90 research outputs found

    Penilaian Karya Ilmiah EDP_00

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    Penilaian Karya Ilmiah_EDP_01

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    Variability and nutritive compounds of guava (Psidium guajava L.)

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    Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a tropical fruit plant. The study was conducted at three different altitudes in guava production center of Indonesia. The objectives of this research are to obtain information about the production and quality of guava at three locations by using manure applications. The study was conducted to guava plants at the age of 4 yr (first production). The study was designed according to the factorial design of 3 × 2 with 5 times replications. The first factor is the locations, which are the location-I (Pageruyung), location-II(Sukorejo) and location- III (Plantungan). The second factor is the provision of organic material of manure; without and with manure (2.5 t · ha–1). The data collected is the guava production (total production for four months tree), diameter, weight, flesh thickness, seeds weight, fruit acid content and sugar content. Result of research showed (1.) the interaction between the location and the addition of manure in the cultivation of guava increased its fruit production, weight, and the sugar content, (2.) the research locations have elevation and soil chemical content varies in fruit diameter, seeds weight, and fruit acid content, (3.) manure significantly increased fruit production, weight, diameter, flesh thickness and sugar content, but it did not increase seeds weight and it reduced the fruit acid content

    Napier grass performance under agroforestry systems of upland area on Tuntang watershed, Indonesia

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    The success of forage cultivation effort extremely depends on several factors, such as kinds of forage, climate, water, and soil fertility. A research on napier grass in agroforestry system conducted to find out soil fertility, growth, production, and quality of forage in agroforestry system in headwaters of Tuntang watershed. This research used factorial plan 2 x 2 which was repeated five times. The first factor was agroforestry system (AFS-1 and AFS-2) and the second factor was defoliation in wet and dry season. Parameter observed were height of plants, forage production, dry matter content, crude protein, and crude fibre. In addition, agroforestry soil samples comprised specific weight of soil, pH, and N total. Height of plant in AFS-1 was higher (85.1 cm) than AFS-2 system (71.5 cm). Season had an affect on plants growth which was shown by height of plant that was lower during dry season (66.8 cm) than during wet season (89.8 cm). AFS-1 system had a better forage yield than AFS-2. Dry matter of forage varied between agroforestry system and season. The lowest dry matter during wet season could be found in AFS-1. The highest protein content in AFS-1 could be found during wet season (11.27%), and the lowest protein content in AFS-2 was during dry season (6.0%). Crude fibre of napier grass in AFS-2 was higher than AFS-1. Crude fibre content during dry season was higher than during wet season. The napier grass in AFS-1 has a better growth, production, and quality than in AFS-2. The growth, forage yield, crude protein and fibre contents during wet season in the upland area of Tuntang watershed are better than during dry season. The best dry matter content is in AFS-2 during dry season and the highest crude protein content of napier grass lies in AFS-1 during wet season. Keywords : Agroforestry, napier grass, crude protein, crude fibe

    Yield and component yield of onion (Allium cepa L.) effect of salicylic acid under drought stress in Indonesia

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    The use of salicylic acid as a resistance inducer agent in several plant species was well known. Salicylic acid has been believed to play an important role in inducing drought resistance. The use of salicylic acid and dryness in onion (Allium cepa L.) has never been studied. The present study aimed to ascertain how limited water supply and salicylic acid (SA) interact with onion (Allium cepa L. ) yield and component yield traits. A completely randomized design (CRD) and two-factor treatment with three replications were employed in the investigation. Drought was the first factor (FC1(field capacity), FC2 ( at 60% field capacity), FC3 (at 20% field capacity). The concentration of salicylic acid (SA) was the second component (0 mM, 0.5 mM, and 1 mM). The following parameters were measured: relative water content (RWC), water use efficiency (WUE), plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, root length, chlorophyll content index (CCI), proline, bulb weight (bw), strawweight (w), bulb diameter, bulb production (bp), harvest index (hi), and bulb diameter. The results showed that tillers increased (7.0 to 10.0) as SA concentration increased at three levels of dryness. However, plant height (40.6 to 30.0cm) and the number of leaves (24.3 to 16.0) decreased as drought increased. Dryness in bulb weight, strawweight, bulb diameter, and bulb production could not be alleviated by the SA concentration.  Salicylic acid  1 mM has been able to overcome drought up to 20% of field capacity as indicated by plant height and leaf area but was unable to prevent drought on bulb weight and tuber diameter.  Thus, the concentration of salicylic acid given would help to overcome drought (water deficit) in shallot plants.


