220 research outputs found

    Abelian BF theory and Turaev-Viro invariant

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    The U(1) BF Quantum Field Theory is revisited in the light of Deligne-Beilinson Cohomology. We show how the U(1) Chern-Simons partition function is related to the BF one and how the latter on its turn coincides with an abelian Turaev-Viro invariant. Significant differences compared to the non-abelian case are highlighted.Comment: 47 pages and 6 figure

    Semiclassical Analysis of the Wigner 9J9J-Symbol with Small and Large Angular Momenta

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    We derive a new asymptotic formula for the Wigner 9j9j-symbol, in the limit of one small and eight large angular momenta, using a novel gauge-invariant factorization for the asymptotic solution of a set of coupled wave equations. Our factorization eliminates the geometric phases completely, using gauge-invariant non-canonical coordinates, parallel transports of spinors, and quantum rotation matrices. Our derivation generalizes to higher 3nj3nj-symbols. We display without proof some new asymptotic formulas for the 12j12j-symbol and the 15j15j-symbol in the appendices. This work contributes a new asymptotic formula of the Wigner 9j9j-symbol to the quantum theory of angular momentum, and serves as an example of a new general method for deriving asymptotic formulas for 3nj3nj-symbols.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    N=2 supersymmetric spin foams in three dimensions

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    We construct the spin foam model for N=2 supergravity in three dimensions. Classically, it is a BF theory with gauge algebra osp(2|2). This algebra has representations which are not completely reducible. This complicates the procedure when building a state sum. Fortunately, one can and should excise these representations. We show that the restricted subset of representations form a subcategory closed under tensor product. The resulting state-sum is once again a topological invariant. Furthermore, within this framework one can identify positively and negatively charged fermions propagating on the spin foam. These results on osp(2|2) representations and intertwiners apply more generally to spin network states for N=2 loop quantum supergravity (in 3+1 dimensions) where it allows to define a notion of BPS states.Comment: 12 page

    Observables in 3-dimensional quantum gravity and topological invariants

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    In this paper we report some results on the expectation values of a set of observables introduced for 3-dimensional Riemannian quantum gravity with positive cosmological constant, that is, observables in the Turaev-Viro model. Instead of giving a formal description of the observables, we just formulate the paper by examples. This means that we just show how an idea works with particular cases and give a way to compute 'expectation values' in general by a topological procedure.Comment: 24 pages, 47 figure

    Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, Sampling Theory and the Duflo Map in 2+1 Quantum Gravity

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    We show that the ⋆\star-product for U(su2)U(su_2), group Fourier transform and effective action arising in [1] in an effective theory for the integer spin Ponzano-Regge quantum gravity model are compatible with the noncommutative bicovariant differential calculus, quantum group Fourier transform and noncommutative scalar field theory previously proposed for 2+1 Euclidean quantum gravity using quantum group methods in [2]. The two are related by a classicalisation map which we introduce. We show, however, that noncommutative spacetime has a richer structure which already sees the half-integer spin information. We argue that the anomalous extra `time' dimension seen in the noncommutative geometry should be viewed as the renormalisation group flow visible in the coarse-graining in going from SU2SU_2 to SO3SO_3. Combining our methods we develop practical tools for noncommutative harmonic analysis for the model including radial quantum delta-functions and Gaussians, the Duflo map and elements of `noncommutative sampling theory'. This allows us to understand the bandwidth limitation in 2+1 quantum gravity arising from the bounded SU2SU_2 momentum and to interpret the Duflo map as noncommutative compression. Our methods also provide a generalised twist operator for the ⋆\star-product.Comment: 53 pages latex, no figures; extended the intro for this final versio

    Spin Foam Diagrammatics and Topological Invariance

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    We provide a simple proof of the topological invariance of the Turaev-Viro model (corresponding to simplicial 3d pure Euclidean gravity with cosmological constant) by means of a novel diagrammatic formulation of the state sum models for quantum BF-theories. Moreover, we prove the invariance under more general conditions allowing the state sum to be defined on arbitrary cellular decompositions of the underlying manifold. Invariance is governed by a set of identities corresponding to local gluing and rearrangement of cells in the complex. Due to the fully algebraic nature of these identities our results extend to a vast class of quantum groups. The techniques introduced here could be relevant for investigating the scaling properties of non-topological state sums, being proposed as models of quantum gravity in 4d, under refinement of the cellular decomposition.Comment: 20 pages, latex with AMS macros and eps figure

    Relating Covariant and Canonical Approaches to Triangulated Models of Quantum Gravity

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    In this paper explore the relation between covariant and canonical approaches to quantum gravity and BFBF theory. We will focus on the dynamical triangulation and spin-foam models, which have in common that they can be defined in terms of sums over space-time triangulations. Our aim is to show how we can recover these covariant models from a canonical framework by providing two regularisations of the projector onto the kernel of the Hamiltonian constraint. This link is important for the understanding of the dynamics of quantum gravity. In particular, we will see how in the simplest dynamical triangulations model we can recover the Hamiltonian constraint via our definition of the projector. Our discussion of spin-foam models will show how the elementary spin-network moves in loop quantum gravity, which were originally assumed to describe the Hamiltonian constraint action, are in fact related to the time-evolution generated by the constraint. We also show that the Immirzi parameter is important for the understanding of a continuum limit of the theory.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Asymptotics of LQG fusion coefficients

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    The fusion coefficients from SO(3) to SO(4) play a key role in the definition of spin foam models for the dynamics in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this paper we give a simple analytic formula of the EPRL fusion coefficients. We study the large spin asymptotics and show that they map SO(3) semiclassical intertwiners into SU(2)LĂ—SU(2)RSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R semiclassical intertwiners. This non-trivial property opens the possibility for an analysis of the semiclassical behavior of the model.Comment: 14 pages, minor change

    Not all forms of muscle hypertonia worsen with fatigue. A pilot study in para swimmers

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    In hypertonic muscles of patients with upper motor neuron syndrome (UMNS), investigation with surface electromyography (EMG) with the muscle in a shortened position and during passive muscle stretch allows to identify two patterns underlying hypertonia: spasticity and spastic dystonia. We recently observed in Para swimmers that the effect of fatigue on hypertonia can be different from subject to subject. Our goal was, therefore, to understand whether this divergent behavior may depend on the specific EMG pattern underlying hypertonia. We investigated eight UMNS Para swimmers (five men, mean age 23.25 ± 3.28 years), affected by cerebral palsy, who presented muscle hypertonia of knee flexors and extensors. Muscle tone was rated using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). EMG patterns were investigated in rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) before and after two fatiguing motor tasks of increasing intensity. Before the fatiguing tasks, two subjects (#2 and 7) had spasticity and one subject (#5) had spastic dystonia in both RF and BF. Two subjects (#3 and 4) showed spasticity in RF and spastic dystonia in BF, whereas one subject (#1) had spasticity in RF and no EMG activity in BF. The remaining two subjects (#6 and 8) had spastic dystonia in RF and no EMG activity in BF. In all the 16 examined muscles, these EMG patterns persisted after the fatiguing tasks. Spastic dystonia increased (p < 0.05), while spasticity did not change (p > 0.05). MAS scores increased only in the muscles affected by spastic dystonia. Among the phenomena possibly underlying hypertonia, only spastic dystonia is fatigue-dependent. Technical staff and medical classifiers should be aware of this specificity, because, in athletes with spastic dystonia, intense and prolonged motor activity could negatively affect competitive performance, creating a situation of unfairness among Para athletes belonging to the same sports class
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