15 research outputs found

    Article original SociaBillyQuizz, un jeu pour l'entraînement aux habiletés sociales chez l'enfant et l'adolescent : étude exploratoire The SociaBillyQuizz game: A mediation for social skills training in children and adolescents

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    Résumé Contexte. -Le SociaBillyQuizz est un jeu thérapeutique élaboré pour servir de médiation à des groupes d'entraînement aux habiletés sociales (GEHS) chez les enfants et adolescents. Il sollicite, de manière ludique, différentes dimensions : l'exposition, les cognitions, la communication, l'imagination et l'expression émotionnelle. Abstract Background. -The SociaBillyQuizz is a therapeutic game designed for social skills training groups with children and adolescents. Using an entertaining method, this media requests several dimensions: exposure, cognition, communication skills, imagination, emotional expression and sign decoding. In this preliminary study, the setting includes two groups of six adolescents, one with social anxiety disorder and the other with Asperger syndrome. Objective. -To evaluate, in an exploratory study, the effects of a therapeutic device involving this game for these two clinically different groups of adolescents. Methods. -During 26 of 1 hour weekly sessions, two adolescents groups participate to a program including the SociaBillyQuizz and cognitive behavioral therapies. The groups are moderated by two therapists. The SociaBillyQuizz is a board game for two to six players; its goal is to collect points by answering instructions from the different thematic cards. There are four thematic cards: action cards (players have to do something), brainstorming cards (players have to use their imagination and demonstrate cognitive flexibility), interview cards (players have to express themselves about what they think or feel) and mystery cards (unexpected instructions). According to the groups' clinical characteristics, * Auteur correspondant. Pourre et al. / Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence 60 (2012) [155][156][157][158][159] some aims are specifically highlighted. In the anxiety disorder group, the cognitive dimension is privileged and in the Asperger syndrome group, we emphasise the pretend, cognitive flexibility and theory of mind. The effects are measured by the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule and the Fear Avoidance Hierarchy (FAH) for the social anxiety disorder group and by the Faux Pas Recognition Test and the Social Responsiveness Scale (parent version) for the Asperger group. Results. -These assessment tools indicate, for both groups, a significant increase of the scores corroborating the observed clinical effects. For eleven of the twelve adolescents, a clinical interview 6 months after the retest shows a continuity of therapeutic benefit. Discussion. -These early results suggest that a social skills training device featuring the SociaBillyQuizz produces clinical improvements in these two groups of adolescents. In future researches, with control group and more complete follow-up, nature and effectiveness of its contribution should be specified. Conclusion. -In this preliminary study, the SociaBillyQuizz appears to be an interesting therapeutic tool that can increase implication, motivation, participation and cohesiveness of the group. It also makes easier the cognitive-behavioural-strategies learning

    First spectroscopic study of 22Si

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    Radiotherapy Process Integration Using A Compact Photon Source Together With Fluence Control And Patient Imaging

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    Process integration, combining diagnostic, simulation and therapy in a single instrument will overcome many limitations in cancer care. But it asks for a miniturization of the high energy photon source. Such effort could open unforeseen developments as mobile "global therapy" units. Parameter values for the photon source will be achieved with an X-band linac integrated with target and collimator as a shielded compact sub-unit. I. NEEDS AND OBJECTIVES A. The needs (user's point of view): The therapeutic treatment consists of 3 phases: diagnostic imaging, simulation of the dose delivery conditions, dose delivery. It is done today with 3 different instruments with inherent problems such as induced incompatibility of materials (today without standards) and difficulties in coordinating the phases into a coherent process. The use of multiple, independent systems creates an incoherence resulting in faults of treatment efficacy and safety, and a waste of time and discomfort for the patient...

    Spectroscopy of 22,23,24Si and 22Al

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    β-delayed one- and two-proton and α spectroscopic studies of the neutron-deficient nuclei 22,23,24Si and 22Al produced in projectile fragmentation of a 36Ar primary beam at 95 MeV/u have been performed at GANIL. Isotopes of interest were analyzed using the LISE3 spectrometer and were implanted in a telescope made of silicon detectors and a micro-strip gaseous counter where decay particles were detected