15 research outputs found

    Algumas Observações sobre as Vermischte Bermerkungen

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    Este trabalho visa mostrar que as Vermischte Bemerkungen não ocupam lugar marginal na obra de Wittgenstein. Pelo contrário, constituiriam, com as reflexões sobre cultura, arte e religião, uma chave essencial para a compreensão do núcleo lógico ou gramatical dessa filosofia. Para além das notórias transformações ou diferentes fases da ou na concepção da linguagem, poderiam também dar a ver algo como uma profunda continuidade do pensamento ou da obra de Wittgenstein. O caráter essencialmente indireto da linguagem e do trabalho da filosofia, entre a prosae a poesia, estaria no coração do pensamento de Wittgenstein ao longo de toda sua obra e seria indispensável mesmo para a compreensão das transformações por que foi obrigado a passar ao longo das décadas.Some Observations on the Vermischte BemerkungenAbstract: This work aims to show that the Vermischte Bermerkungen do not occupy a marginal place in Wittgenstein's work. On the contrary, they would constitute, with the reflections on culture, art and religion, an essential key to understanding the logical core or grammar of this philosophy. In addition to the notorious transformations or different phases of (or in) the conception of language, they could also show something like a deep continuity of Wittgenstein's thought or work. The essentially indirect character of the language and work of philosophy, among the prose and poetry, it would be at the heart of Wittgenstein's thought throughout his work, and it would be indispensable even to understanding of the transformations it has been forced to go through over the decades.This essay intends to show that the Vermichte Bemerkungen do not occupy a secondary position in Wittgensteins opus. Rather, they constitute (not excluding the remarks on culture, art and religion) an essential key to an understanding the logical or grammatical nucleus of his philosophy. They may also reveal something of a profound continuity of the thought or work of Wittgenstein, beyond the notorious transformations or different phases of or in his conception of language. The essentially indirect character of the language and work of philosophy - somewhere in between prose and poetry may well be at the heart of Wittgensteins thought throughout his writings, and if so would be indispensable for an understanding of the transformations they suffered

    O campo das imagens: presença e re-presentação

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    Descartes e o último Wittgenstein: o Argumento do Sonho revisitado

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    AbstractIn this text, we examine the last page of Ûber Gewissheit. We intend to show that the so called 'anti-Cartesian' arguments exposed there cannot be interpreted in the standard way, originated from the tradition of British philosophy, for otherwise there will be serious damages both to philology and conceptual analysis. Therefore, we intend to show the permanence of the critical tendency (in the sense of this word given by German philosophy) in Wittgenstein's thought, during his lifetime and through all his work

    Gilda de Mello e Souza

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    The circuit of ipseity and its place in Being and Nothingness

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    A close examina t ion of Sartre's discussion of the limits of the self in Being and Nothingness may shed light on his ideas on the nature of Metaphysics, O ntology and Phenomenology. Some implicatio ns of his discussion are presented, centered on his de f e nse of the irre ducibility of the phe nome non of being to the being of the phenomenon when dealing with the passage from phenomenology to ontology, which culminates in his phe nomenological ontology the telos of Being and Nothingness. T he passage to me t a p hy s ics can be fruitfully cont rasted with Bergson's enterprise, because for Sartre metaphysics has a regulative rather than a constitutive function.A circunscrição do tema do circuito da ipseidade em O Ser e o Nada pode esclarecer as inovações sartre a nas em relação ao estatuto da Metafísica, da Ontologia e da Fenomenologia. Apresentamos aqui algumas direções dessa tarefa assumida por Sartre, ao tratar da passagem da fenomenologia à ontologia, sobre tudo sua defesa da irredutibilidade do fenômeno do ser ao ser do fenômeno, que culmina na ontologia fenomenológica e que é o télos de O Ser e o Nada. A passagem à metafísica pode ser bem delineada através da contraposição com a empresa bergsoniana, já que a metafísica aparece na reflexão de Sartre com uma função puramente reguladora, jamais constitutiva.The Circuit of ipseity and its place in O Ser e o NadaThe circumscription of the theme of the ipseity circuit in O Ser e o Nada can clarify the sartrean innovations in relation to the status of Metaphysics, Ontology and Phenomenology. Here are some directions to this task undertaken for Sartre, to deal with the passage from phenomenology to ontology, especially its defense of the irreducibility of the phenomenon's being to the being's phenomenon, which culminates in phenomenological ontology and which is the telos of O Ser e o Nada. The passage to metaphysics can be well delineated through the opposition with the Bergsonian company, since metaphysics appears in the reflection of Sartre with a purely regulatory function, never constitutive

    Ética e estética: uma versão neo-liberal do juízo de gosto - Em homenagem a José Henrique Santos

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