34 research outputs found

    Northernmost record of the pantropical portunid crab <i>Cronius ruber</i> in the eastern Atlantic (Canary Islands): natural range extension or human-mediated introduction?

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    The pantropical crab Cronius ruber (Lamarck, 1818) (Brachyura: Portunidae) is recorded for the first time from the Canary Islands. Previously known from off Cape Verde Islands and Senegal, this is the northernmost record of the species in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. Crabs have been caught by means of a collecting small trap for sampling in shallow waters, and then identified by both morphological characters and DNA barcoding (16S). Cytochrome c oxidase I partial sequence has been obtained for this species for the first time. This relatively large and very aggressive crab species seems to be rapidly occupying both hard substrates (sublittoral caves) and soft substrates (sand with seagrass meadow) adjacent to shallow rocky bottoms, at depths between 2 and 10 m, in the warm southern waters of Gran Canaria Island. The reasons for this species’ occurrence are discussed herein. Among them, natural range extension may be a consequence of tropicalization in the eastern Atlantic. Also, a human-mediated introduction could be based on the heavy traffic of ships (ballast waters or oil platforms) arriving at the Canary Islands from African countries and from Brazil in the last decade

    On the presence of Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands (north-eastern Atlantic)

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    Présence de Trachinus pellegrini (Trachinidae) aux îles Canaries etCanaries et aux îles du Cap-Vert (Atlantique nord-est). Trachinus pellegrini Cadenat, 1937 est signalée pour la première fois aux îles Canaries, ce qui représente sa limite de répartition la plus septentrionale. Les différences morphologiques entre adultes et juvéniles sont également présentées. La présence de cette espèce aux îles du Cap-Vert est aussi confirmée.Postprin

    New and rare records of teleost fishes from the Cape Verde Islands (eastern-central Atlantic Ocean)

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    As a result of six exploratory surveys and several opportunistic catches in the Cape Verde Islands from a few metres to about 1000 m of depth, a list of 66 species of teleost fishes is given, six of which are first records from the archipelago: Gnathophis mystax (Congridae), Nezumia africana, Nezumia duodecim (Macrouridae), Ectreposebastes imus (Scorpaenidae), Paraliparis sp. (Liparidae) and Lappanella fasciata (Labridae). Additionally, data on six poorly-known species is also given: Myroconger compressus (Myrocongridae), Myrichthys pardalis, Phaenomonas longissima (Ophichthidae), Sphagemacrurus hirundo (Macrouridae), Gadella imberbis and Physiculus cyanostrophus (Moridae). Data includes distribution, habitat, morphometry and reproduction.Six campagnes exploratoires ainsi que quelques captures opportunistes réalisées de quelques mètres jusqu’à environ 1000 m de profondeur aux îles du Cap-Vert ont permis d’établir une liste comprenant 66 espèces de poissons téléostéens. Six espèces sont signalées pour la première fois aux îles du Cap-Vert : Gnathophis mystax (Congridae), Nezumia africana, Nezumia duodecim (Macrouridae), Ectreposebastes imus (Scorpaenidae), Paraliparis sp. (Liparidae) et Lappanella fasciata (Labridae). La présence de six autres espèces mal connues est confirmée pour cet archipel : Myroconger compressus (Myrocongridae), Myrichthys pardalis, Phaenomonas longissima (Ophichthidae), Sphagemacrurus hirundo (Macrouridae), Gadella imberbis et Physiculus cyanostrophus (Moridae). Les données présentées concernent la distribution, l’habitat, la morphométrie et la reproduction.Postprin

    The striped soldier shrimp Plesionika edwardsii (Crustacea:Decapoda:Pandalidae) from the cape Verde Islands

