15,426 research outputs found

    Bounded Verification with On-the-Fly Discrepancy Computation

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    Simulation-based verification algorithms can provide formal safety guarantees for nonlinear and hybrid systems. The previous algorithms rely on user provided model annotations called discrepancy function, which are crucial for computing reachtubes from simulations. In this paper, we eliminate this requirement by presenting an algorithm for computing piece-wise exponential discrepancy functions. The algorithm relies on computing local convergence or divergence rates of trajectories along a simulation using a coarse over-approximation of the reach set and bounding the maximal eigenvalue of the Jacobian over this over-approximation. The resulting discrepancy function preserves the soundness and the relative completeness of the verification algorithm. We also provide a coordinate transformation method to improve the local estimates for the convergence or divergence rates in practical examples. We extend the method to get the input-to-state discrepancy of nonlinear dynamical systems which can be used for compositional analysis. Our experiments show that the approach is effective in terms of running time for several benchmark problems, scales reasonably to larger dimensional systems, and compares favorably with respect to available tools for nonlinear models.Comment: 24 page

    BPS States on M5-brane in Large C-field Background

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    We extensively study BPS solutions of the low energy effective theory of M5-brane in large C-field background. This provides us an opportunity to explore the interactions turned on by C-field background through the Nambu-Poisson structure. The BPS states considered in this paper include the M-waves, the self-dual string (M2 ending on M5), tilted M5-brane, holomorphic embedding of M5-brane and the intersection of two M5-branes along a 3-brane.Comment: 25 pages, reference adde

    A survey on touch dynamics authentication in mobile devices

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. There have been research activities in the area of keystroke dynamics biometrics on physical keyboards (desktop computers or conventional mobile phones) undertaken in the past three decades. However, in terms of touch dynamics biometrics on virtual keyboards (modern touchscreen mobile devices), there has been little published work. Particularly, there is a lack of an extensive survey and evaluation of the methodologies adopted in the area. Owing to the widespread use of touchscreen mobile devices, it is necessary for us to examine the techniques and their effectiveness in the domain of touch dynamics biometrics. The aim of this paper is to provide some insights and comparative analysis of the current state of the art in the topic area, including data acquisition protocols, feature data representations, decision making techniques, as well as experimental settings and evaluations. With such a survey, we can gain a better understanding of the current state of the art, thus identifying challenging issues and knowledge gaps for further research

    N = 2 SCFTs: An M5-brane perspective

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    Inspired by the recently discovered holographic duality between N=2 SCFTs and half-BPS M-theory backgrounds, we study probe M5-branes. Though our main focus is supersymmetric M5-branes whose worldvolume has an AdS_n factor, we also consider some other configurations. Of special mention is the identification of AdS_5 and AdS_3 probes preserving supersymmetry, with only the latter supporting a self-dual field strength.Comment: 27 page

    A glass workshop in ‘Aqir, Israel and a new type of compositional contamination

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    Materials associated with a secondary workshop of early Byzantine date (4th-5th centuries) were unearthed in excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority in ‘Aqir, central Israel. Fragments of furnace structure, production debris and glass vessels have been analysed by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDS) and thin-section petrography. The results suggest that the workshop melted raw glass chunks of similar composition to the primary glass made at Apollonia, Israel, to produce secondary glass products. Some glass vessels associated with the furnace are of different composition, and some of these may represent material brought in as cullet for recycling. The furnace was built with ceramic bricks comprising alluvial-type clay with inclusions of quartz sand, probably added as temper. It was fired by potash-rich fuel to approximately 1100°C. Lime mortar was used either to cement the gaps between mudbricks or to line the furnace as a parting layer, and it has introduced a previously unrecognised type of contamination in glass of the period, mainly of Fe2O3 and CaO. The contamination may be identified in glass vessel assemblages elsewhere but is not ubiquitous. As its origin relates to the furnace structure, its occurrence may depend upon chronology or geography and further work is needed to resolve this issue

