5,166 research outputs found

    Active colloids at fluid interfaces

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    If an active Janus particle is trapped at the interface between a liquid and a fluid, its self-propelled motion along the interface is affected by a net torque on the particle due to the viscosity contrast between the two adjacent fluid phases. For a simple model of an active, spherical Janus colloid we analyze the conditions under which translation occurs along the interface and we provide estimates of the corresponding persistence length. We show that under certain conditions the persistence length of such a particle is significantly larger than the corresponding one in the bulk liquid, which is in line with the trends observed in recent experimental studies

    Milnor open books and Milnor fillable contact 3-manifolds

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    We say that a contact manifold is Milnor fillable if it is contactomorphic to the contact boundary of an isolated complex-analytic singularity (X,x). Generalizing results of Milnor and Giroux, we associate to each holomorphic function f defined on X, with isolated singularity at x, an open book which supports the contact structure. Moreover, we prove that any 3-dimensional oriented manifold admits at most one Milnor fillable contact structure up to contactomorphism. * * * * * * * * In the first version of the paper, we showed that the open book associated to f carries the contact structure only up to an isotopy. Here we drop this restriction. Following a suggestion of Janos Kollar, we also give a simplified proof of the algebro-geometrical theorem 4.1, central for the uniqueness result.Comment: 17 page

    The smallest refrigerators can reach maximal efficiency

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    We investigate whether size imposes a fundamental constraint on the efficiency of small thermal machines. We analyse in detail a model of a small self-contained refrigerator consisting of three qubits. We show analytically that this system can reach the Carnot efficiency, thus demonstrating that there exists no complementarity between size and efficiency.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. v2: published versio

    The 3-Dimensional Structure of NGC 891 and M51

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    We investigate the three-dimensional structure of the nearby edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891 using 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer models, with realistic spiral structure and fractally clumped dust. Using the spiral and clumpiness parameters found from recently completed scattered light models we produce lower resolution SED models which reproduce the global UV-to-FIR SED of NGC 891. Our models contain a color gradient across the major axis of the galaxy - similar to what is seen in images of the NGC 891. With minor adjustment our SED models are able to match the majority of M51's SED, a similar galaxy at a near face-on different inclination.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the Conference Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 284: The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies, R.J. Tuffs & C.C. Popescu, ed

    Diffusive spreading and mixing of fluid monolayers

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    The use of ultra-thin, i.e., monolayer films plays an important role for the emerging field of nano-fluidics. Since the dynamics of such films is governed by the interplay between substrate-fluid and fluid-fluid interactions, the transport of matter in nanoscale devices may be eventually efficiently controlled by substrate engineering. For such films, the dynamics is expected to be captured by two-dimensional lattice-gas models with interacting particles. Using a lattice gas model and the non-linear diffusion equation derived from the microscopic dynamics in the continuum limit, we study two problems of relevance in the context of nano-fluidics. The first one is the case in which along the spreading direction of a monolayer a mesoscopic-sized obstacle is present, with a particular focus on the relaxation of the fluid density profile upon encountering and passing the obstacle. The second one is the mixing of two monolayers of different particle species which spread side by side following the merger of two chemical lanes, here defined as domains of high affinity for fluid adsorption surrounded by domains of low affinity for fluid adsorption.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Collective dynamics of chemically active particles trapped at a fluid interface

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    Chemically active colloids generate changes in the chemical composition of their surrounding solution and thereby induce flows in the ambient fluid which affect their dynamical evolution. Here we study the many-body dynamics of a monolayer of active particles trapped at a fluid-fluid interface. To this end we consider a mean-field model which incorporates the direct pair interaction (including also the capillary interaction which is caused specifically by the interfacial trapping) as well as the effect of hydrodynamic interactions (including the Marangoni flow induced by the response of the interface to the chemical activity). The values of the relevant physical parameters for typical experimental realizations of such systems are estimated and various scenarios, which are predicted by our approach for the dynamics of the monolayer, are discussed. In particular, we show that the chemically-induced Marangoni flow can prevent the clustering instability driven by the capillary attraction.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    CoCon: A conference management system with formally verified document confidentiality

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    We present a case study in formally verified security for realistic systems: the information flow security verification of the functional kernel of a web application, the CoCon conference management system. We use the Isabelle theorem prover to specify and verify fine-grained confidentiality properties, as well as complementary safety and “traceback” properties. The challenges posed by this development in terms of expressiveness have led to bounded-deducibility security, a novel security model and verification method generally applicable to systems describable as input/output automata


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    Generalized parity measurements

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    Measurements play an important role in quantum computing (QC), by either providing the nonlinearity required for two-qubit gates (linear optics QC), or by implementing a quantum algorithm using single-qubit measurements on a highly entangled initial state (cluster state QC). Parity measurements can be used as building blocks for preparing arbitrary stabilizer states, and, together with 1-qubit gates are universal for quantum computing. Here we generalize parity gates by using a higher dimensional (qudit) ancilla. This enables us to go beyond the stabilizer/graph state formalism and prepare other types of multi-particle entangled states. The generalized parity module introduced here can prepare in one-shot, heralded by the outcome of the ancilla, a large class of entangled states, including GHZ_n, W_n, Dicke states D_{n,k}, and, more generally, certain sums of Dicke states, like G_n states used in secret sharing. For W_n states it provides an exponential gain compared to linear optics based methods.Comment: 7 pages, 1 fig; updated to the published versio
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