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    This study is part of the PROACTIVA 1-2 (2009-2012) and MARPROF-CV (2010-2014) projects, in the framework of the Canary Islands Government and UE PCT MAC 2007-2013 programmes respectively. Research has mainly focused on the stock assessment of the striped soldier shrimp, Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851), because it has shown moderate to high levels of fishing yield and abundances compatible with the development of a new sustainable fishery in the Cape Verde Islands. Cruises took place on board the R/V Prof. Ignacio Lozano. Four 15-day surveys have been conducted to date: Cabo Verde 2010-04 (April 2010), Camar˜ao-1 (November 2011), Camar˜ao-2 (Mars 2012) and Camar ˜ao-3 (July 2012). An innovative fishing gear so-called multiple semi-floating shrimp trap (MSFST) was used. Each fishing line was composed by 40-65 traps operating around 2.4 m above the seafloor, using Decapterus macarellus (Carangidae) as unique bait of the traps. Fishing depth was 66-458 m, and efective fishing time was 16-18 h. Each trap was attached to the main bottom line every 15 m, and the maximum attraction of this bait was established to be 100 or 150 m, according to the experience gained from the local fishery for deep-sea lobsters. So density by area was calculated assuming two different areas of attraction of the fishing gear. Initial biomass was estimated from depletion experiments at different abundance stations by applying the Leslie & Davis (1939) method, modified by Ricker (1975). Each fishing operation was classified according to its yield (CPUE in g/trap/night). The potential fishing planar area was estimated between the isobathymetric lines between 90 and 220 m. Total biomasses (Bt) were calculated from areas (km2) and mean minimum/maximum densities (kg/km2). Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was estimated from Bt using the Beddington and Cooke (1983) model by entering natural mortality (0.6), growth rate (0.53 year�1) and recruitment age (1.32 year), which are the parameters for this target species published for the Canaries. These parameters estimate a biological exploitation rate ( ) of 0.262. Interpolations were applied to estimate MSY for insular stocks representing lesser than 5% of the total fishing grounds for this species in the archipelago. The MSY estimated by depletion were 30.5 tons/year for the stock of S˜ao Vicente, Santa Luzia, Ilheus and S˜ao Nicolau, 10 tons/year for the stock of Santiago, 138.8 tons/year for the stock of Boa Vista and Maio, and 5.6 tons/year for the stock of Sal. The small stocks estimated by interpolation were: 4.5 tons/year for the stock of Santo Ant˜ao, 1.3 tons/year for the stock of Fogo, and 1.8 tons/year for the stock of Brava and Ilheus. In total, 192.5 tons per year was the total MSY for the striped soldier shrimp around the islands of the Cape Verde archipelago, occupying a total area of 1,918 km2 of new fishing grounds at between 90 and 220 m of depth. In comparison with the traditional bottom trap used in the Canary Islands, the innovative fishing gear MSFST were proved to be more selective for pandalid shrimps, minimizing the gear impact on the seafloor as well as the by-catch by reducing the discards. Depletion methods are based on the assumption of a closed system, that is with minimum or zero immigration between neighbouring areas. The straight forward decline of CPUEs obtained during the depletion experiments seems to confirm that P. edwardsii is a low mobility species, making this assumption valid at least during short-time periods. Because of the bathymetry profile of these islands,the depth range is from very close (few nautical miles in Santiago) to far away (10-12 n.m. in Boa Vista) to the coastline. Fishing effort should be controlled on the basis of quotas, number of fishing vessels and a precautionary approach in order to ensure that catching is commensurate with sustainable levels of exploitation. MSY estimates suggest that this new Capeverdean fishery should be carried out by specialized medium-sized fishing vessels. During the last decades a combination of shrimp trawling and industrial trapping activity has threatened over-exploitation in the Mediterranean fisheries targeting on P. edwardsii; currently the shrimp collapse has conducted to the decline of these fisheries. Can the Cape Verde regulatory bodies and all the stakeholders involved learn the lessons this teaches us about this resource management

    By-catch composition of the striped soldier shrimp Plesionika edwardsii (Crustace: Decapoda: Pandalidae) experimental fishery in the Cape Verde Islands