    Dynamic Functions of RhoA in Tumor Cell Migration and Invasion

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    RhoA is one of the more extensively studied members of the Rho family of small GTPase where it is most readily recognized for its contributions to actin-myosin contractility and stress fiber formation. Accordingly, RhoA function during cell migration has been relegated to the rear of the cell where it mediates retraction of the trailing edge. However, RhoA can also mediate membrane ruffling, lamellae formation and membrane blebbing, thus suggesting an active role in membrane protrusions at the leading edge. With the advent of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based Rho activity reporters, RhoA has been shown to be active at the leading edge of migrating cells where it precedes Rac and Cdc42 activation. These observations demonstrate a remarkable versatility to RhoA signaling, but how RhoA function can switch between contraction and protrusion has remained an enigma. This review highlights recent advances regarding how the cooperation of Rho effector Rhotekin and S100A4 suppresses stress fiber generation to permit RhoA-mediated lamellae formation

    M2-M5 blackfold funnels

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    We analyze the basic M2-M5 intersection in the supergravity regime using the blackfold approach. This approach allows us to recover the 1/4-BPS self-dual string soliton solution of Howe, Lambert and West as a three-funnel solution of an effective fivebrane worldvolume theory in a new regime, the regime of a large number of M2 and M5 branes. In addition, it allows us to discuss finite temperature effects for non-extremal self-dual string soliton solutions and wormhole solutions interpolating between stacks of M5 and anti-M5 branes. The purpose of this paper is to exhibit these solutions and their basic properties.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, harvmac; typo corrected in equation (3.19

    A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks

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    Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications, where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on the existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art GNNs into four categories, namely, recurrent GNNs, convolutional GNNs, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal GNNs. We further discuss the applications of GNNs across various domains and summarize the open-source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of GNNs. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field

    Circumstellar properties of S stars. I. Dust features

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    The 1435 stars currently classified as of S spectral type have been searched for association with the IRAS Point Source Catalog. Among the 835 S stars with IRAS counterparts, 149 are found to have usable IRAS low-resolution spectra. The circumstellar properties of these S stars are classified using the LRS. We find that the circumstellar properties of S stars are very similar to those of M stars. For the S stars that have LRS, silicate emission objects form the largest group. Only four objects of the whole sample show the SiC emission feature commonly found in carbon stars. Some of the S stars that show a photospheric continuum with no infrared excess may not be thermal pulsing AGB stars but are mass transfer binaries. We propose a new classification scheme for AGB stars, taking into account both the photospheric and circumstellar spectral properties. This scheme recognizes the importance of mass loss on the evolution of AGB stars. The evolutionary status of S stars is discussed in terms of their circumstellar properties, and an evolutionary scenario is proposed to reconcile the visible photospheric properties and the circumstellar properties of S stars.published_or_final_versio

    Striatal dopamine D₂/₃ receptors in medication-naïve schizophrenia: an [¹²³I] IBZM SPECT study

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    BACKGROUND: The hyper-function of the striatal dopamine system has been suggested to underlie key pathophysiological mechanisms in schizophrenia. Moreover, patients have been observed to present a significant elevation of dopamine receptor availability compared to healthy controls. Although it is difficult to measure dopamine levels directly in humans, neurochemical imaging techniques such as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) provide indirect indices of in vivo dopamine synthesis and release, and putative synaptic levels. METHODS: We focused on the role of dopamine postsynaptic regulation using [123I] iodobenzamide (IBZM) SPECT. We compared D2/3 receptor availability between 53 healthy controls and 21 medication-naive patients with recent-onset schizophrenia. RESULT: The mean specific striatal binding showed no significant difference between patients and controls (estimated difference = 0.001; 95% CI -0.11 to 0.11; F = 0.00, df = 1, 69; p = 0.99). There was a highly significant effect of age whereby IBZM binding declined with advancing age [estimated change per decade of age = -0.01(binding ratio); 95% CI -0.01 to -0.004; F = 11.5, df = 1, 69; p = 0.001]. No significant correlations were found between the mean specific striatal binding and psychopathological or cognitive rating scores. CONCLUSIONS: Medication-naïve patients with recent-onset schizophrenia have similar D2/3 receptor availability to healthy controls. We suggest that, rather than focusing exclusively on postsynaptic receptors, future treatments should target the presynaptic control of dopamine synthesis and release