18 research outputs found

    Упровадження принципів належного врядування як інструмент зміцнення демократії в Україні

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    Метою статті є встановлення особливостей реалізації принципів належного врядування в Україні та визначення їх впливу на розвиток демократії в країні. Встановлено, що в іноземних джерелах концепцію належного врядування визначають як інституційне середовище, де громадяни взаємодіють з урядовими структурами та службовцями; як ефективне, прозоре та відповідальне керівництво урядом публічними справами, включаючи залучення представників громадянського суспільства до досягнення спільних цілей соціального, економічного та культурного розвитку. Визначено, що важливою складовою ефективного врядування є дотримання демократичних принципів, що включає активну участь громадськості та прозорість у діяльності держави. Це сприятиме стабільному економічному та соціальному розвитку України. Для досягнення цієї мети необхідним є залучення всіх зацікавлених сторін на державному та місцевому рівнях, орієнтуючись на принципи належного врядування. Доведено, що в сучасних умовах та в подальшій перспективі проблеми суспільної консолідації, толерантності, досягнення консенсусу та довіри між соціальними, національними та релігійними групами стануть головними питаннями. Проблема довіри до владних, економічних та правових інститутів також залишиться гострою. Український уряд буде змушений приймати непопулярні рішення у складних умовах, що залежатимуть від соціально-економічної ситуації та вимог суспільства. Для цього потрібні механізми деліберативної демократії, які сприятимуть інклюзивності, аргументованості обговорень та залагодженню конфліктів. Доведено, що для зміцнення демократії в Україні та укріплення належного врядування можна розглянути два напрямки: поліпшення наявних механізмів публічних обговорень шляхом додавання елементів деліберації, а також дослідження, пристосування та впровадження нових механізмів. Особливу увагу потрібно приділити систематичним діалогам з інститутами громадянського суспільства, які можуть бути корисними при вирішенні складних соціальних проблем

    Psycho-Semantic Reconstruction of Psychological Risk Readiness Perceptions by the National Guard of Ukraine Servicemen

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    The article presents the results of a study of the views of military servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine on psychological readiness to take risks. To achieve the goal of the study, the authors used the psycho-semantic method. The methods of the specialized semantic differential are chosen by the psychological tool of the psycho-semantic method. The semantic differential has been has made it possible to evaluate the subjective aspects of the meaning of the concept of “psychological readiness for risk” associated with the meaning, stereotypes, social attitudes.Officers represent a soldier who is psychologically prepared for the risk, as follows. This person is trying to achieve a successful result under any circumstances, independent from management or subordinates, relying only on his own strength, showing determination and self-confidence, professionally trained, observant and emotionally stable. Contract servicemen believe that a psychologically prepared for the risk of a soldier can make quick and deliberate decisions, has lots of stamina and strong-willed person, honest and patriotic. This soldier acts deliberately and carefully, not allowing his actions to harm others. Servicemen of military conscription think that a soldier who is psychologically prepared for risk is resistant to extreme factors. He has a principle, he is reliable, outgoing person, always ready to offer the help of his comrades and people around him. This soldier is satisfied with his profession and proud that serves just in the National Guard of Ukraine.</p

    Psychological Peculiarities of Styles of Professional Activity and the Level of Stress among Members of Election Commissions in Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine

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    The results of the empirical study among the members of election commissions (N=112, age: 25−68 years) for Ukrainian parliamentary elections 2019 to study the styles of their professional activity and the level of stress are presented. The most pronounced style of professional activity is “Professional-perfectionist”, which contributes to the high productivity of members of election commissions. The work tasks at a polling station are best fulfilled by the person with a more pronounced style of professional activity “Formalist-bureaucrat”. It is undesirable to involve working at the polling station persons with high rates in the style of the professional activity of “Nihilist”. It has been found that the major psychological difficulties of working in election commissions are due to excessive psycho-emotional and psychophysical overload, to which some members of the commissions are not ready. This overload can cause them to experience certain mental stress, different levels of stress, their manifestation, and consequences. Although the majority of participants demonstrated a high degree of adaptability to stressful workloads, members of commissions should perform their duties at a highly professional level in extremely difficult circumstances, including at night and in a state of intense emotional stress. The results of the research should be taken into account during the organization of the election process and the holding of elections to central and local authorities. To improve it, it is advisable to organize and conduct early training and skills upgrading of members of election commissions. To do this, it is necessary to develop and implement training programs for the development of style peculiarities of professional activity, which will contribute to effective work in the election commission and overcoming psychological difficulties.</em

