3,184 research outputs found

    Smooth quantum-classical transition in photon subtraction and addition processes

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    Recently Parigi et al. [Science 317, 1890 (2007)] implemented experimentally the photon subtraction and addition processes from/to a light field in a conditional way, when the required operations were produced successfully only upon the positive outcome of a separate measurement. It was verified that for a low intensity beam (quantum regime) the bosonic annihilation operator does indeed describe a single photon subtraction, while the creation operator describes a photon addition. Nonetheless, the exact formal expressions for these operations do not always reduce to these simple identifications, and in this connection here we deduce the general superoperators for multiple photons subtraction and addition processes and analyze the statistics of the resulting states for classical field states having an arbitrary intensity. We obtain closed analytical expressions and verify that for classical fields with high intensity (classical regime) the operators that describe photon subtraction and addition processes deviate significantly from simply annihilation and creation operators. Complementarily, we analyze in details such a smooth quantum-classical transition as function of beam intensity for both processes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Amplification of Fluctuations in Unstable Systems with Disorder

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    We study the early-stage kinetics of thermodynamically unstable systems with quenched disorder. We show analytically that the growth of initial fluctuations is amplified by the presence of disorder. This is confirmed by numerical simulations of morphological phase separation (MPS) in thin liquid films and spinodal decomposition (SD) in binary mixtures. We also discuss the experimental implications of our results.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Microscopic models of quantum jump super-operators

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    We discuss the quantum jump operation in an open system, and show that jump super-operators related to a system under measurement can be derived from the interaction of that system with a quantum measurement apparatus. We give two examples for the interaction of a monochromatic electromagnetic field in a cavity (the system) with 2-level atoms and with a harmonic oscillator (representing two different kinds of detectors). We show that derived quantum jump super-operators have `nonlinear' form which depends on assumptions made about the interaction between the system and the detector. A continuous transition to the standard Srinivas--Davies form of the quantum jump super-operatoris shown

    Ultraviolet Radiation Detection by Barium Titanate Thin Films Grown by Sol-gel Hydrothermal Method

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    AbstractFerroelectric Barium titanate, BaTiO3 (BTO) thin film has been prepared successfully by sol-gel hydrothermal method (SG-HT) which combines the basic sol-gel process with hydrothermal treatment. High resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD) study reveals single phase polycrystalline tetragonal structure of the prepared BTO thin film. Optical properties were studied using UV- Visible spectroscopy and band gap was found to be 3.51eV. The I–V characteristics revealed a low dark current (Ioff) of 6.07 × 10-9 A for the prepared BTO thin film which increases to 4.06 × 10-6 A (Ion) by almost three orders of magnitude when illuminated with UV radiation (λ = 365nm, Intensity = 24μW/cm2). The photoconductive gain (K = Ion/Ioff), was found to be 6.7 × 102. It can be clearly seen that the prepared BTO film can be utilized as an efficient Ultraviolet photodetector

    Quantum ergodicity and entanglement in kicked coupled-tops

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    We study the dynamical generation of entanglement as a signature of chaos in a system of periodically kicked coupled-tops, where chaos and entanglement arise from the same physical mechanism. The long-time averaged entanglement as a function of the position of an initially localized wave packet very closely correlates with the classical phase space surface of section -- it is nearly uniform in the chaotic sea, and reproduces the detailed structure of the regular islands. The uniform value in the chaotic sea is explained by the random state conjecture. As classically chaotic dynamics take localized distributions in phase space to random distributions, quantized versions take localized coherent states to pseudo-random states in Hilbert space. Such random states are highly entangled, with an average value near that of the maximally entangled state. For a map with global chaos, we derive that value based on new analytic results for the typical entanglement in a subspace defined by the symmetries of the system. For a mixed phase space, we use the Percival conjecture to identify a "chaotic subspace" of the Hilbert space. The typical entanglement, averaged over the unitarily invariant Haar measure in this subspace, agrees with the long-time averaged entanglement for initial states in the chaotic sea. In all cases the dynamically generated entanglement is predicted by a unitary ensemble of random states, even though the system is time-reversal invariant, and the Floquet operator is a member of the circular orthogonal ensemble.Comment: 12 pages with 8 figure

