691 research outputs found

    Effect of lensing non-Gaussianity on the CMB power spectra

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    Observed CMB anisotropies are lensed, and the lensed power spectra can be calculated accurately assuming the lensing deflections are Gaussian. However, the lensing deflections are actually slightly non-Gaussian due to both non-linear large-scale structure growth and post-Born corrections. We calculate the leading correction to the lensed CMB power spectra from the non-Gaussianity, which is determined by the lensing bispectrum. The lowest-order result gives ∼0.3% corrections to the BB and EE polarization spectra on small-scales, however we show that the effect on EE is reduced by about a factor of two by higher-order Gaussian lensing smoothing, rendering the total effect safely negligible for the foreseeable future. We give a simple analytic model for the signal expected from skewness of the large-scale lensing field; the effect is similar to a net demagnification and hence a small change in acoustic scale (and therefore out of phase with the dominant lensing smoothing that predominantly affects the peaks and troughs of the power spectrum)

    Covariant perturbations of f(R) black holes: the Weyl terms

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    In this paper we revisit non-spherical perturbations of the Schwarzschild black hole in the context of f(R) gravity. Previous studies were able to demonstrate the stability of the f(R) Schwarzschild black hole against gravitational perturbations in both the even and odd parity sectors. In particular, it was seen that the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli equations in f(R) gravity obey the same equations as their General Relativity counterparts. More recently, the 1+1+2 semi-tetrad formalism has been used to derive a set of two wave equations: one for transverse, trace-free (tensor) perturbations and one for the additional scalar modes that characterise fourth-order theories of gravitation. The master variable governing tensor perturbations was shown to be a modified Regge-Wheeler tensor obeying the same equation as in General Relativity. However, it is well known that there is a non-uniqueness in the definition of the master variable. In this paper we derive a set of two perturbation variables and their concomitant wave equations that describe gravitational perturbations in a covariant and gauge invariant manner. These variables can be related to the Newman-Penrose (NP) Weyl scalars as well as the master variables from the 2+2 formalism

    Disruption and bactericidal indices depicted in polygonal graphs to show multiple outcome effects of root canal irrigant supplements on single and dual species biofilms

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were to (1) investigate the relative time-dependent disruption and bactericidal effects of detergent-type surfactants on single- or dual-species biofilms of root canal isolates and (2) to examine the utility of polygonal graphs for depiction of biofilm disruption and cell killing. Materials and methods: Single-species biofilms of Streptococcus sanguinis, Enterococcus faecalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis were grown on nitro-cellulose membranes for 72 h and immersed in Tween®80, cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB), and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) for 1-, 5- or 10-min (n = 3 per test). The number of viable and non-viable bacteria “disrupted” from the biofilm and those “remaining-attached” was determined using a viability stain in conjunction with fluorescence microscopy. The data were analysed using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test with 5% significance level. Results: Gram-negative obligate anaerobes were more susceptible to cell removal than gram-positive facultative anaerobes. The majority of cells were disrupted after 1-min of exposure; however, the extent varied according to the agent and species. CTAB and SDS were more effective than Tween 80™ at disrupting biofilms and killing cells but all agents failed to achieve 100% disruption/kill. Conclusions: Biofilm disruption and cell viability were influenced by the species, the test agent and the duration of exposure. CTAB and SDS were more effective in biofilm disruption than Tween 80™. Graphical depiction of biofilm disruption- and viability-outcomes provides an alternative means of simultaneously visualising and analysing relative efficacy in different domains. Clinical relevance: Surfactants were not as effective at biofilm disruption as NaOCl but may be added to other non-disruptive antibacterial agents to enhance this property

