26 research outputs found

    A standard, single dose of inhaled terbutaline attenuates hyperpnoea-induced bronchoconstriction and mast cell activation in athletes

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    Release of broncho-active mediators from mast cells during exercise hyperpnoea is a key factor in the pathophysiology of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). Our aim was to investigate the effect of a standard, single dose of an inhaled β2-adrenoceptor agonist on mast cell activation in response to dry air hyperpnoea in athletes with EIB. Twenty-seven athletes with EIB completed a randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Terbutaline (0.5 mg) or placebo was inhaled15 min prior to 8 min of eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea (EVH) with dry air. Pre- and post-bronchial challenge, urine samples were analysed by enzyme immunoassay for 11β-prostaglandin(PG)F2α. The maximum fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec(FEV1) of 14 (12-20)% (median and interquartile range) following placebo was attenuated to 7 (5-9)% with the administration of terbutaline (P<0.001). EVH caused a significant increase in 11β-PGF2α from (27-57) ng·mmol creatinine-1 at baseline to (43-72) ng·mmol creatinine-1 at its peak post-EVH following placebo (P=0.002). The rise in 11β-PGF2α was inhibited with administration of terbutaline: 39 (28-44) ng·mmol creatinine-1 at baseline vs. 40 (33-58) ng·mmol creatinine-1 at its peak post-EVH (P=0.118). These data provide novel in vivo evidence of mast cell stabilisation following inhalation of a standard dose of terbutaline prior to bronchial provocation with EVH in athletes with EIB

    IL-4 Amplifies the Pro-Inflammatory Effect of Adenosine in Human Mast Cells by Changing Expression Levels of Adenosine Receptors

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    Adenosine inhalation produces immediate bronchoconstriction in asthmatics but not in normal subjects. The bronchospastic effect of adenosine is largely mediated through adenosine-induced mast cell activation, the mechanism of which is poorly understood due to limitations in culturing human primary mast cells. Here, we show that human umbilical cord blood -derived mast cells incubated with the Th2 cytokine IL-4 develop increased sensitivity to adenosine. Potentiation of anti-IgE- induced and calcium ionophore/PMA-induced degranulation was augmented in mast cells cultured with IL-4, and this effect was reduced or abolished by pre-treatment with A2BsiRNA and selective A2B receptor antagonists, respectively. IL-4 incubation resulted in the increased expression of A2B and reduced expression of A2A adenosine receptors on human mast cells. These results suggest that Th2 cytokines in the asthmatic lung may alter adenosine receptor expression on airway mast cells to promote increased responsiveness to adenosine

    Purinergic signalling and immune cells

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    This review article provides a historical perspective on the role of purinergic signalling in the regulation of various subsets of immune cells from early discoveries to current understanding. It is now recognised that adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and other nucleotides are released from cells following stress or injury. They can act on virtually all subsets of immune cells through a spectrum of P2X ligand-gated ion channels and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors. Furthermore, ATP is rapidly degraded into adenosine by ectonucleotidases such as CD39 and CD73, and adenosine exerts additional regulatory effects through its own receptors. The resulting effect ranges from stimulation to tolerance depending on the amount and time courses of nucleotides released, and the balance between ATP and adenosine. This review identifies the various receptors involved in the different subsets of immune cells and their effects on the function of these cells