19 research outputs found

    Reproductive strategy of the Nearctic leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus Ball (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

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    Mating behaviour of Scaphoideus titanus Ball, the vector of the grapevine disease Flavescence dore´e, was investigated in order to determine the role of substrateborne vibrational signals in intra-specific communication and pair formation. Vibrational signals were recorded from grapevine leaves with a laser vibrometer. Signalling activity of single males changed throughout the day and the peak in activity was associated with twilight and early night when ‘call and fly’ behaviour was observed. Pair formation began with the spontaneous emission of male signals. The male calling signal consisted of a single series of pulses, partially accompanied with a ‘rumble’. The male courtship phrase consisted of four consecutive sections characterized by two sound elements, pulse and ‘buzz’. Female vibrational signals were emitted only in response to male signals. The female response was a single pulse that closely resembled male pulses and was inserted between pulses within the male signals. All recorded vibrational signals of S. titanus have a dominant frequency below 900 Hz. A unique feature of vibrational communication in S. titanus is well-developed intrasexual competition; males may use alternative tactics, in the form of disturbance signals, or silently approach duetting females (satellite behaviour). While the male-female duet appears to be essential for successful localization of females and copulation, it is also vulnerable to, and easily disrupted by, alternative tactics like masking

    The Resonant Center Problem for a 2:-3 Resonant Cubic Lotka–Volterra System

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    Using tools of computer algebra we derive the conditions for the cubic Lotka–Volterra system ẋ = x(2 − a20x2 − a11xy − a02y2), ẏ = y(−3+b20x2 + b11xy + b02y2) to be linearizable and to admit a first integral of the form Φ(x, y) =x3y2 + ··· in a neighborhood of the origin, in which case the origin is called a 2: −3 resonant center.</p

    Evaluating the potential for mating control in honey bee breeding in three SE European countries (preliminary results)

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    The study was conducted to explore alternatives for mating control as a part of honey bee breeding programs for genetic improvement & conservation of local honey bee (Apis mellifera) populations in Croatia (HR), Macedonia (MK) and Slovenia (SI). We observed nuptial flights of 87 virgin queens (30 in HR, 35 in MK and 22 in SI) on potential sites. Mating success was related to the presence of drone producing colonies, but even at locations chosen for their isolation from known apiaries, mating success of 70% was achieved. On average, queens performed nuptial flights on 1.8 days in HR, 1.6 to 4.3 days in MK and 1.6 to 2.4 days in SI. Unsuccessful nuptial flights were two/threefold shorter than successful flights