    Galaxy clustering in 3D and modified gravity theories

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    We study Modified Gravity (MG) theories by modelling the redshifted matter power spectrum in a spherical Fourier-Bessel (sFB) basis. We use a fully non-linear description of the real-space matter power-spectrum and include the lowest-order redshift-space correction (Kaiser effect), taking into account some additional non-linear contributions. Ignoring relativistic corrections, which are not expected to play an important role for a shallow survey, we analyse two different modified gravity scenarios, namely the generalised Dilaton scalar-tensor theories and the f(R) models in the large curvature regime. We compute the 3D power spectrum C s ℓ (k 1 ,k 2 ) for various such MG theories with and without redshift space distortions, assuming precise knowledge of background cosmological parameters. Using an all-sky spectroscopic survey with Gaussian selection function φ(r)∝exp(−r 2 /r 2 0 ) , r 0 =150h −1 Mpc , and number density of galaxies N ¯ =10 −4 Mpc −3 , we use a χ 2 analysis, and find that the lower-order (ℓ≤25) multipoles of C s ℓ (k,k ′ ) (with radial modes restricted to k25 modes can further reduce the error bars and thus in principle make cosmological gravity constraints competitive with solar system tests. However this will require an accurate modelling of non-linear redshift space distortions. Using a tomographic β(a) -m(a) parameterization we also derive constraints on specific parameters describing the Dilaton models of modified gravity

    Rapid model comparison of equations of state from gravitational wave observation of binary neutron star coalescences

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    The discovery of the coalescence of binary neutron star GW170817 was a watershed moment in the field of gravitational wave astronomy. Among the rich variety of information that we were able to uncover from this discovery was the first non-electromagnetic measurement of the neutron star radius, and the cold nuclear equation of state. It also led to a large equation of state model-selection study from gravitational-wave data. In those studies Bayesian nested sampling runs were conducted for each candidate equation of state model to compute their evidence in the gravitational-wave data. Such studies, though invaluable, are computationally expensive and require repeated, redundant, computation for any new models. We present a novel technique to conduct model-selection of equation of state in an extremely rapid fashion (~minutes) on any arbitrary model. We test this technique against the results of a nested-sampling model-selection technique published earlier by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration, and show that the results are in good agreement with a median fractional error in Bayes factor of about 10%, where we assume that the true Bayes factor is calculated in the aforementioned nested sampling runs. We found that the highest fractional error occurs for equation of state models that have very little support in the posterior distribution, thus resulting in large statistical uncertainty. We then used this method to combine multiple binary neutron star mergers to compute a joint-Bayes factor between equation of state models. This is achieved by stacking the evidence of the individual events and computing the Bayes factor from these stacked evidences for each pairs of equation of state

    A multi-messenger model for neutron star - black hole mergers

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    We present a semi-analytic model for predicting kilonova light curves from the mergers of neutron stars with black holes (NSBH). The model is integrated into the MOSFiT platform, and can generate light curves from input binary properties and nuclear equation-of-state considerations, or incorporate measurements from gravitational wave (GW) detectors to perform multi-messenger parameter estimation. The rapid framework enables the generation of NSBH kilonova distributions from binary populations, light curve predictions from GW data, and statistically meaningful comparisons with an equivalent BNS model in MOSFiT. We investigate a sample of kilonova candidates associated with cosmological short gamma-ray bursts, and demonstrate that they are broadly consistent with being driven by NSBH systems, though most have limited data. We also perform fits to the very well sampled GW170817, and show that the inability of an NSBH merger to produce lanthanide-poor ejecta results in a significant underestimate of the early (< 2 days) optical emission. Our model indicates that NSBH-driven kilonovae may peak up to a week after merger at optical wavelengths for some observer angles. This demonstrates the need for early coverage of emergent kilonovae in cases where the GW signal is either ambiguous or absent; they likely cannot be distinguished from BNS mergers by the light curves alone from ~2 days after the merger. We also discuss the detectability of our model kilonovae with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. This is the author's final submitted version. The model code is available through MOSFiT at https://github.com/guillochon/MOSFi

    Film support and the challenge of ‘sustainability’: on wing design, wax and feathers, and bolts from the blue

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    In recognition of the importance of film in generating both economic and cultural value, the UK Labour government set up a new agency – the United Kingdom Film Council (UKFC) – in 2000 with a remit to build a sustainable film industry. But, reflecting a plethora of differing expectations in relation to the purposes behind public support for film, the UKFC's agenda shifted and broadened over the organisation's lifetime (2000–11). Apparently unconvinced by the UKFC's achievements, the Coalition government which came to power in May 2010 announced the Council's abolition and reassigned its responsibilities as part of a general cost-cutting strategy. Based on original empirical research, this article examines how the UKFC's sense of strategic direction was determined, how and why the balance of objectives it pursued changed over time and what these shifts tell us about the nature of film policy and the challenges facing bodies that are charged with enacting it in the twenty-first century

