19 research outputs found

    Limited potential of no-till agriculture for climate change mitigation

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    The Emissions Gap Report 2013 from the United Nations Environment Programme restates the claim that changing to no-till practices in agriculture, as an alternative to conventional tillage, causes an accumulation of organic carbon in soil, thus mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration. But these claims ignore a large body of experimental evidence showing that the quantity of additional organic carbon in soil under no-till is relatively small: in large part apparent increases result from an altered depth distribution. The larger concentration near the surface in no-till is generally beneficial for soil properties that often, though not always, translate into improved crop growth. In many regions where no-till is practised it is common for soil to be cultivated conventionally every few years for a range of agronomic reasons, so any soil carbon benefit is then lost. We argue that no-till is beneficial for soil quality and adaptation of agriculture to climate change, but its role in mitigation is widely overstated

    Conservation agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Specific practices of conservation agriculture (CA) in sub-Saharan Africa are diverse and vary according to local farming conditions. However, despite more than two decades of investment in its development and dissemination, adoption of CA is low. Crop responses to CA are highly variable, and not always positive, which is an important hindrance for adoption, especially for resource-poor farmers who need immediate returns with their investments in CA in order to be able to feed their families. In contrast with commercial farms such as in Brazil, reduced costs with CA on smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa are not always observed. Another major challenge with the practice of CA is the use of crop residues for mulching since crop residues are a major source of feed for livestock, especially in semiarid regions, where biomass production is limited and livestock plays a crucial role in farming systems. Studies indicate that the three principles of CA, including mulching, are needed to increase crop yields compared with conventional tillage (CT)-based practices. Among the three principles of CA, mulching is certainly the one that is least observed in past and current cropping practices in Africa. CA has a potential to improve the soil water balance and increase soil fertility, and it is undoubtedly a cropping practice that can result in substantial benefits for certain farmers in Africa. The question is when and how it is the best approach for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. In general, CA is more likely to be attractive for farmers with a strategy of intensification than for farmers who struggle to produce food for their family. The latter too often face multiple constraints that limit the possibilities to engage in technological innovations. Some farmers may not be interested in new technologies because they earn their income from off-farm activities. Good markets of input supply and sale of extra produce are a prerequisite condition for adoption of CA as they are for any other new agricultural technology that aims at intensification. In sub-Saharan Africa, there is certainly a need to better target CA to potential end users and adapt the CA practices to their local circumstances and specific farming contexts. (Résumé d'auteur