21 research outputs found

    An analysis of single amino acid repeats as use case for application specific background models

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    Background Sequence analysis aims to identify biologically relevant signals against a backdrop of functionally meaningless variation. Increasingly, it is recognized that the quality of the background model directly affects the performance of analyses. State-of-the-art approaches rely on classical sequence models that are adapted to the studied dataset. Although performing well in the analysis of globular protein domains, these models break down in regions of stronger compositional bias or low complexity. While these regions are typically filtered, there is increasing anecdotal evidence of functional roles. This motivates an exploration of more complex sequence models and application-specific approaches for the investigation of biased regions. Results Traditional Markov-chains and application-specific regression models are compared using the example of predicting runs of single amino acids, a particularly simple class of biased regions. Cross-fold validation experiments reveal that the alternative regression models capture the multi-variate trends well, despite their low dimensionality and in contrast even to higher-order Markov-predictors. We show how the significance of unusual observations can be computed for such empirical models. The power of a dedicated model in the detection of biologically interesting signals is then demonstrated in an analysis identifying the unexpected enrichment of contiguous leucine-repeats in signal-peptides. Considering different reference sets, we show how the question examined actually defines what constitutes the 'background'. Results can thus be highly sensitive to the choice of appropriate model training sets. Conversely, the choice of reference data determines the questions that can be investigated in an analysis. Conclusions Using a specific case of studying biased regions as an example, we have demonstrated that the construction of application-specific background models is both necessary and feasible in a challenging sequence analysis situation

    Identification of co-expression gene networks, regulatory genes and pathways for obesity based on adipose tissue RNA Sequencing in a porcine model

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    Background: Obesity is a complex metabolic condition in strong association with various diseases, like type 2 diabetes, resulting in major public health and economic implications. Obesity is the result of environmental and genetic factors and their interactions, including genome-wide genetic interactions. Identification of co-expressed and regulatory genes in RNA extracted from relevant tissues representing lean and obese individuals provides an entry point for the identification of genes and pathways of importance to the development of obesity. The pig, an omnivorous animal, is an excellent model for human obesity, offering the possibility to study in-depth organ-level transcriptomic regulations of obesity, unfeasible in humans. Our aim was to reveal adipose tissue co-expression networks, pathways and transcriptional regulations of obesity using RNA Sequencing based systems biology approaches in a porcine model. Methods: We selected 36 animals for RNA Sequencing from a previously created F2 pig population representing three extreme groups based on their predicted genetic risks for obesity. We applied Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) to detect clusters of highly co-expressed genes (modules). Additionally, regulator genes were detected using Lemon-Tree algorithms. Results: WGCNA revealed five modules which were strongly correlated with at least one obesity-related phenotype (correlations ranging from -0.54 to 0.72, P <0.001). Functional annotation identified pathways enlightening the association between obesity and other diseases, like osteoporosis (osteoclast differentiation, P = 1.4E(-7)), and immune-related complications (e. g. Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxity, P = 3.8E(-5); B cell receptor signaling pathway, P = 7.2E(-5)). Lemon-Tree identified three potential regulator genes, using confident scores, for the WGCNA module which was associated with osteoclast differentiation: CCR1, MSR1 and SI1 (probability scores respectively 95.30, 62.28, and 34.58). Moreover, detection of differentially connected genes identified various genes previously identified to be associated with obesity in humans and rodents, e.g. CSF1R and MARC2. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to apply systems biology approaches using porcine adipose tissue RNA-Sequencing data in a genetically characterized porcine model for obesity. We revealed complex networks, pathways, candidate and regulatory genes related to obesity, confirming the complexity of obesity and its association with immune-related disorders and osteoporosis

    Detecting and correcting systematic variation in large-scale RNA sequencing data

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    We would like to thank the vendors of the SEQC for contributing many of the resources and reagents needed for completing these projects, including the sequencing and primary data analysis. The Weill Cornell Medical College Epigenomics Core Facility provided support for use of their sequencing machines and technical assistance during sequencing. P.P.Ł., P.S. and D.P.K. acknowledge support by the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF), Baxter AG, Austrian Research Centres (ARC) Seibersdorf and the Austrian Centre of Biopharmaceutical Technology (ACBT). S.L. would like to thank C. Zhang and T. Vincent for the constructive discussion. This work was supported with funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including R01HG006798, R01NS076465, R01CA149566, as well as funds from the Irma T. Hirschl and Monique Weill-Caulier Charitable Trusts and the STARR Consortium (I7-A765)

    The concordance between RNA-seq and microarray data depends on chemical treatment and transcript abundance

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    The concordance of RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) with microarrays for genome-wide analysis of differential gene expression has not been rigorously assessed using a range of chemical treatment conditions. Here we use a comprehensive study design to generate Illumina RNA-seq and Affymetrix microarray data from the same liver samples of rats exposed in triplicate to varying degrees of perturbation by 27 chemicals representing multiple modes of action (MOAs). The cross-platform concordance in terms of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) or enriched pathways is linearly correlated with treatment effect size (R2≈0.8). Furthermore, the concordance is also affected by transcript abundance and biological complexity of the MOA. RNA-seq outperforms microarray (93% versus 75%) in DEG verification as assessed by quantitative PCR, with the gain mainly due to its improved accuracy for low-abundance transcripts. Nonetheless, classifiers to predict MOAs perform similarly when developed using data from either platform. Therefore, the endpoint studied and its biological complexity, transcript abundance and the genomic application are important factors in transcriptomic research and for clinical and regulatory decision making