198 research outputs found

    Types of Romanian Companies according to the Culture-Strategy Binomial

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    The organization’s culture-strategy binomial requires a consistent approach of the external and internal factors that can impact on the company, influence its performance and existence and, consequently, the implementation of sound and explicit strategies that would allow the company to successfully cope with potential changes in the external environment and adapt in order to survive and develop. The organisational culture represents a component of competitive management applied in the most competitive corporations across the world and a premise for further development and efficient use of human resources potential in organisations. Internal and external levels, design and implementation, assessment and control, they are all integrated into the same logic, focusing on getting a better competitive position and meeting the stakeholders expectations.organizational culture; strategy; competitiveness; stakeholders.

    Classification of Romanian Industrial Companies based on the Management Strategic Dimension

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    The interest for strategy expressed within Romanian companies was caused by the fact that the external context has become more and more dynamic and unpredictable, allowing to different factors to exert a more powerful influence over the enterprise than previously expected. Consequently, by elaborating global and specialized strategies the companies try to anticipate and even to shape their direct environment. The analysis performed at this stage is focused on highlighting the main impact elements of endogenous and exogenous variables, conditioning the strategic and cultural dimension of the company related to its managerial and economic performances and, especially, the extent to which the managers understand and use such managerial tools in order to get performances and trigger excellence in management and implicitly excellence in business.strategy; endogenous variables; exogenous variables; managerial tools; performance.


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    Within a complex and dynamic context, the leadership proves to be a crucial variable for the organizational success. The leaders’ credibility and involvement are important as inside many organizations the knowledge sharing is perceived as a threat, as an exposure of the employee to the threats of those around him! Confidence is a major attribute in what concerns the quality of connections among leader and his co-workers. For the people to open the mind and soul it’s important to perceive that those who lead them are correct, are devoted to some ideas that they debate and share within organization and the knowledge of these practices could lead to qualitative leap in what regards the leading and getting the organizational performances.knowledge based leadership, leadership practices, organizational performances, competitive advantage

    Analysis of the Industrial Enterprises Behaviour

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    Strategic thinking has always played an important role at enterprise level, especially as concerns profitable companies, even if this implies an implicit strategy or, in other words, the influence of the enterprise leaders, which was deprived of formalism, was not based on models of analysis and was not widely communicated. The article deals with the analysis of the main variables that significantly influence the competitive positioning of the companies and their evolution, emphasizing the strong connections among strategy, culture and performances. This analysis is based on a research carried out in Romania and is targeting to offer new perspectives over the factors that affect the enterprises behaviour and what are some of the options that the present managers can apply in a more and more dynamic environment in order to meet appropriately the stakeholders expectations.enterprises behaviour; economic and managerial analysis; strategy; organizational culture.

    Computer Assisted Auditory-verbal Education

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    AbstractThis paper presents a computer application to be used in auditory verbal education of young age hearing affected children implementing an exercise designed to train the children to perceive and differentiate non verbal sounds and noises featuring the capability to adapt the emission of stimuli according to the performance of the hearing affected in order to minimize the implication of a supervisor. We also present the results and the conclusions of a study in which a simplified version of the application was used in training a group of 30 children

    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Special Circumstances

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    Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in special circumstances includes the emergency intervention for special causes, special environments and special patients. Special causes cover the potential reversible causes of cardiac arrest that must be identified or excluded during any resuscitation, divided into two groups, 4Hs and 4Ts: hypoxia, hypo-/hyperkalaemia and other electrolyte disorders, hypo-/hyperthermia, hypervolemia, tension pneumothorax, tamponade (cardiac), thrombosis (coronary or pulmonary) and toxins. The special environments section includes recommendations for the treatment of cardiac arrest occurring in specific locations: cardiac surgery, catheterisation laboratory, dialysis unit, dental surgery, commercial airplanes or air ambulances, field of play, difficult environment (e.g. drowning, high altitude, avalanche and electrical injuries) or mass casualty incident. CPR for special patients gives guidance for the patients with severe comorbidities (asthma, heart failure with ventricular assist devices, neurological disease and obesity) and pregnancy women or elderly people

    Biodegradation study of some food packaging biopolymers based on PVA

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    Abstract Polymers are a common choice as protective materials since they combine flexibility, variable sizes and shapes, relatively light weight, stability, resistance to breaking, barrier properties and perceived high-quality image with cost-effectiveness. Currently, mainly non-biodegradable petroleum-based synthetic polymers are used as packaging materials for foods, because of their availability, low cost and functionality. However, biopolymers can be made from renewable resources without the environmental issues of petroleum-based polymers and with the additional advantage of being available from renewable sources or as by-products or waste-products from the food and agriculture industries. The aim of this study was to test some food packaging biopolymers based on PVA. In this respect, some biopolymers for food packaging applications were subjected to biodegradation tests by covering the tested samples with soil. The samples were incubated in known temperature and humidity conditions. The experiment lasted 45 days, after that the samples were washed, weighed and the biodegradation degree was calculated. The obtained results shows that PVA is a promising material for food packaging usage, as it is made from renewable resources and it is environmentally friendly.Â

    Directed phylogenomic networks of lateral gene transfer during prokaryotic evolution

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    Gene acquisition by lateral (or horizontal) gene transfer (LGT or HGT) is an important mechanism for natural variation among prokaryotes with a substantial impact on microbial genome evolution. This thesis presents the development of phylogenomic directed networks as a novel tool to study genome evolution by gene transfer in the prokaryotic domain. The networks comprise genomes connected by lateral gene transfer events where the edges are directed from the donor to the recipient. Research of network topology and node connectivity pattern enables the study of trends and barriers to gene transfer during microbial evolution.Der Generwerb durch lateralen (oder horizontalen) Gentransfer (LGT oder HGT) ist ein sehr wichtiger Mechanismus für die Variation innerhalb prokaryotischer Organismen. Dieser Mechanismus weist einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die bakterielle Genomevolution aus. Diese Dissertation stellt die Entwicklung eines phylogenomischen, gerichteten Netzwerkes vor, welches als ein neues Instrument für die Analyse der Genomevolution mittels lateralen Gentransfers innerhalb der prokaryotischen Domäne benutzt werden kann. Das Netzwerk beinhaltet Genome, die durch laterale Gentransferereignisse miteinander verbunden sind, sowie gerichtete Kanten, die Donor und Empfänger spezifizieren. Untersuchungen der Topologie und der Konnektivitätsart des Netzwerkes erlauben es, gewisse Richtungen und Barrieren des lateralen Gentransfers während der mikrobiellen Genomevolution zu erforschen

    The most westward European occurrence point for Dreissena bugensis (Andrusov 1897)

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    The occurence of Dreissena bugensis (Andrusov 1897) from the Romanian Danube is reported. This represents the most westward occurrence point of quagga mussel in Europe

    The impact of ias/ifrs on the romanian accounting rules

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    The accounting standardization process is in progress at international regional level, more and more countries have reached the same conclusion of enforcing high quality accounting standards like IAS/IFRS. At international level, on one hand it is thought to implement IASB's international standards and on the other hand, to converge American standards with IASB standards. There are various reasons for Romania adopting the IASB reference system, but most of them are subordinated to the central aim, respectively EU accession. There are also some secondary reasons required by the IAS/IFRS transition, which in our country is less present than in more economic developed countries. In our country accountancy is subordinated to the taxation system, financing still comes prevalent from banks and very few Romanian companies are listed on foreign capital markets. According to this, starting with 2006 the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as presented and published by the International Accounting Standards Board, shall be applied in Romania by the following categories of companies: trade companies applying OMF no. 94/2001, loan institutions, assurance and reassurance companies, institutions supervised by the National Commission for Movable Assets, independent public companies and other state owned companies, companies to be consolidated by a company applying IFRS standards, companies, which at the end of the previous year fulfilled two of the following three criteria: turnover exceeding EUR 7.3 Million, total assets over EUR 3.65 Million, average number of employees over 50, as well as other companies subject to the Finance Ministry’s approval.romanian accounting rules, IAS/IFRS, romanian accounting normalization body, capital market