435 research outputs found

    The Effect of Cyanoacrylate Infiltration on Microstructure of Hydroxyapatite/chitosan Composite

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    . Brittle nature of hydroxyapatite for bone implants reduced by adding chitosan. To strengthen the particles bond of the composite, cyanoacrylate was infiltrated into the composites. Infiltration was performed at room temperature and without any external pressure treatment system. The aim of this study is to examine the microstructure of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite by infiltration of cyanoacrylate. Hydroxyapatite composite-chitosan composit was immersed in cyanoacrylate. Cyanoacrylate infiltrate into composite from all directions. The system is isolated from atmospheric air in order to avoid direct contact with air. Surface morphology was observed by scanning electron microscope on the specimen. Observations indicate that the higher content of chitosan, cyanoacrylate increasingly looks much infiltrated composite hydroxyapatite-chitosan

    Variability and Intra-Specific Classification of Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) from Timor Island based on Morphological Characters

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    Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) is a species of beans which originating from the regions of Central America and Andes Mountains. Lima bean in Timor Island is underutilized although these plant growth there and have many variations. This study aims to determine the diversity of lima beans on Timor Island based on morphological characters. Samples were collected by survey methods from three districts on the island of Timor. Morphological traits related to the vegetative and flowering stages and mature seeds morphology were scored using the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute lima bean descriptors with a soft modification. The similarity index is calculated using the General Similarity Coefficient Gower formula. The dendogram is generated from cluster analysis using the Unweighted Pair Group Methods using Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) method. Furthermore, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to determine the role of each morphological character used. The dendogram shows that 23 collected accessions are divided into two main clusters with a 57% similarity index. The two clusters are distinguished based on the presence or absence of secondary colors and secondary patterns in the seed organs. Then, each main cluster is divided into two subclasses based on the character of the pigmentation stem, the length of the terminal leaflets, flower color, and seed type

    Response of Maize Grown on Overburden Soil in a Coal Mining Area Without Top Soil to Various Compost Sources

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    Soil in Kalimantan Island is considered infertile. To obtain a reasonable crop yield a high input fertilizer package should be applied. The situation will be worsening when an open pit system of coal mining adopted. Failure in re-arranging the soil layers can result in decreasing soil fertility compared to original soil prior to mining. This study aimed to determine the improvement of soil fertility of a disposal without top soil by using composts from various sources, namely, the public garbage pile, commercial compost, and compost from kitchen waste. The experiment was conducted in a disposal area of a coal mining of PT AI. A series of application rate of compost was set. This was 0, 5, 10, and 20 tonne compost ha-1. A plot with top soil was involved for another control. Maize was selected as the plant indicator to evaluate the effect of treatments applied. It can be concluded that application of composts to reclamation area without top soil significantly improve soil fertility. Among the composts used, K-compost (compost from kitchen waste) was the best in improving soil fertility. There were some characters of the compost that had not enough to support maize yield. These were P, K, and pH. Addition of P and K fertilizers and lime material are needed. Of the equation coefficients obtained, the b coefficient of equation belong to K-compost was higher than of the others

    Pengaruh Profitabilitasdan Leverage Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Struktur Modal Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of profitability, leverage on value of the company with capital structure as intervening variable. This study classified as a quantitative research. The population of this study is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in periode 2012 to 2016. Sample was determined by purposive sampling, there are 15 manufacturing companies. The data is secondary. Data was collected by IDX: www.idx.co.id. Analysis of the data was use as Path Analysis, Correlation of Parcial test, R square, and the classical assumption test of normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test. The results that (1) the profitability is significant positive on the capital structure, (2) the leverage is significant positive on the capital structure, (3) the profitability is significant positive on the value of the company, (4) the leverage is significant positive on the value of the company, (5) the capital structure  is significant positive on the value of the company, (6) the profitability is significant positive on the value of the company with capital structure as intervening variable, (7) the leverage is significant positive on the value of the company with capital structure as intervening variable

