factors G and Tu

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    Translation on the ribosome is controlled by external factors. During polypeptide lengthening, elongation factors EF-Tu and EF-G consecutively interact with the bacterial ribosome. EF-Tu binds and delivers an aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosomal A site and EF-G helps translocate the tRNAs between their binding sites after the peptide bond is formed. These processes occur at the expense of GTP. EF-Tu:tRNA and EF-G are of similar shape, share a common binding site, and undergo large conformational changes on interaction with the ribosome. To characterize the internal motion of these two elongation factors, we used 25 ns long all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. We observed enhanced mobility of EF-G domains III, IV, and V and of tRNA in the EF-Tu:tRNA complex. EF-Tu:GDP complex acquired a configuration different from that found in the crystal structure of EF-Tu with a GTP analogue, showing conformational changes in the switch I and II regions. The calculated electrostatic properties of elongation factors showed no global similarity even though matching electrostatic surface patches were found around the domain I that contacts the ribosome, and in the GDP/GTP binding region

    Structural and evolutionary insights into ribosomal RNA2 methylation.

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    Methylation of nucleotides in ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) is a ubiquitous feature that occurs in all living organisms. Identification of all enzymes responsible for rRNA methylation, as well as mapping of all modified rRNA residues, is now complete for a number of model species, such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recent high-resolution structures of bacterial ribosomes provided the first direct visualization of methylated nucleotides. The structures of ribosomes from various organisms and organelles have also lately become available, enabling comparative structure-based analysis of rRNA methylation sites in various taxonomic groups. In addition to the conserved core of modified residues in ribosomes from the majority of studied organisms, structural analysis points to the functional roles of some of the rRNA methylations, which are discussed in this Review in an evolutionary context

    Ribosomal position and contacts of mRNA in eukaryotic translation initiation complexes

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    The position of mRNA on 40S ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic initiation complexes was determined by UV crosslinking using mRNAs containing uniquely positioned 4-thiouridines. Crosslinking of mRNA positions +11 to ribosomal protein (rp) rpS2(S5p) and rpS3(S3p), and +9–+11 and +8–+9 to h18 and h34 of 18S rRNA, respectively, indicated that mRNA enters the mRNA-binding channel through the same layers of rRNA and proteins as in prokaryotes. Upstream of the P-site, the proximity of positions −3/−4 to rpS5(S7p) and h23b, −6/−7 to rpS14(S11p), and −8–−11 to the 3′-terminus of 18S rRNA (mRNA/rRNA elements forming the bacterial Shine–Dalgarno duplex) also resembles elements of the bacterial mRNA path. In addition to these striking parallels, differences between mRNA paths included the proximity in eukaryotic initiation complexes of positions +7/+8 to the central region of h28, +4/+5 to rpS15(S19p), and −6 and −7/−10 to eukaryote-specific rpS26 and rpS28, respectively. Moreover, we previously determined that eukaryotic initiation factor2α (eIF2α) contacts position −3, and now report that eIF3 interacts with positions −8–−17, forming an extension of the mRNA-binding channel that likely contributes to unique aspects of eukaryotic initiation

    Mechanism of translation inhibition by type II GNAT toxin AtaT2

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    Type II toxin-antitoxins systems are widespread in prokaryotic genomes. Typically, they comprise two proteins, a toxin, and an antitoxin, encoded by adjacent genes and forming a complex in which the enzymatic activity of the toxin is inhibited. Under stress conditions, the antitoxin is degraded liberating the active toxin. Though thousands of various toxin-antitoxins pairs have been predicted bioinformatically, only a handful has been thoroughly characterized. Here, we describe the AtaT2 toxin from a toxin-antitoxin system from Escherichia coli O157:H7. We show that AtaT2 is the first GNAT (Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferase) toxin that specifically targets charged glycyl tRNA. In vivo, the AtaT2 activity induces ribosome stalling at all four glycyl codons but does not evoke a stringent response. In vitro, AtaT2 acetylates the aminoacyl moiety of isoaccepting glycyl tRNAs, thus precluding their participation in translation. Our study broadens the known target specificity of GNAT toxins beyond the earlier described isoleucine and formyl methionine tRNAs, and suggest that various GNAT toxins may have evolved to specificaly target other if not all individual aminoacyl tRNAs