163 research outputs found

    Effects of two nights partial sleep deprivation on an evening submaximal weightlifting performance; are 1 h powernaps useful on the day of competition?

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    We have investigated the effects that sleep restriction (3-h sleep during two consecutive nights) have on an evening (17:00 h) submaximal weightlifting session; and whether this performance improves following a 1-h post-lunch powernap. Fifteen resistance-trained males participated in this study. Before the experimental protocol commenced, 1RM bench press and inclined leg press and normative habitual sleep were recorded. Participants were familiarised with the testing protocol, then completed three experimental conditions with two nights of prescribed sleep: (i) Normal (N): retire at 23:00 h and wake at 06:30 h, (ii) partial sleep-deprivation (SD): retire at 03:30 h and wake at 06:30 h and (iii) partial sleep-deprivation with nap (SDN): retire at 03:30 h and wake at 06:30 h with a 1-h nap at 13:00 h. Each condition was separated by at least 7 days and the order of administration was randomised and counterbalanced. Rectal (Trec) and mean skin (Ts) temperatures, Profile of Mood Scores, subjective tiredness, alertness and sleepiness values were measured at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 h on the day of the weightlifting session. Following the final temperature measurements at 17:00 h, participants completed a 5-min active warm-up before a ‘strength’ protocol. Participants performed three repetitions of right-hand grip strength, then three repetitions at each incremental load (40%, 60% and 80% of 1RM) for bench press and inclined leg press, with a 5-min recovery in between each repetition. A linear encoder was attached perpendicular to the movement, to the bar used for the exercises. Average power (AP), average force (AF), peak velocity (PV), distance (D) and time-to-peak velocity (tPV) were measured (MuscleLab software) during the concentric phase of the movements for each lift. Data were analysed using general linear models with repeated measures. The main findings were that SD reduced maximal grip (2.7%), bench press (11.2% AP, 3.3% AF and 9.4% PV) and leg press submaximal values (5.7% AP) with a trend for a reduction in AF (3.3% P = 0.06). Furthermore, RPE increased for measures of grip strength, leg and bench press during SD. Following a 1-h powernap (SDN), values of grip and bench press improved to values similar in N, as did tiredness, alertness and sleepiness. There was a main effect for “load” on the bar for both bench and leg press where AP, AF, tPV values increased with load (P < 0.05) and PV decreased from the lightest to the heaviest load for both bench and leg press. An interaction of “load and condition” was present in leg press only, where the rate of change of AP is greater in the N than SD and SDN conditions. In addition, for PV and tPV the rate of change was greater for SDN than N or SD condition values. In summary, SD had a negative effect on grip strength and some components of bench and inclined leg press. The use of a 1-h power nap that ended 3 h before the “strength” assessment had a positive effect on weightlifting performance, subjective mood and ratings of tiredness

    Risk stratification by pre-operative cardiopulmonary exercise testing improves outcomes following elective abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery : a cohort study

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    Background: In 2009, the NHS evidence adoption center and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published a review of the use of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). They recommended the development of a risk-assessment tool to help identify AAA patients with greater or lesser risk of operative mortality and to contribute to mortality prediction. A low anaerobic threshold (AT), which is a reliable, objective measure of pre-operative cardiorespiratory fitness, as determined by pre-operative cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is associated with poor surgical outcomes for major abdominal surgery. We aimed to assess the impact of a CPET-based risk-stratification strategy upon perioperative mortality, length of stay and non-operative costs for elective (open and endovascular) infra-renal AAA patients. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was undertaken. Pre-operative CPET-based selection for elective surgical intervention was introduced in 2007. An anonymized cohort of 230 consecutive infra-renal AAA patients (2007 to 2011) was studied. A historical control group of 128 consecutive infra-renal AAA patients (2003 to 2007) was identified for comparison. Comparative analysis of demographic and outcome data for CPET-pass (AT ≄ 11 ml/kg/min), CPET-fail (AT < 11 ml/kg/min) and CPET-submaximal (no AT generated) subgroups with control subjects was performed. Primary outcomes included 30-day mortality, survival and length of stay (LOS); secondary outcomes were non-operative inpatient costs. Results: Of 230 subjects, 188 underwent CPET: CPET-pass n = 131, CPET-fail n = 35 and CPET-submaximal n = 22. When compared to the controls, CPET-pass patients exhibited reduced median total LOS (10 vs 13 days for open surgery, n = 74, P < 0.01 and 4 vs 6 days for EVAR, n = 29, P < 0.05), intensive therapy unit requirement (3 vs 4 days for open repair only, P < 0.001), non-operative costs (ÂŁ5,387 vs ÂŁ9,634 for open repair, P < 0.001) and perioperative mortality (2.7% vs 12.6% (odds ratio: 0.19) for open repair only, P < 0.05). CPET-stratified (open/endovascular) patients exhibited a mid-term survival benefit (P < 0.05). Conclusion: In this retrospective cohort study, a pre-operative AT > 11 ml/kg/min was associated with reduced perioperative mortality (open cases only), LOS, survival and inpatient costs (open and endovascular repair) for elective infra-renal AAA surgery