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    Kelompok Ternak Sapi Perah Kecamatan Getasan merupakan salah satu pemasok susu sapi di Semarang, Salatiga dan sekitarnya. Banyak kendala yang ditemui dalam pemeliharaan Sapi Perah, yaitu dorongan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan produksi susu, pengolahan susu dan pengolahan limbah ternak. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh KTT Sari Puspita dan Sari Subur adalah 1.) masalah sistem dan teknis untuk peningkatan produksi.(2.) masalah tidak mengerti pengolahan susu,(3.) masalah kurang pengetahuan tentang pengolahan limbah ternak. Penerapan teknologi berupa Pendidikan dan Penyuluhan serta Pelatihan, praktek (percontohan), pendampingan dan pemantauan dilakukan selama 10 bulan (Maret-Desember 2014) meliputi (1), Peningkatan pengetahuan dan praktek tentang pengolahan susu sapi menjadi produk alternatif lain yaitu sabun susu, (2) Peningkatan pengetahuan dan demplot tentang pengolahan limbah/kotoran ternak menjadi pupuk organik granul dan pupuk cair organik. Hasil dari penerapan teknologi kepada masyarakat ini adalah bahwa kelompok tani ternak mitra sudah mampu (1) mengolah susu menjadi produk alternative, (2) mampu mengolah limbah menjadi pupuk granul dan pupuk organik cair, dan (3) pendapatan kelompok ternak meningkat sebesar 42.3 %. Kata kunci : peternak sapi perah, sabun susu, pupuk organik granul, pupuk cai

    Chlorophyll, crop growth rate and forage yield of Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha Stapf) as the result of goat manure in various nitrogen dosage

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    growth rate (CGR), forage yield, dry matter ((DM) yield and DM content of BrachiariabrizanthaStapf. The experiment used manure (0 and 5 ton/ha) and nitrogen dosage (50, 100, 150 kg N ha-1) set in factorial design 2 x 3, repeated three times. The result showed that manure increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content. N dosage increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content. The interaction between manure and N dosage increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content. The result showed that manure usage and nitrogen dosage 150 kg N ha-1 increased chlorophyll content, plant height, CGR, forage yield, DM yield and DM content in the amount of 27.5; 20.5; 98.4; 68.5; 103.4 and 20.5% compared to without manure and nitrogen dosage in the amount of 150 kg N ha-1


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    ABSTRACT Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) was one of the temperate legumes, palatable and nutritious that content high in protein, vitamin and mineral. The purpose of this study examines the effect of Ethyl Methyl Sulfonate (EMS) on the ability to grow of subtropical mutations alfalfa seed . The design was the complete randomized block design 4 treatments (EMS concentrations of 0; 0.11; 0.22 and 0.33%) with 5 replicates. The variables observed were germination, vigor index and the coefficient of vigor. Results of analysis of variance showed that the dosage EMS significant effect on germination and vigour index but did not significantly affect the coefficient of vigour The highest yield germination and vigor index at 0.11% EMS treatment respectively by 48% and 5:57. Alfalfa can be flowering and seeding in the tropics. EMS 0:11% increase germination and vigor index of seeds produced. Keywords: the ability to grow seeds, alfalfa subtropical, EMS ABSTRAK Tanaman alfalfa (Medicago sativa ) merupakan leguminosa yang biasa tumbuh di daerah temperate, bergizi, kaya protein, dan mineral serta disukai ternak. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh Ethyl Methyl Sulfonate (EMS) terhadap kemampuan tumbuh biji hasil mutasi alfalfa sub tropis. Rancangan yang digunakan Rancangan Acak lengkap 4 perlakuan (konsentrasi EMS 0; 0,11; 0,22 dan 0,33%) dengan 5 ulangan. Variabel yang diamati daya kecambah, vigor indeks dan koefisien vigor. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian dosis EMS berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap daya kecambah dan vigor indeks tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap koefisien vigor. Hasil tertinggi daya kecambah dan vigor indeks pada perlakuan EMS 0,11 % masing-masing sebesar 48% dan 5.57. Alfalfa dapat berbunga dan berbiji didaerah tropis. EMS 0,11% meningkatkan daya kecambah dan vigor indeks biji yang dihasilkan. Kata kunci: kemampuan tumbuh biji, alfalfa sub tropis, EM


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    ABSTRAK Alfalfa (Medicago sativa ) merupakan "Queen of Forage" , salah satu leguminosa pakan unggul kualitas tinggi yang dapat diberikan ternak, sebagai pakan tunggal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan protein kasar dan energi pakan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh EMS terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi hijauan alfalafa sub tropis pada defoliasi I. Rancangan yang digunakan Rancanagan Acak lengkap 4 perlakuan (konsentrasi EMS 0; 0,11; 0,22 dan 0,33%) dengan 5 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati tinggi tanaman, kadar khloropil dan produksi hijauan alfalfa pada defoliasi I. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi EMS tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, kadar khloropil dan produksi hijauan alfalfa pada defoliasi I. Rerata tinggi tanaman, 56,75; 59,50; 64 dan 55,25 cm, kadar khlorophil 2,56; 2,49; 2,46 dan 2,59 g/mg dan produksi hijauan alfalfa sub tropis 10,99; 10,46; 11,61, 10,38 g/m2. Kata Kunci: Pertumbuhan, produksi, Alfalfa sub tropis, EM
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