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    This work focuses on the by-catch composition of Plesionika edwardsii experimental fishery in the Cape Verde Islands. Obtaining information on abundance, composition and lifecycle of species involved in this potential fishery is useful, in order to ensure its sustainable development under an ecosystem approach. The first step towards this goal is the description of catches. Four 15-day research surveys were conducted on board the R/V Prof. Ignacio Lozano: April 2010 (S˜ao Vicente and Santa Luzia islands), November 2011 (Santiago island), March 2012 (Boa Vista island,) and July 2012 (Sal and S˜ao Nicolau islands). The working depths were between 66 and 458 m depth. A standardized innovative fishing gear was used, so-called multiple semi-floating shrimp traps. Each fishing line was composed by 40-65 traps operating around 2.4 m above the seafloor, using Decapterus macarellus (Carangidae) as unique bait of the traps. Multiple semi-floating shrimp traps is a passive fishing system that allows catch and release sea significant part of the unwanted catches, as in the case of Chondrichthyes or Anguilliformes, reducing the fishing impact on non-target species. The main by-catch was composed of 53 species belonging to three groups including Chondrichthyes (three families and three species), Crustacea (11 families and 19 species) and Osteichthyes (15 families and 29 species). Plesionika edwardsii, the target species of this fishery, represented 97.8% of the catch in terms of abundance and 40.1% in biomass. By-catch represented 59.9% of total catch in terms of biomass. Osteichthyes (87.5%) were the dominant group and was represented by the following main families; Sparidae (33.9%), Moridae (32.5%), Muraenidae (32.5%), Scorpaenidae (9.9%) and Tetraodontidae (9.8%). Chondrichthyes (11.6%) were composed by Centrophoridae (65.3%) and Triakidae (34.1%). Finally, Crustacea (1.9%) were chiefly composed by Pandalidae (79.1%). However, different families represented by specific species were found to be dominant around each island. Sparidae were the dominant family represented by Pagellus acarne (46.2% of total by-catch) at S˜ao Vicente, and by Dentex macrophthalmus (42.6%) at Boa Vista. Tetraodontidae with Sphoeroides pachygaster (25.9%) and Sparidae with P. acarne (25.1%) were the co-dominant families in the by-catch around Santa Luzia. Muraenidae were the dominant family represented by Gymnothorax polygonius (69.4%) at Sal, and by Muraena helena (63.4%) at S˜ao Nicolau. Finally, Scorpaenidae with Pontinus kuhlii (22.3%) and Moridae with Physiculus cyanostrophus (22.1%) were the co-dominant families of the bycatch around Santiago. Acknowledgements: This study is part of the PROACTIVA 1-2 (2009-2012) and MARPROF-CV (2010-2014) projects, in the framework of the Canary Islands Government and UE PCT MAC 2007- 2013 programmes respectively

    The striped soldier shrimp Plesionika edwardsii (Crustacea:Decapoda:Pandalidae) from the cape Verde Islands

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    This study is part of the PROACTIVA 1-2 (2009-2012) and MARPROF-CV (2010-2014) projects, in the framework of the Canary Islands Government and UE PCT MAC 2007-2013 programmes respectively. Research has mainly focused on the stock assessment of the striped soldier shrimp, Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851), because it has shown moderate to high levels of fishing yield and abundances compatible with the development of a new sustainable fishery in the Cape Verde Islands. Cruises took place on board the R/V Prof. Ignacio Lozano. Four 15-day surveys have been conducted to date: Cabo Verde 2010-04 (April 2010), Camar˜ao-1 (November 2011), Camar˜ao-2 (Mars 2012) and Camar ˜ao-3 (July 2012). An innovative fishing gear so-called multiple semi-floating shrimp trap (MSFST) was used. Each fishing line was composed by 40-65 traps operating around 2.4 m above the seafloor, using Decapterus macarellus (Carangidae) as unique bait of the traps. Fishing depth was 66-458 m, and efective fishing time was 16-18 h. Each trap was attached to the main bottom line every 15 m, and the maximum attraction of this bait was established to be 100 or 150 m, according to the experience gained from the local fishery for deep-sea lobsters. So density by area was calculated assuming two different areas of attraction of the fishing gear. Initial biomass was estimated from depletion experiments at different abundance stations by applying the Leslie & Davis (1939) method, modified by Ricker (1975). Each fishing operation was classified according to its yield (CPUE in g/trap/night). The potential fishing planar area was estimated between the isobathymetric lines between 90 and 220 m. Total biomasses (Bt) were calculated from areas (km2) and mean minimum/maximum densities (kg/km2). Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was estimated from Bt using the Beddington and Cooke (1983) model by entering natural mortality (0.6), growth rate (0.53 year�1) and recruitment age (1.32 year), which are the parameters for this target species published for the Canaries. These parameters estimate a biological exploitation rate ( ) of 0.262. Interpolations were applied to estimate MSY for insular stocks representing lesser than 5% of the total fishing grounds for this species in the archipelago. The MSY estimated by depletion were 30.5 tons/year for the stock of S˜ao Vicente, Santa Luzia, Ilheus and S˜ao Nicolau, 10 tons/year for the stock of Santiago, 138.8 tons/year for the stock of Boa Vista and Maio, and 5.6 tons/year for the stock of Sal. The small stocks estimated by interpolation were: 4.5 tons/year for the stock of Santo Ant˜ao, 1.3 tons/year for the stock of Fogo, and 1.8 tons/year for the stock of Brava and Ilheus. In total, 192.5 tons per year was the total MSY for the striped soldier shrimp around the islands of the Cape Verde archipelago, occupying a total area of 1,918 km2 of new fishing grounds at between 90 and 220 m of depth. In comparison with the traditional bottom trap used in the Canary Islands, the innovative fishing gear MSFST were proved to be more selective for pandalid shrimps, minimizing the gear impact on the seafloor as well as the by-catch by reducing the discards. Depletion methods are based on the assumption of a closed system, that is with minimum or zero immigration between neighbouring areas. The straight forward decline of CPUEs obtained during the depletion experiments seems to confirm that P. edwardsii is a low mobility species, making this assumption valid at least during short-time periods. Because of the bathymetry profile of these islands,the depth range is from very close (few nautical miles in Santiago) to far away (10-12 n.m. in Boa Vista) to the coastline. Fishing effort should be controlled on the basis of quotas, number of fishing vessels and a precautionary approach in order to ensure that catching is commensurate with sustainable levels of exploitation. MSY estimates suggest that this new Capeverdean fishery should be carried out by specialized medium-sized fishing vessels. During the last decades a combination of shrimp trawling and industrial trapping activity has threatened over-exploitation in the Mediterranean fisheries targeting on P. edwardsii; currently the shrimp collapse has conducted to the decline of these fisheries. Can the Cape Verde regulatory bodies and all the stakeholders involved learn the lessons this teaches us about this resource management