    Systematic reviews, systematic error and the acquisition of clinical knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since its inception, evidence-based medicine and its application through systematic reviews, has been widely accepted. However, it has also been strongly criticised and resisted by some academic groups and clinicians. One of the main criticisms of evidence-based medicine is that it appears to claim to have unique access to absolute scientific truth and thus devalues and replaces other types of knowledge sources.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The various types of clinical knowledge sources are categorised on the basis of Kant's categories of knowledge acquisition, as being either 'analytic' or 'synthetic'. It is shown that these categories do not act in opposition but rather, depend upon each other. The unity of analysis and synthesis in knowledge acquisition is demonstrated during the process of systematic reviewing of clinical trials. Systematic reviews constitute comprehensive synthesis of clinical knowledge but depend upon plausible, analytical hypothesis development for the trials reviewed. The dangers of systematic error regarding the internal validity of acquired knowledge are highlighted on the basis of empirical evidence. It has been shown that the systematic review process reduces systematic error, thus ensuring high internal validity. It is argued that this process does not exclude other types of knowledge sources. Instead, amongst these other types it functions as an integrated element during the acquisition of clinical knowledge.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The acquisition of clinical knowledge is based on interaction between analysis and synthesis. Systematic reviews provide the highest form of synthetic knowledge acquisition in terms of achieving internal validity of results. In that capacity it informs the analytic knowledge of the clinician but does not replace it.</p

    Stiffness Gradients Mimicking In Vivo Tissue Variation Regulate Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate

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    Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) differentiation is regulated in part by tissue stiffness, yet MSCs can often encounter stiffness gradients within tissues caused by pathological, e.g., myocardial infarction ∌8.7±1.5 kPa/mm, or normal tissue variation, e.g., myocardium ∌0.6±0.9 kPa/mm; since migration predominantly occurs through physiological rather than pathological gradients, it is not clear whether MSC differentiate or migrate first. MSCs cultured up to 21 days on a hydrogel containing a physiological gradient of 1.0±0.1 kPa/mm undergo directed migration, or durotaxis, up stiffness gradients rather than remain stationary. Temporal assessment of morphology and differentiation markers indicates that MSCs migrate to stiffer matrix and then differentiate into a more contractile myogenic phenotype. In those cells migrating from soft to stiff regions however, phenotype is not completely determined by the stiff hydrogel as some cells retain expression of a neural marker. These data may indicate that stiffness variation, not just stiffness alone, can be an important regulator of MSC behavior

    The Influence of Reproductive Experience on Milk Energy Output and Lactation Performance in the Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

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    Although evidence from domestic and laboratory species suggests that reproductive experience plays a critical role in the development of aspects of lactation performance, whether reproductive experience may have a significant influence on milk energy transfer to neonates in wild populations has not been directly investigated. We compared maternal energy expenditures and pup growth and energy deposition over the course of lactation between primiparous and fully-grown, multiparous grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) females to test whether reproductive experience has a significant influence on lactation performance. Although there was no difference between primiparous females in milk composition and, thus, milk energy content at either early or peak lactation primiparous females had a significantly lower daily milk energy output than multiparous females indicating a reduced physiological capacity for milk secretion

    Household food insecurity and childhood overweight in Jamaica and Québec: a gender-based analysis

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    Background - Childhood overweight is not restricted to developed countries: a number of lower- and middle-income countries are struggling with the double burden of underweight and overweight. Another public health problem that concerns both developing and, to a lesser extent, developed countries is food insecurity. This study presents a comparative gender-based analysis of the association between household food insecurity and overweight among 10-to-11-year-old children living in the Canadian province of Québec and in the country of Jamaica. // Methods - Analyses were performed using data from the 2008 round of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development and the Jamaica Youth Risk and Resiliency Behaviour Survey of 2007. Cross-sectional data were obtained from 1190 10-year old children in Québec and 1674 10-11-year-old children in Jamaica. Body mass index was derived using anthropometric measurements and overweight was defined using Cole's age- and sex-specific criteria. Questionnaires were used to collect data on food insecurity. The associations were examined using chi-square tests and multivariate regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals. // Results - The prevalence of overweight was 26% and 11% (p < 0.001) in the Québec and Jamaican samples, respectively. In Québec, the adjusted odds ratio for being overweight was 3.03 (95% CI: 1.8-5.0) among children living in food-insecure households, in comparison to children living in food-secure households. Furthermore, girls who lived in food-insecure households had odds of 4.99 (95% CI: 2.4-10.5) for being overweight in comparison to girls who lived in food-secure households; no such differences were observed among boys. In Jamaica, children who lived in food-insecure households had significantly lower odds (OR 0.65, 95% CI: 0.4-0.9) for being overweight in comparison to children living in food-secure households. No gender differences were observed in the relationship between food-insecurity and overweight/obesity among Jamaican children. // Conclusions - Public health interventions which aim to stem the epidemic of overweight/obesity should consider gender differences and other family factors associated with overweight/obesity in both developed and developing countries