    The Main Factors and Personality Characteristics to Predict the Risk of Suicide by Military Personnel in Hostilities

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    The problem of non-combat losses due to suicides of military personnel is relevant for most of the armed forces of states participating in local armed conflicts. The posthumous pathopsychological study of materials from the investigation of suicides by Ukrainian military personnel made it possible to identify the main factors of committing suicides during the period of participation in hostilities in eastern Ukraine in 2014-2019: problems of adaptation to combat conditions; insufficient level of professional and psychological training to perform missions in combat conditions; acute stressful reactions to participation in hostilities; physical and mental exhaustion, demotivation; dysfunctional families; loneliness or breakup with a beloved woman; offenses and disciplinary actions; alcohol abuse. The main types of personality who committed suicide in different periods of hostilities were: in 2014-2016 “Demonstratively-Dependent”, having two subtypes “Demonstratively-Maladaptive” and “Demonstratively-Masked”; in 2017-2019 “Asthenic-Depressive”, which has two subtypes “Constitutionally-Weak” and “Exhausted-Demotivated”. The manifestation of PTSD symptoms, physical and mental exhaustion, demotivation, indifference of society to the problems of veterans can significantly increase the risk of suicide in the post-war period. The division into periods of suicidal activity of servicemen suggests that the identified types (subtypes) of personality become suicidal only in extreme conditions with impaired adaptation and self–realization. The identified reasons for committing suicides and the typification of military personnel-suicides associated with different periods of participation in hostilities are not exhaustive.</em

    What Motivates Ukrainian Women to Choose a Military Service in Warfare?

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    Despite the fact that large-scale active hostilities have been ongoing in Ukraine since 2014, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase the number of women who want to connect their lives with the military profession.Objectives: to identify the characteristics of the professional motivation of female military personnel (N = 477) of the National Guard of Ukraine with different professional status.Methodology: the survey method using three questionnaires: “Questionnaire for determining the effectiveness of the service and combat missions by female military personnel”, “Questionnaire for studying the motivation for the professional choice of a law enforcement profession”, “Questionnaire for the study of the socio-psychological characteristics of women in military service”.Results. The survey revealed the types of motivation that ensure the adaptation and self-realization of women in the military sphere: among female contract service members the pragmatic type prevails, and by female cadets – institutional type. For female cadets who had just begun to study the military profession, the main motives for choosing were self-realization in professional activity, achieving success in a military career and usefulness to society. Female contract service members with experience of military service consider professional self-realization and material support as the main motives when choosing a profession. Currently, these motives contribute to the high-quality performance of official duties by Ukrainian women military personnel and ensure the high efficiency of their service in ordinary and extreme conditions.</em


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    The aim of the study. It was compared the adaptive potential and readiness to perform professional duties among the medical students and cadets of NANGU. Materials and methods. There were 134 respondents, who took part in a survey which was based on «Adaptability» questionnaire by A. Maklakov. The total time of the survey was thirty minutes. The criteria included respondents at the age from 18-30 and their regular physical activity for at least three times a week. The criteria included respondents at the age from 18-30 and their regular physical activity for at least three times a week. Among the exclusion criteria were duty or night shift in the hospital, taking psychotropic drugs, acute respiratory viral diseases during the survey period. Results and discussion. Average indices of NANGU cadets belong to the third group of human adaptive abilities (satisfactory abilities), meanwhile the medical students show the prevailing indices of the fourth group (unsatisfactory abilities). Medical students demonstrate lower indices of neuropsychological stability (28,13±12,97 c.u.), comparing to cadets (13,29±9,01 c.u.; t1-2 = 6,87, at p 0,001). The group of medical students demonstrates worse indices on all scales of the «Adaptability» questionnaire, except for the «Probability» scale, comparing to the group of NANGU cadets. It is worth mentioning that medical students reveal greater self-criticism, introversion, they tend to self-reflection that hinders the process of secondary adaptation in society and reduces resistance to stressful conditions. Conclusions. It indicates a poor adaptation to the requirements of professional activity and determines the need to conduct mandatory psychological selection among medical students during admission to an educational institution. In the future, the level and development of adaptive capabilities of young professionals among students might become one of the main reasons for their change of professional area and subsequently might lead to significant loss of state economic resources which were spent on their training

