4 research outputs found

    New pre-coded food record form validation

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    Introduction: For some research fields, simple and accurate food intake quantification tools are needed. The aim of the present work was to design a new self-administered and pre-coded food intake record form and assess its reliability and validity when quantifying the food intake of adult population, in terms of food or food-groups portions. Material and Methods: First of all, a new food-record form was designed, which included food usually consumed and which sought to be easy-to-use, short, and intuitive. The validation process consisted in analyzing both the reliability and validity of the tool鈥檚 design in a representative population sample (n=330; age: 19-77). Reliability was checked by comparing (Spearman鈥檚 CC, ICC) food intake (mean value of portions) between two series of five-day food records in a one-month period. Validity was checked by comparing the food intake mean value of two records to results obtained from a gold standard (24-hour recall). Results: 73.7% of the food from the record presented correlations higher than 0.5 for reliability (ICCs from 0.38 to 0.94) and 97.4% showed higher values than 0.7 and 68.4% than 0.8 for validity (ICCs from 0.28 to 0.97). Conclusions: The solid correlation coefficients and ICCs obtained indicate that this is a reliable tool for the quantification of food intake in adults in terms of food or food group portions

    Validaci贸n de un nuevo registro alimentario precodificado

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    Introduction: For some research fields, simple and accurate food intake quantification tools are needed. The aim of the present work was to design a new self-administered and pre-coded food intake record form and assess its reliability and validity when quantifying the food intake of adult population, in terms of food or food-groups portions.Material and Methods: First of all, a new food-record form was designed, which included food usually consumed and which sought to be easy-to-use, short, and intuitive. The validation process consisted in analyzing both the reliability and validity of the tool鈥檚 design in a representative population sample (n=330; age: 19-77). Reliability was checked by comparing (Spearman鈥檚 CC, ICC) food intake (mean value of portions) between two series of five-day food records in a one-month period. Validity was checked by comparing the food intake mean value of two records to results obtained from a gold standard (24-hour recall).Results: 73.7% of the food from the record presented correlations higher than 0.5 for reliability (ICCs from 0.38 to 0.94) and 97.4% showed higher values than 0.7 and 68.4% than 0.8 for validity (ICCs from 0.28 to 0.97).Conclusions: The solid correlation coefficients and ICCs obtained indicate that this is a reliable tool for the quantification of food intake in adults in terms of food or food group portions.Introducci贸n: Para algunos campos de investigaci贸n se precisan herramientas de cuantificaci贸n de la ingesta alimentaria sencillas y precisas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue dise帽ar un nuevo registro de ingesta de alimentos auto administrado y pre-codificado as铆 como evaluar su fiabilidad y validez para cuantificar la ingesta de alimentos de la poblaci贸n adulta, en t茅rminos de porciones bien de alimentos o bien de grupos de alimentos.Material y M茅todos: Se dise帽贸 el nuevo registro que inclu铆a alimentos consumidos habitualmente y que deb铆a ser f谩cil de usar, breve e intuitivo. El proceso de validaci贸n consisti贸 en analizar tanto la fiabilidad y la validez de la herramienta en una muestra representativa de la poblaci贸n (n=330; edad 19-77 a帽os). La fiabilidad se comprob贸 mediante la comparaci贸n (CC de Spearman, CCI) de la ingesta (media de raciones est谩ndar) de alimentos entre dos series de registros de cinco d铆as en un per铆odo de un mes. La validez se comprob贸 mediante la comparaci贸n de la ingesta de alimentos el valor medio de dos registros con los resultados obtenidos a partir de un gold standard (recordatorio de 24 horas).Resultados: El 73,7% de los alimentos del registro present贸 correlaciones superiores a 0,5 para la fiabilidad (CCI de 0,38 a 0,94) y el 97,4% present贸 valores superiores a 0,7 y el 68,4% superiores a 0,8 para la validez (CCI de 0,28 a 0,97).Conclusiones: Los s贸lidos coeficientes de correlaci贸n e ICC obtenidos indican que el nuevo registro es una herramienta fiable para la cuantificaci贸n de la ingesta de alimentos en adultos en t茅rminos de raciones de alimentos o grupos de alimentos

    Immunomodulatory effect of a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet compared with bariatric surgery and a low-calorie diet in patients with excessive body weight

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    Background & aim: Inflammation and oxidative stress are the most probable mechanistic link between obesity and its co-diseases with cancer among them. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the nutritional ketosis and weight loss induced by a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) modulates the inflammatory and oxidative stress profile, compared with a standard, balanced hypocaloric diet (LCD) or bariatric surgery (BS) in patients with obesity. Methods: The study was performed in 79 patients with overweight or obesity and 32 normal-weight volunteers as the control group. Patients with obesity underwent a weight reduction therapy based on VLCKD, LCD or BS. The quantification of the circulating levels of a multiplexing test of cytokines and carcinogenesis/aging biomarkers, as well as of lipid peroxides and total antioxidant power, was carried out. Results:First, we observed that pro-inflammatory cytokines increase, while anti-inflammatory cytokines decrease under excessive body weight. Relevantly, when patients underwent weight loss strategies, it was shown that energy-restricted and surgical strategies of weight loss induced changes in circulating cytokine and lipid peroxides. This effect was more notable in patients following the VLCKD than the LCD or BS and it was observed mainly in the ketosis phase of the intervention. Particularly, IL-11, IL-12, IL-2, INF-纬, INF-尾, Pentraxin-3 or MMP1 changed after VLCKD. Whereas, APRIL, TWEAK, osteocalcin and IL-28A increased after BS. Conclusion: As far as we know, this is the first study that evaluate the time-course of cytokines and oxidative stress markers after a VLCKD as compared with a standard LCD and BS. The observed results support the immunomodulatory effect of nutritional ketosis induced by a VLCKD synergistically with weight loss as a strategy to improve innate-immunity and to prevent infections and carcinogenesis in patients with obesityS

    "Abordaje multidisciplinar y difusi贸n social de un problema sanitario"

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    La Universidad, como instituci贸n acad茅mica de ense帽anza superior e investigaci贸n, debe ser capaz de formar profesionales competentes en diferentes 谩mbitos de aplicaci贸n, preparados para afrontar problemas complejos que requieran un abordaje multidisciplinar. As铆 mismo, el conocimiento adquirido durante la fase de formaci贸n universitaria debe transmitirse de una forma clara y comprensible a la sociedad. En este sentido, las redes sociales pueden representar una interesante herramienta de divulgaci贸n para mejorar la comunicaci贸n y el acercamiento entre la universidad y la sociedad. Este trabajo plante贸 un escenario complejo dentro del 谩mbito sanitario, como es el aumento en la aparici贸n de resistencias a los antibi贸ticos, para que los equipos multidisciplinares formados por alumnado de distintos grados lo trabajasen desarrollando las competencias transversales y espec铆ficas de cada grado, estableciendo de esta manera sinergias de colaboraci贸n. Posteriormente, se desarroll贸 un blog en el aula, donde los diferentes equipos de trabajo multidisciplinar reflejaban sus soluciones a los escenarios planteados, utilizando un lenguaje divulgativo para acercar su conocimiento a la sociedad preocupada por el uso adecuado de los antibi贸ticos. De esta manera, mediante la utilizaci贸n de metodolog铆as activas, el alumnado tom贸 conciencia de la importancia del trabajo multidisciplinar, as铆 como de la difusi贸n del conocimiento adquirido