    By-catch composition of the striped soldier shrimp Plesionika edwardsii (Crustace: Decapoda: Pandalidae) experimental fishery in the Cape Verde Islands

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    This work focuses on the by-catch composition of Plesionika edwardsii experimental fishery in the Cape Verde Islands. Obtaining information on abundance, composition and lifecycle of species involved in this potential fishery is useful, in order to ensure its sustainable development under an ecosystem approach. The first step towards this goal is the description of catches. Four 15-day research surveys were conducted on board the R/V Prof. Ignacio Lozano: April 2010 (S˜ao Vicente and Santa Luzia islands), November 2011 (Santiago island), March 2012 (Boa Vista island,) and July 2012 (Sal and S˜ao Nicolau islands). The working depths were between 66 and 458 m depth. A standardized innovative fishing gear was used, so-called multiple semi-floating shrimp traps. Each fishing line was composed by 40-65 traps operating around 2.4 m above the seafloor, using Decapterus macarellus (Carangidae) as unique bait of the traps. Multiple semi-floating shrimp traps is a passive fishing system that allows catch and release sea significant part of the unwanted catches, as in the case of Chondrichthyes or Anguilliformes, reducing the fishing impact on non-target species. The main by-catch was composed of 53 species belonging to three groups including Chondrichthyes (three families and three species), Crustacea (11 families and 19 species) and Osteichthyes (15 families and 29 species). Plesionika edwardsii, the target species of this fishery, represented 97.8% of the catch in terms of abundance and 40.1% in biomass. By-catch represented 59.9% of total catch in terms of biomass. Osteichthyes (87.5%) were the dominant group and was represented by the following main families; Sparidae (33.9%), Moridae (32.5%), Muraenidae (32.5%), Scorpaenidae (9.9%) and Tetraodontidae (9.8%). Chondrichthyes (11.6%) were composed by Centrophoridae (65.3%) and Triakidae (34.1%). Finally, Crustacea (1.9%) were chiefly composed by Pandalidae (79.1%). However, different families represented by specific species were found to be dominant around each island. Sparidae were the dominant family represented by Pagellus acarne (46.2% of total by-catch) at S˜ao Vicente, and by Dentex macrophthalmus (42.6%) at Boa Vista. Tetraodontidae with Sphoeroides pachygaster (25.9%) and Sparidae with P. acarne (25.1%) were the co-dominant families in the by-catch around Santa Luzia. Muraenidae were the dominant family represented by Gymnothorax polygonius (69.4%) at Sal, and by Muraena helena (63.4%) at S˜ao Nicolau. Finally, Scorpaenidae with Pontinus kuhlii (22.3%) and Moridae with Physiculus cyanostrophus (22.1%) were the co-dominant families of the bycatch around Santiago. Acknowledgements: This study is part of the PROACTIVA 1-2 (2009-2012) and MARPROF-CV (2010-2014) projects, in the framework of the Canary Islands Government and UE PCT MAC 2007- 2013 programmes respectively