    Jantung Sehat dan Program Latihan Olahraga yang Balk dan Benar

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    Masyarakat Indonesia dewasa ini dihadapkan pada masalahpenyakit dan gangguan kesehatan. Salah satu gangguankesehatan dan penyakit yang ditakuti pada saat ini adalahpenyakit jantung. .Penyebab sakit jantung yang dikenal ada dua macam,yaitu sakit jantung bawaan dan sakit jantung didapat.Faktor lain dari penyebab timbulnya sakit jantung adalahpenyakit diabetes militus, hipertensi. kegemuk':l0(obesitas), ketuaan, merokok, pola hidup stress dan kuranglatihan olahraga.Bentuk latihan olahraga yang sesuai untuk meningkatkankebugaran dan untlik menghindarkan dari penyakitjantung aclalah jalan, lari, renang, bersepeda, bersepeda stationer,senam aerobik dan joging.Sebelum mengikuti program latihan olahraga, perlu memeriksakanterlebih dahulu ke dokter olahraga untuk mengetahuikeadaan kondisi sesungguhnya. .Selama mengikuti program latihan perlu memperhatikantakaran-takaran dari latihan.Dianjurkan meinilih latihan olahraga yang sesuaidengan kemampuan individu, kesenangan dan jangan memaksakandiri untuk mengikuti program latihan yang berat danIakultanlah dengan teratur, terprogram serta terkontroI

    Bentuk Latihan Dan Kegunaanswiss Balls Dalam Fisioterapi

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    Salah satu alat yang sering digunakan dan banyak dipakai dinegara Eropa terutama di Jerman untuk berlatih meningkatkan kekuatan, membuat persendian dan tubuh stabil, serta meningkatkanfleksibilitas persendian adalah smss balls. Peralatan tersebutsering digunakan dalam perawatan fisioterapi dan dapat jugamenjadi suatu bagian dalam program persiapan umum dalamadetik.Smss balls adalah suam alat seperti bola karet yang ukurangaris tengahnya antara 45 sentimeter sampai dengan 120 sentimeteryang sifatnya lentur dan Kenyal. Penggunaan alat ini harusdisesuaikan dengan bentuk tubuh dan ukuran berat badan. Latihandengan smss balls dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan khusus,misalnya untuk pengobatan habis cedera punggung, pinggang, danotot-otot bahu.Adet-atlet dunia, seperti juara dunia lempar cakiam BeatriceFaumuina dan atlet lempar lembing Gavin Lovegrove (keduanyadari New Zealand) dan Boris Henry (Jerman), secara teratur merekamenggunakan Swiss balls dalam latihannya. Latihan smss balls dapatdikombinasikan dengan tali karet dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan para pengguna. Adapun bentuk latihan yang disajikandalam tulisan ini dapat digunakan untuk semua orang

    Pengembangan Employability Skills Siswa Smk Ditinjau dari Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik

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    The industry now needs a workforce that has the technical skills and employability skills. Completion of the CMS so that students have a technical skill and employability skills based on a scientific approach to implementation that is one indicator of the quality of learning. This research aims to know the contribution of the scientific approach towards implementation of employability skills the students of SMK Package Engineering Machining in South Sulawesi. Research using quantitative non experimental design approach is the type of survey that is ex-post facto. Pupulasi research is a grade XII Package Engineering Machining on SMK in South Sulawesi as much as 503 students with samples of 221. Data collection techniques used are the now. Research data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA), regression analysis. The data analysis was done with the help of SPSS software version 4.5 for Windows and version of LISREL 9.10 Windows Application. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of the scientific approach contributes to employability skills students of SMK Package Engineering Machining in South Sulawesi. Therefore it can be said that the implementation of the scientific approach as a system of learning can develop employability skills graduates SMK.Industri saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang memiliki keterampilan teknis dan employability skill. Penyiapan siswa SMK agar memiliki keterampilan teknis dan employability skills berpangkal pada implementasi pendekatan saintifik yang merupakan salah satu indikator kualitas pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi implementasi pendekatan saintifik terhadap employability skills siswa SMK Paket Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif rancangan non eksperimen jenis survey yang bersifat ex-post facto. Pupulasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII Paket Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan pada SMK di Sulawesi Selatan sebanyak 503 siswa dengan sampel sebesar 221. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA),analisis regresi. Analisis datanya dilakukan dengan bantuan software SPSS versi 20.0 for Windows dan LISREL versi 9.10 Windows Application. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pendekatan saintifik berkontribusi terhadap employability skills siswa SMK Paket Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan di Sulawesi Selatan. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan bahwa implementasi pendekatan saintifik sebagai sistem pembelajaran dapat mengembangkan employability skill lulusan SMK