    Electronic correlations in FeGa3 and the effect of hole doping on its magnetic properties

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    We investigate signatures of electronic correlations in the narrow-gap semiconductor FeGa 3 by means of electrical resistivity and thermodynamic measurements performed on single crystals of FeGa 3 , Fe 1−x Mn x Ga 3 , and FeGa 3−y Zn y , complemented by a study of the 4d analog material RuGa 3 . We find that the inclusion of sizable amounts of Mn and Zn dopants into FeGa 3 does not induce an insulator-to-metal transition. Our study indicates that both substitution of Zn onto the Ga site and replacement of Fe by Mn introduces states into the semiconducting gap that remain localized even at highest doping levels. Most importantly, using neutron powder diffraction measurements, we establish that FeGa 3 orders magnetically above room temperature in a complex structure, which is almost unaffected by the doping with Mn and Zn. Using realistic many-body calculations within the framework of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), we argue that while the iron atoms in FeGa 3 are dominantly in an S=1 state, there are strong charge and spin fluctuations on short-time scales, which are independent of temperature. Further, the low magnitude of local contributions to the spin susceptibility advocates an itinerant mechanism for the spin response in FeGa 3 . Our joint experimental and theoretical investigations classify FeGa 3 as a correlated band insulator with only small dynamical correlation effects, in which nonlocal exchange interactions are responsible for the spin gap of 0.4 eV and the antiferromagnetic order. We show that hole doping of FeGa 3 leads, within DMFT, to a notable strengthening of many-body renormalizations

    Resonance fluorescence from an artificial atom in squeezed vacuum

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    We present an experimental realization of resonance fluorescence in squeezed vacuum. We strongly couple microwave-frequency squeezed light to a superconducting artificial atom and detect the resulting fluorescence with high resolution enabled by a broadband traveling-wave parametric amplifier. We investigate the fluorescence spectra in the weak and strong driving regimes, observing up to 3.1 dB of reduction of the fluorescence linewidth below the ordinary vacuum level and a dramatic dependence of the Mollow triplet spectrum on the relative phase of the driving and squeezed vacuum fields. Our results are in excellent agreement with predictions for spectra produced by a two-level atom in squeezed vacuum [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{58}, 2539-2542 (1987)], demonstrating that resonance fluorescence offers a resource-efficient means to characterize squeezing in cryogenic environments

    Cavity Dynamical Casimir Effect in the presence of a three-level atom

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    We consider the scenario in which a damped three-level atom in the ladder or V configurations is coupled to a single cavity mode whose vacuum state is amplified by dint of the dynamical Casimir effect. We obtain approximate analytical expressions and exact numerical results for the time-dependent probabilities, demonstrating that the presence of the third level modifies the photon statistics and its population can serve as a witness of photon generation from vacuum.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Coherent control of collective spontaneous emission in an extended atomic ensemble and quantum storage

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    Coherent control of collective spontaneous emission in an extended atomic ensemble resonantly interacting with single-photon wave packets is analyzed. A scheme for coherent manipulation of collective atomic states is developed such that superradiant states of the atomic system can be converted into subradiant ones and vice versa. Possible applications of such a scheme for optical quantum state storage and single-photon wave packet shaping are discussed. It is shown that also in the absence of inhomogeneous broadening of the resonant line, single-photon wave packets with arbitrary pulse shape may be recorded as a subradiant state and reconstructed even although the duration of the wave packets is larger than the superradiant life-time. Specifically the applicability for storing time-bin qubits, which are used in quantum cryptography is analyzed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Exact solution of the Schrodinger equation with the spin-boson Hamiltonian

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    We address the problem of obtaining the exact reduced dynamics of the spin-half (qubit) immersed within the bosonic bath (enviroment). An exact solution of the Schrodinger equation with the paradigmatic spin-boson Hamiltonian is obtained. We believe that this result is a major step ahead and may ultimately contribute to the complete resolution of the problem in question. We also construct the constant of motion for the spin-boson system. In contrast to the standard techniques available within the framework of the open quantum systems theory, our analysis is based on the theory of block operator matrices.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica
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