    The Psychological Readiness Model of Military Personnel to Take Risks during a Combat Deployment

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    The purpose of this article is to present an empirically-derived psychological readiness model of military personnel to take risks during combat deployment. The model was developed using the methods of semantic differential, peer review, and factor analysis. Its theoretical basis is the concept of “hardiness”. The study involved 104 military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine had combat experience in the War in Eastern Ukraine. The model includes four components: “Ability for volitional efforts (mobilization)”, “Military brotherhood”, “Professional identity”, “Self-control (endurance)”. Their content covers the emotional-volitional, cognitive, motivational, moral, active-practical, existential-being, and interpersonal-social spheres of the individual. The leading role in the model belongs to strong-willed features, combat cohesion, patriotism, and adaptive resources of the individual, which make it possible to maintain the effectiveness of military personnel’s combat activities under conditions of risk. The basis of the psychological readiness of military personnel to actively act and overcome difficulties in conditions of risk (uncertainty, direct threat to health and life) with the absence of reliable guarantees for success is hardiness. It is suggested that the model can be used for psychological selection procedures, professional and psychological training of military personnel, predicting their behavior under conditions of risk, and developing strategies for psychological support in the post-deployment period. This will reduce psychogenic losses during hostilities.</em

    Content, Hierarchy, Intensity of Motives and their Possibility to be Implemented in Servicemen with Various Levels of Effectiveness of Service Activity

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    In accordance with the results of conducted research there were figured out the content, hierarchy, intensity of motives and their possibility to be implemented in servicemen with various levels of effectiveness of service activity. 8435 male servicemen participated in the research, they equally presented all the operational and territorial military unifications and units of the National Guard of Ukraine. Each unit proportionately presented officers as well as military personnel under contract who included the participants of hostilities and those who did not have such experience. Examination of various aspects of servicemen motivation was conducted with the help of the following the methods which were standardized being based on the Ukrainian  selection “Close Questionnaire of Examining the Motivation of Professional Choice Made by Applicants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”, “Questionnaire of Estimation of the Effectiveness of Military Tasks’ Execution by Servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine”, questionnaire on “Sense-Bearing and Life Orientations”, the methods of “Studying the Motivational Profile of Personality”, and “Locus of Control”. There was conducted the cluster analysis which gave the possibility to figure out six motivational types connected with the effectiveness of servicemen operational activity. Motivational types were located between the poles which were introduced by two dimensions: self-efficacy (autonomous and controlled motivation) and motivation of helping others (motivations of public service - selfishness).Those motivational types of servicemen were the following: motivated by public service, stagnant, prosocial, romantic, deficient, and dependent. Distinguished types included the content, hierarchy, intensity of motives and their possibility to be implemented.</p

    Довідник командира артилерійського підрозділу

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    У навчальному посібнику викладені основні дані щодо підготовки артилерії до бойового застосування. Навчальний посібник призначений для підготовки і проведення занять із тактичної, спеціальної, технічної та стрілецької підготовки. Він може бути корисним як викладачам кафедр військової підготовки і студентам ВНЗ, які навчаються за програмою підготовки офіцерів запасу, так і викладачам та курсантам ВВНЗ, які здійснюють підготовку офіцерів артилерійського профілю. Крім того, посібник може бути корисним офіцерам-артилеристам у військах у ході бойової підготовки артилерійських підрозділів та під час проведення антитерористичної операції