419 research outputs found

    Impact on lung function and body mass index (BMI) when CF patients become parents

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    Experiences, perceptions and assessments of medical treatment among patients with CF

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    Serodiagnosis of Mycobacterium abscessus complex infection in cystic fibrosis

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    Early signs of pulmonary disease with Mycobacterium abscessus complex (MABSC) can be missed in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). A serological method could help stratify patients according to risk. The objective of this study was to test the diagnostic accuracy of a novel method for investigating IgG activity against MABSC. A prospective study of all patients attending the Copenhagen CF Centre was conducted by culturing for MABSC during a 22-month period and then screening patients with an anti-MABSC IgG ELISA. Culture-positive patients had stored serum examined for antibody kinetics before and after culture conversion. 307 patients had 3480 respiratory samples cultured and were then tested with the anti-MABSC IgG ELISA. Patients with MABSC pulmonary disease had median anti-MABSC IgG levels six-fold higher than patients with no history of infection (434 versus 64 ELISA units; p<0.001). The test sensitivity was 95% (95% CI 74–99%) and the specificity was 73% (95% CI 67–78%). A diagnostic algorithm was constructed to stratify patients according to risk. The test accurately identified patients with pulmonary disease caused by MABSC and was suited to be used as a complement to mycobacterial culture

    234 Status of fat soluble vitamins in Scandinavian CF patients

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    Electroencephalographic characteristics of epileptic seizures in preterm neonates

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    OBJECTIVE: Although seizures are more common in the neonatal period than in any other stage of childhood, those in preterm neonates are still poorly described. The aim of this study was to assess electro-clinical characteristics of seizures occurring before a corrected age of 40 weeks in neonates born prematurely. METHOD: Retrospective analysis of EEG-documented seizures in neonates born prematurely. Seizures in a group of term neonates served as controls. RESULTS: Fifty-six prematurely born and 46 term born neonates were included. Median duration of seizures was 52 s in preterm and 96 s in term neonates. Seizures were focal or multifocal. In least mature neonates, they involved smaller regions of onset and remained localised. With increasing corrected age, propagation became more frequent. The electrographic pattern – maximal frequency of oscillation and the onset pattern also evolved with age. Electro-clinical seizures were observed in 25% of preterm versus 50% of term neonates; almost all electro-clinical seizures involved the central (motor) regions. CONCLUSION: Ictal EEG features undergo changes depending on corrected age. Most seizures are subclinical, thus EEG is essential for diagnosis. SIGNIFICANCE: Relating ictal EEG pattern to corrected age can improve diagnosis and ultimately management

    Associations between adherence, depressive symptoms and health-related quality of life in young adults with cystic fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a life shortening disease, however prognosis has improved and the adult population is growing. Most adults with cystic fibrosis live independent lives and balance the demands of work and family life with a significant treatment burden. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among treatment adherence, symptoms of depression and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in a population of young adults with CF. METHODS: We administered three standardized questionnaires to 67 patients with CF aged 18–30 years; Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, Major Depression Inventory, and Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire-Revised. RESULTS: There was a response rate of 77 % and a majority of the young adults (84 %) were employed or in an education program. Most participants (74 %) reported low adherence to medications. One third (32.8 %) of the participants reported symptoms of depression. HRQoL scores were especially low on Vitality and Treatment Burden, and symptoms of depression were associated with low HRQoL scores (p < 0.01) with medium to large deficits across on all HRQoL domains (Cohen’s d 0.60–1.72) except for the domain treatment burden. High depression symptom scores were associated with low adherence (r = −0.412, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Despite improved physical health, many patients with CF report poor adherence, as well as impaired mental wellbeing and HRQoL. Thus, more attention to mental health issues is needed

    Nitrous oxide production in sputum from cystic fibrosis patients with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infection

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    Chronic lung infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the major severe complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, where P. aeruginosa persists and grows in biofilms in the endobronchial mucus under hypoxic conditions. Numerous polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) surround the biofilms and create local anoxia by consuming the majority of O2 for production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We hypothesized that P. aeruginosa acquires energy for growth in anaerobic endobronchial mucus by denitrification, which can be demonstrated by production of nitrous oxide (N2O), an intermediate in the denitrification pathway. We measured N2O and O2 with electrochemical microsensors in 8 freshly expectorated sputum samples from 7 CF patients with chronic P. aeruginosa infection. The concentrations of NO 3- and NO2- in sputum were estimated by the Griess reagent. We found a maximum median concentration of 41.8 μM N2O (range 1.4-157.9 μM N2O). The concentration of N2O in the sputum was higher below the oxygenated layers. In 4 samples the N2O concentration increased during the initial 6 h of measurements before decreasing for approximately 6 h. Concomitantly, the concentration of NO3- decreased in sputum during 24 hours of incubation. We demonstrate for the first time production of N2O in clinical material from infected human airways indicating pathogenic metabolism based on denitrification. Therefore, P. aeruginosa may acquire energy for growth by denitrification in anoxic endobronchial mucus in CF patients. Such ability for anaerobic growth may be a hitherto ignored key aspect of chronic P. aeruginosa infections that can inform new strategies for treatment and prevention. © 2014 Kolpen et al
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