9 research outputs found

    Caudal cruciate ligament avulsion at its origin in a dog

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    Η ρήξη του οπίσθιου χιαστού συνδέσμου είναι σπάνια στον σκύλο και συνήθως συνυπάρχει με ταυτό-χρονη ρήξη του πρόσθιου χιαστού συνδέσμου. Ένας ημίαιμος σκύλος ηλικίας 10 μηνών προσκομίστηκε με χωλότητα του οπίσθιου δεξιού άκρου. Η ορθοπαιδική εξέταση αποκάλυψε θετική προσθιοπίσθια συρταρωτή κίνηση στο δεξιό γόνατο. Η αρθροτομή επιβεβαίωσε τη ρήξη του πρόσθιου χιαστού συνδέσμου και έδειξε και απόσπαση του οπίσθιου χιαστού συνδέσμου στην πρόσφυσή του. Το γόνατο σταθεροποιήθηκε με τη χρήση εξωαρθρικής τεχνικής (νάιλον ράμμα μεταξύ έξω σησαμοειδούς και κνημιαίου κυρτώματος). Οκτώ μήνες μετεγχειρητικά ο σκύλος δεν παρουσίαζε εμφανή χωλότητα και παραμένει έτσι μέχρι και την τελευταία επανεξέταση (3 χρόνια). Το περιστατικό αυτό εγείρει την πιθανότητα ότι η αποκατάσταση της λειτουργίας του οπίσθιου χιαστού συνδέσμου δεν είναι πάντα απαραίτητη για την επιτυχή έκβαση των ζώων.Caudal cruciate ligament (CaCL) rupture is uncommon in dogs and usually occurs with a concurrent rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). A 10-month-old cross-bred dog was presented with left hind limb lameness. Orthopaedic examination revealed positive craniocaudal drawer sign in the left stifle. Arthrotomy confirmed CrCL rupture, and showed CaCL avulsion fracture at its origin. The stifle was stabilized using extracapsular lateral fabellotibial suture. Eight months postoperatively the dog was free of obvious lameness and remained sound until the last re-evaluation (3 years). This case raises the possibility that restoration of the CaCL function is not always essential for animals’ successful outcome

    Arthrocentesis in companion animal medicine [Η αρθροκένχηση στα ζώα συντροφιάς]

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    Arthrocentesis, especially for synovial fluid collection and analysis, is an integral part of any diagnostic joint evaluation incompanion animal medicine. Although it is a simple, quick andinexpensive technique, which also requires little in the way ofexpertise or special equipment, it is a much under-employedprocedure in veterinary diagnostics and/or therapeutics. Knowledgeof joint anatomy, aseptic conditions and strict adherence toprinciples of the technique are essential for an uncomplicatedarthrocentesis © 2017. Journal Of The Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society. All Rights Reserved

    Current research and application of stem cells in the dog and cat

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    Stem cells (SCs) are multipotent cells with differentiation and proliferation capacities in many cell lineages. The majority of literature applications are about bone marrow derived stem cells (BMSCs) and adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs). Most clinical trials have been done for the treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological problems in canine patients. Hematopoietic SCs (HSCs), synovium (SDSCs) and cartilage (CSPCs) -derived SCs, umbilical cord blood-derived SCs (UCSCs), muscle, dental, cardiac and hepatic SCs have been used with promising results. Despite the overall progress crucial questions about SCs remain unanswered. It is still unclear if the regeneration mechanism of SCs owed to their differentiation into specific progenitor cells or due to their immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory secretions. Also, there are questions about the best origin of stem cells, whether they should be delivered in situ or systemically, if they should be embedded into scaffolds or not and which is the suitable transplantation stem cells number. Many of the published studies have limitation regarding to sample size, blind randomization, control groups and homogeneity of population. In addition,the long-term efficacy and safety of MSCs need further evaluation. This review is an update in usage of SCs, mainly focused on BMSCs and ADSCs in small animals and its purpose is to present the late developments in this field. Also, the advantages, the disadvantages and the limitations of the current literature review arediscussed. © 2021 A.A. Anatolitou, K.I. Sideri, N.N. Prassino

    Comparison of continuous intradermal with simple interrupted suture pattern: an experimental study in dogs

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    The aim of the study was to compare incisional wound healing in intradermal and simple interrupted suture patterns. Ten dogs were included. Surgically created skin incisions were apposed with (a) continuous intradermal pattern, (b) simple interrupted pattern, [both with 3/0 poliglecaprone 25], and (c) continuous intradermal pattern with 4/0 poliglecaprone 25. Cosmetic, clinical and histologic scores were evaluated. Simple interrupted sutures required significantly less time than intradermal sutures to complete. Cosmetic evaluation scoring was not statistically significant among the techniques. Irrespectively of the technique, the cosmetic, clinical and histologic appearance of the incisions improved over time. The cosmetic and histologic differences between the techniques were large during the first month, but decreased latter, whereas clinical differences persisted. The clinical appearance of the intradermal pattern was initially very good, worsened during the second postoperative month, and improved afterwards. Intradermal pattern with 4/0 poliglecaprone 25 was superior in terms of cosmetic, clinical and histologic appearance compared to simple interrupted pattern and to intradermal pattern with 3/0 poliglecaprone 25 for skin closure in dogs. © 2020 Elsevier Inc

    Influence of a titanium mesh on the management of segmental long bone defects: An experimental study in a canine ulnar model

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    Objectives: To evaluate the influence of titanium mesh on guided bone regeneration when used, either alone or in combination with autogenous bone block graft, in a canine ulnar model. Methods: Thirty-two, purpose bred, adult, castrated male Beagles were used, divided into four equal-size groups. A unilateral middiaphyseal ulnar critical-size defect was created in each dog. The ulnar segments were stabilized with a stainless-steel plate and screws. Each defect was managed by: no further treatment (Group A) or by placement of a bone block graft taken from the ipsilateral iliac crest (Group B), or titanium mesh wrapped around the ulna (Group C), or a bone block graft and titanium mesh (Group D). After six months, bone block biopsies were performed and the samples were scanned using micro-computed tomography. Qualitative histological evaluation was performed on two non-decalcified longitudinal sections from each block. Results: No significant differences in terms of mineralized bone volume were detected between the grafted sites (Groups B and D) or between the non-grafted ones (Groups A and C). The histological evaluation indicated good integration of the bone blocks irrespective of the use of titanium mesh. Clinical significance: The use of titanium mesh does not influence the amount of bone formation. The canine ulnar critical-size defect model seems to be a reliable model to use in experimental studies. © Schattauer 2015