    Development of an in vitro periodontal biofilm model for assessing antimicrobial and host modulatory effects of bioactive molecules

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    Background: Inflammation within the oral cavity occurs due to dysregulation between microbial biofilms and the host response. Understanding how different oral hygiene products influence inflammatory properties is important for the development of new products. Therefore, creation of a robust host-pathogen biofilm platform capable of evaluating novel oral healthcare compounds is an attractive option. We therefore devised a multi-species biofilm co-culture model to evaluate the naturally derived polyphenol resveratrol (RSV) and gold standard chlorhexidine (CHX) with respect to anti-biofilm and anti-inflammatory properties.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods: An in vitro multi-species biofilm containing &lt;i&gt;S. mitis, F. nucleatum, P. Gingivalis&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;A. Actinomycetemcomitans&lt;/i&gt; was created to represent a disease-associated biofilm and the oral epithelial cell in OKF6-TERT2. Cytotoxicity studies were performed using RSV and CHX. Multi-species biofilms were either treated with either molecule, or alternatively epithelial cells were treated with these prior to biofilm co-culture. Biofilm composition was evaluated and inflammatory responses quantified at a transcriptional and protein level.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results: CHX was toxic to epithelial cells and multi-species biofilms at concentrations ranging from 0.01-0.2%. RSV did not effect multi-species biofilm composition, but was toxic to epithelial cells at concentrations greater than 0.01%. In co-culture, CHX-treated biofilms resulted in down regulation of the inflammatory chemokine IL-8 at both mRNA and protein level. RSV-treated epithelial cells in co-culture were down-regulated in the release of IL-8 protein, but not mRNA.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions: CHX possesses potent bactericidal properties, which may impact downstream inflammatory mediators. RSV does not appear to have bactericidal properties against multi-species biofilms, however it did appear to supress epithelial cells from releasing inflammatory mediators. This study demonstrates the potential to understand the mechanisms by which different oral hygiene products may influence gingival inflammation, thereby validating the use of a biofilm co-culture model.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    Investigating the biological properties of carbohydrate derived fulvic acid (CHD-FA) as a potential novel therapy for the management of oral biofilm infections.

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    Background: A number of oral diseases, including periodontitis, derive from microbial biofilms and are associated with increased antimicrobial resistance. Despite the widespread use of mouthwashes being used as adjunctive measures to control these biofilms, their prolonged use is not recommended due to various side effects. Therefore, alternative broad-spectrum antimicrobials that minimise these effects are highly sought after. Carbohydrate derived fulvic acid (CHD-FA) is an organic acid which has previously demonstrated to be microbiocidal against Candida albicans biofilms, therefore, the aims of this study were to evaluate the antibacterial activity of CHD-FA against orally derived biofilms and to investigate adjunctive biological effects.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods: Minimum inhibitory concentrations were evaluated for CHD-FA and chlorhexidine (CHX) against a range of oral bacteria using standardised microdilution testing for planktonic and sessile. Scanning electron microscopy was also employed to visualise changes in oral biofilms after antimicrobial treatment. Cytotoxicity of these compounds was assessed against oral epithelial cells, and the effect of CHD-FA on host inflammatory markers was assessed by measuring mRNA and protein expression.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Results: CHD-FA was highly active against all of the oral bacteria tested, including Porphyromonas gingivalis, with a sessile minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.5%. This concentration was shown to kill multi-species biofilms by approximately 90%, levels comparable to that of chlorhexidine (CHX). In a mammalian cell culture model, pretreatment of epithelial cells with buffered CHD-FA was shown to significantly down-regulate key inflammatory mediators, including interleukin-8 (IL-8), after stimulation with a multi-species biofilm.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions: Overall, CHD-FA was shown to possess broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, with a supplementary function of being able to down-regulate inflammation. These properties offer an attractive spectrum of function from a naturally derived compound, which could be used as an alternative topical treatment strategy for oral biofilm diseases. Further studies in vitro and in vivo are required to determine the precise mechanism by which CHD-FA modulates the host immune response.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt