5 research outputs found

    Domestic Violence – A Current Problem of Romanian Society

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    The effects of domestic violence phenomenon and its severity were recently acknowledged worldwide, most European Union countries faced with significant increase in cases of domestic violence. Due to the inefficient public social services in combating and preventing domestic violence, services like this are taken mostly by civil society. However, help victims of domestic violence, there are several protection services, and a range of social services targeting the aggressors

    Diagnostic algorithm of cranial deformities in children with severe neurological disorders

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    Background: Cranial deformities (plagiocephaly) generate various health problems in children, fact that may influence neurophysiological development both craniometrically and functionally. The aim of this study was to develop an algorithm for diagnosis of cranial deformities and dental alveolar appearance in children with delayed neurologic sequelae. Material and methods: 370 children with neurological disorders were examined by a team (neurologist, orthodontist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, plastic surgeon). It was recorded in the individual questionnaire: a) the degree of cranial deformity; b) the form of dentoalveolar anomaly c) type of brain dysfunction, which allowed the elucidation of correlations, previously unknown, depending on the nature and intensity of specific clinical and evolutionary manifestation. results: Cranial deformities in children were highlighted in 50% of cases. Relation boys:girls was 1:1. Positional cranial deformities in 25% of cases are associated with a different degree (the first degree – 1%, the second degree – 7.3%, the third degree – 50%, the fourth degree – 4.1%, the fifth degree – 1%), and 1.96% of craniostenosis and 21% of other deformities in children with severe cognitive and motor disorders. Dental and maxillar deformities in the sagittal plane were found in 28% of children with and in 25% without cranial deformities. Dental crowdings were found in 54% of children with and in 30% without cranial deformities. While the protrusion of the mandible and dental spaces were found in 8% and 21% in children with and 10% and 18% in children without cranial deformities. conclusions: In conclusion we found that cranial deformities in children with neurological disorders are present in 50% of cases. In the diagnosis of dental and maxillar deformities, it is necessary to determine when cranial deformities can lead to installation of malocclusions in children. In order to confirm the results of this study, it is necessary to make studies on anatomic disorders of cranial basis, cranial vault

    Послеоперационная реабилитация детей с опухолевыми поражениями челюстно-лицевой области

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    Introduction. Tumors in children have a specific and constantly current topic. With the advent of new diagnostic technologies, there is an increasing incidence of tumors in children. The peculiarities of the growth and development of the child from newborn to adolescent highlight new and new problems of morphofunctional and psycho-emotional rehabilitation, both immediately after treatment and at a distance. The purpose of the study was to find out the problems that appear in children after the surgical removal of benign tumors from the jaw region. Results. During 2020 year, 66 children with benign tumors of the jaws were found. The children underwent surgical treatment to remove the tumors. It has been found that tumors located in the mandible are two times more common than those located in the upper jaw. The period of morphofunctional rehabilitation of the child after the removal of the tumor depending on the growth of the tumor and the peculiarities of the dentomaxillary system, we have three categories of children. Children with tumor removal in the block. Children with tumor removal by curettage. Children with palliative tumor removal. Rehabilitation methods include restoring the dental arch with removable applines. In group two, remodeling the growth of the jaws with the positioning of the permanent teeth. Group three includes tooth repositioning, jaw remodeling, and tooth eruption stimulation. Conclusion. Tumors with localization in the jaws during the growth and development of the child require complex rehabilitation, immediately after treatment and at a distance, with a personalized character depending on the postoperative defects and the age of the childIntroducere. Tumorile la copii prezintă o temă specifică și permanent actuală. Odată cu apariția noilor tehnologii de diagnostic se constată o incidență crescândă a tumorilor la copii. Particularitățile de creștere și dezvoltare a copilului de la nou-născut la adolescent pun în evidență noi și noi probleme de reabilitare morfofuncțională și psihoemoțională, atât imediat după tratament, cât și la distanță. Scopul studiului a fost de a constata problemele care apar la copii după înlăturarea chirurgicală a tumorilor benigne din regiunea maxilarelor. Rezultate. Pe parcursul anului 2020 au fost constatați 66 copii cu tumori benigne ale maxilarelor. Copii au suportat tratament chirurgical cu înlăturarea tumorilor. S-a constatat că tumorile cu localizare la mandibulă sunt de două ori mai frecvente decât cele cu localizare la maxilar. Perioada de reabilitarea morfofuncțională a copilului după înlăturarea tumorului în funcție de creșterea tumorii și particularitățile sistemului dentomaxilar, avem trei categorii de copii. Copiii cu înlăturarea tumorii în bloc. Copii cu înlăturarea tumorii prin chiuretaj. Copii cu înlăturarea paliativă a tumorii. Metodele de reabilitare includ restabilirea arcadei dentare cu proteze mobilizabile. În grupul doi remodelarea creșterii maxilarelor cu repoziționarea dinților permanenți. Grupul trei include repoziționarea dinților, remodelarea maxilarelor și stimularea erupției dentare. Concluzie. Tumorile cu localizare în maxilare în perioada de creștere și dezvoltare a copilului necesită reabilitare complexă, imediat după tratament, cât și la distanță, cu caracter personalizat în funcție de defectele postoperatorii și vârsta copiluluiАктуальность. Опухоли у детей имеют конкретную и постоянно актуальную тему. С появлением новых диагностических технологий растет число опухолей у детей. Особенности роста и развития ребенка от новорожденного до подросткового возраста высвечивают все новые и новые проблемы морфофункциональной и психо-эмоциональной реабилитации как сразу после лечения, так и на расстоянии. Целью исследования было выяснить проблемы, возникающие у детей после хирургического удаления доброкачественных новообразований в области челюсти. Полученные результаты. В течение 2020 года обнаружено 66 детей с доброкачественными новообразованиями челюстей. Детям проведено хирургическое лечение по удалению новообразований. Было обнаружено, что опухоли, расположенные в нижней челюсти, встречаются в два раза чаще, чем в челюсти. В период морфофункциональной реабилитации ребенка после удаления опухоли в зависимости от роста опухоли и особенностей зубо-челюстной системы у нас есть три категории детей. Дети с удалением опухоли в блоке. Дети с удалением опухоли кюретажем. Дети с паллиативным удалением опухоли. Методы реабилитации включают восстановление зубной дуги съемными протезами. Во второй группе реконструкция роста челюстей с установкой постоянных зубов. Третья группа включает репозицию зубов, ремоделирование челюсти и стимуляцию прорезывания зубов. Заключение. Опухоли с локализацией в челюсти в период роста и развития ребенка требуют комплексной реабилитации сразу после лечения и дистанционно, с индивидуальным характером в зависимости от послеоперационных дефектов и возраста ребенк

    Domestic Violence – a Current Problem of Romanian Society

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    The effects of domestic violence phenomenon and its severity were recently acknowledged worldwide, most European Union countries faced with significant increase in cases of domestic violence. Due to the inefficient public social services in combating and preventing domestic violence, services like this are taken mostly by civil society. However, help victims of domestic violence, there are several protection services, and a range of social services targeting the aggressors


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    Selecting gear materials is a great challenge for engineers. Gear teeth are subject to difficult and severe loading conditions. Simultaneous action of alternating normal and tangential dynamic stresses occurs, contact deformations accompanied by sliding friction. Gears are subject to increased requirements in terms of strength, geometric accuracy, dimensional stability, and durability. For the manufacture of gears, especially from thermoplastic materials, a theoretical argumentation of the materials is needed. An extensive study of thermoplastic materials, around the world needs to be done and the most efficient tribological couples to be chosen in terms of heat transfer from the gear zone, operation with or without lubrication, and gear life. In this paper, a theoretical synthesis of the Steel / Plastic, Plastic / Plastic, Plastic/Steel tribological couples is made, which were used in conformist and non-conformist experiments. Therefore, selected tribological couples are supposed to be used in the Precessional Transmissions applications