2,755 research outputs found

    Structure of penetrable-rod fluids: Exact properties and comparison between Monte Carlo simulations and two analytic theories

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    Bounded potentials are good models to represent the effective two-body interaction in some colloidal systems, such as dilute solutions of polymer chains in good solvents. The simplest bounded potential is that of penetrable spheres, which takes a positive finite value if the two spheres are overlapped, being 0 otherwise. Even in the one-dimensional case, the penetrable-rod model is far from trivial, since interactions are not restricted to nearest neighbors and so its exact solution is not known. In this paper we first derive the exact correlation functions of penetrable-rod fluids to second order in density at any temperature, as well as in the high-temperature and zero-temperature limits at any density. Next, two simple analytic theories are constructed: a high-temperature approximation based on the exact asymptotic behavior in the limit TT\to\infty and a low-temperature approximation inspired by the exact result in the opposite limit T0T\to 0. Finally, we perform Monte Carlo simulations for a wide range of temperatures and densities to assess the validity of both theories. It is found that they complement each other quite well, exhibiting a good agreement with the simulation data within their respective domains of applicability and becoming practically equivalent on the borderline of those domains. A perspective on the extension of both approaches to the more realistic three-dimensional case is provided.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables: v2: minor changes; published final versio

    Introduction to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes

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    Influence of the Particles Creation on the Flat and Negative Curved FLRW Universes

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    We present a dynamical analysis of the (classical) spatially flat and negative curved Friedmann-Lameitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universes evolving, (by assumption) close to the thermodynamic equilibrium, in presence of a particles creation process, described by means of a realiable phenomenological approach, based on the application to the comoving volume (i. e. spatial volume of unit comoving coordinates) of the theory for open thermodynamic systems. In particular we show how, since the particles creation phenomenon induces a negative pressure term, then the choice of a well-grounded ansatz for the time variation of the particles number, leads to a deep modification of the very early standard FLRW dynamics. More precisely for the considered FLRW models, we find (in addition to the limiting case of their standard behaviours) solutions corresponding to an early universe characterized respectively by an "eternal" inflationary-like birth and a spatial curvature dominated singularity. In both these cases the so-called horizon problem finds a natural solution.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, appeared in Class. Quantum Grav., 18, 193, 200

    Two-chamber lattice model for thermodiffusion in polymer solutions

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    When a temperature gradient is applied to a polymer solution, the polymer typically migrates to the colder regions of the fluid as a result of thermal diffusion (Soret effect). However, in recent thermodiffusion experiments on poly(ethylene-oxide) (PEO) in a mixed ethanol/water solvent it is observed that for some solvent compositions the polymer migrates to the cold side, while for other compositions it migrates to the warm side. In order to understand this behavior, we have developed a two-chamber lattice model approach to investigate thermodiffusion in dilute polymer solutions. For a short polymer chain in an incompressible, one-component solvent we obtain exact results for the partitioning of the polymer between a warm and a cold chamber. In order to describe mixtures of PEO, ethanol, and water, we have extended this simple model to account for compressibility and hydrogen bonding between PEO and water molecules. For this complex system, we obtain approximate results for the composition in the warmer and cooler chambers that allow us to calculate Soret coefficients for given temperature, pressure, and solvent composition. The sign of the Soret coefficient is found to change from negative (polymer enriched in warmer region) to positive (polymer enriched in cooler region) as the water content of the solution is increased, in agreement with experimental data. We also investigate the temperature dependence of the Soret effect and find that a change in temperature can induce a change in the sign of the Soret coefficient. We note a close relationship between the solvent quality and the partitioning of the polymer between the two chambers, which may explain why negative Soret coefficients for polymers are so rarely observed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Tsallis statistics generalization of non-equilibrium work relations

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    We use third constraint formulation of Tsallis statistics and derive the qq-statistics generalization of non-equilibrium work relations such as the Jarzynski equality and the Crooks fluctuation theorem which relate the free energy differences between two equilibrium states and the work distribution of the non-equilibrium processes.Comment: 5 page

    Thermodynamic Field Theory with the Iso-Entropic Formalism

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    A new formulation of the thermodynamic field theory (TFT) is presented. In this new version, one of the basic restriction in the old theory, namely a closed-form solution for the thermodynamic field strength, has been removed. In addition, the general covariance principle is replaced by Prigogine's thermodynamic covariance principle (TCP). The introduction of TCP required the application of an appropriate mathematical formalism, which has been referred to as the iso-entropic formalism. The validity of the Glansdorff-Prigogine Universal Criterion of Evolution, via geometrical arguments, is proven. A new set of thermodynamic field equations, able to determine the nonlinear corrections to the linear ("Onsager") transport coefficients, is also derived. The geometry of the thermodynamic space is non-Riemannian tending to be Riemannian for hight values of the entropy production. In this limit, we obtain again the same thermodynamic field equations found by the old theory. Applications of the theory, such as transport in magnetically confined plasmas, materials submitted to temperature and electric potential gradients or to unimolecular triangular chemical reactions can be found at references cited herein.Comment: 35 page

    Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems

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    Inflationary Models Driven by Adiabatic Matter Creation

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    The flat inflationary dust universe with matter creation proposed by Prigogine and coworkers is generalized and its dynamical properties are reexamined. It is shown that the starting point of these models depends critically on a dimensionless parameter Σ\Sigma, closely related to the matter creation rate ψ\psi. For Σ\Sigma bigger or smaller than unity flat universes can emerge, respectively, either like a Big-Bang FRW singularity or as a Minkowski space-time at t=t=-\infty. The case Σ=1\Sigma=1 corresponds to a de Sitter-type solution, a fixed point in the phase diagram of the system, supported by the matter creation process. The curvature effects have also been investigated. The inflating de Sitter is a universal attractor for all expanding solutions regardless of the initial conditions as well as of the curvature parameter.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures(available from the authors), uses LATE

    Exact Markovian kinetic equation for a quantum Brownian oscillator

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    We derive an exact Markovian kinetic equation for an oscillator linearly coupled to a heat bath, describing quantum Brownian motion. Our work is based on the subdynamics formulation developed by Prigogine and collaborators. The space of distribution functions is decomposed into independent subspaces that remain invariant under Liouville dynamics. For integrable systems in Poincar\'e's sense the invariant subspaces follow the dynamics of uncoupled, renormalized particles. In contrast for non-integrable systems, the invariant subspaces follow a dynamics with broken-time symmetry, involving generalized functions. This result indicates that irreversibility and stochasticity are exact properties of dynamics in generalized function spaces. We comment on the relation between our Markovian kinetic equation and the Hu-Paz-Zhang equation.Comment: A few typos in the published version are correcte

    Search for Tracker Potentials in Quintessence Theory

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    We report a significant finding in Quintessence theory that the the scalar fields with tracker potentials have a model-independent scaling behaviour in the expanding universe. So far widely discussed exponential,power law or hyperbolic potentials can simply mimic the tracking behaviour over a limited range of redshift. In the small redshift range where the variation of the tracking parameter ϵ\epsilon may be taken to be negligible, the differential equation of generic potentials leads to hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine potentials which may approximate tracker field in the present day universe. We have plotted the variation of tracker potential and the equation of state of the tracker field as function of the redshift zz for the model-independent relation derived from tracker field theory; we have also plotted the variation of V(Φ)V(\Phi) in terms of the scalar field Φ\Phi for the chosen hyperbolic cosine function and have compared with the curves obtained by reconstruction of V(ϕ)V(\phi) from the real observational data from the supernovae.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, late