    Survival Analysis of Hemodialysis Patients

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    Survival analysis as a collection of statistical procedures for analyzing the data that its outcome variable was the time to occurrence of an event. Kaplan-Meier method is a type of survival analysis technique, this method is often called the Product Limit Method. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) became one of the public health problem throughout the world, including Indonesia. The number of hemodialysis patients has increased every year and have an impact on increasing the number of death in General Hospital Ibnu Sina Gresik. This study was determine the survival of hemodialysis patients using Kaplan-Meier analysis techniques. Non-reactive research with a retrospective cohort using the calculations right censoring. 155 population were taken randomly and sample size of 111. Data were collected using a checklist. The estimated survival time of female, adult age, further education, patients work, patients without insurance, patients with normal nutritional status, patients with a history of disease, patient with hypertention and patient with diabetic had a better survival time. The insurance status, nutritional status, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were significant difference to the survival time (p-value <0.05). It was necessary special treatment for CKD patients through giving information, education to families and patients to maintain healthy lifestyle

    Antigenaemia as an Indicator of Filarial Endemicity

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    This is a report of 1 -year evaluation of chemotherapeutic intervention in an area of Indonesia endemic for lymphatic filariasis. Control measures were initiated in 1977 by parasite control, informal health educa­tion, and community participation at the village level, well in accord with the WHO-concept of health for all. Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) was mass distributed in 1977 and 1988, and selectively distributed in 1978, 1979, 1981, and 1982 to those who were micro-filaraemic prior to DEC treatments, those with a history of adenoly mphangitis over the previous one year period, and to all new comers. In addition, each villager with acute symptoms of adenolymphangitis was immediately treated with a single course of 300 mg DEC for 10 days. No intervention measures were taken between 1982 to 1988, and no attempt was taken to control the vector or to restrict movement between controlled and uncontrolled areas during the whole studies. With these measures, the microfilaria (mf) rate decreased from 30% to 0%, the adenolymphangitis rate from 46% to 11%, and the elephantiasis rate from 35% to 3%. The abatement of acute and chronic filarial symptoms over the study period and the disappearance of microfilaremia in the community are pointing towards the possibility of eradicating the partasite from the community. To test this hypothesis, serum samples were tested for circulating filarial antigen by a two-site antigen capture assay employing anti-phosphorylcholine monoclonal antibodies. There was a sharp fall in circulating antigenaemia, demonstrating that infection has either been eliminated from nearly all villagers, or that intensity of infection is now undetectably low. We feel that antigenaemia can be used as an indicator of filarial endemicity

    Kontribusi USAha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Kaligrafi Kulit Kambing terhadap Pendapatan Produsen di Kabupaten Sukoharjo dan Upaya Pemberdayaannya

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan manajemen USAha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) kerajinan kaligrafi kulit kambing, mengetahui pendapatan dan besarnya kontribusi UMKM kaligrafi terhadap pendapatan produsen. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Februari 2016 di Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah produsen kerajinan kaligrafi kulit kambing sebanyak 30 orang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey disertai dengan Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan USAha dapat dibagi dalam tiga skala USAha, yaitu I Rp. ≤ 12.000.000,00 – Rp. 36.000.000; skala II Rp. 36.001.000,00 – Rp. 60.000.000,-; dan skala III ≥ Rp. 60.001.000,00. Penerimaan USAha kerajinan kaligrafi kulit kambing terbanyak pada skala USAha III. Kontribusi UMKM terhadap pendapatan produsen cukup tinggi yaitu skala I 51,69% ; skala II 58,70%; skala III 90,60%. Melihat besarnya kontribusi USAha terhadap pendapatan produsen akan meningkatkan motivasi produsen untuk mengembangkan USAha dan mempermudah upaya pemberdayaannya. Peningkatan kemandirian pengrajin menjadi tujuan utama dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan pengrajin
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