951 research outputs found

    Barrierless procedure for substitutionally doping graphene sheets with boron atoms: ab initio calculations

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    Using ab initio methods, we propose a simple and effective way to substitutionally dope graphene sheets with Boron. The method consists of selectively exposing each side of the graphene sheet to different elements. We first expose one side of the membrane to Boron, while the other side is exposed to Nitrogen. Proceeding this way, the B atoms will be spontaneously incorporated into the graphene membrane, without any activation barrier. In a second step, the system should be exposed to a H-rich environment, that will remove the CN radical from the layer and form HCN, leading to a perfect substitutional doping.Comment: Accepted Physical Review

    Experimental validation of morphology simulation in glass fibre reinforced polycarbonate discs

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    As assessment is made between Moldflow simulations and experimentally determined fibre orientation distributions at three points along the flow path and 12 layers across the thickness. The material used is a 10% weight short glass fibre reinforced polycarbonate. With this material the physical interaction between fibres during flow is minimised. Centre gated circular discs, where both the shear and the extensional flows are present, were produced over a range of moulding conditions to analyse the effect of flow rate and melt temperature upon the fibre orientation. The fibre orientation was measured using image analysis tools in images obtained by reflection microscopy of polished sections, using the method proposed by Bay. The measurements were made in 12 layers across the thickness


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    Introdução: A necrose gorda do tecido subcutâneo (NGTS) é uma patologia transitória rara do tecido adiposo, que afeta sobretudo recém-nascidos de termo ou pós-termo com um período perinatal complicado. Caso clínico: Recém-nascido de termo, grande para a idade gestacional, nascido por parto vaginal complicado, com necessidade de reanimação. Aos 13 dias de vida surgiram lesões cutâneas compatíveis com NGTS, que resolveram sem complicações. Discussão: Relatamos um caso de NGTS que apresentou uma evolução benigna, para relembrarmos esta entidade incomum. A patogenia é mal compreendida e, embora geralmente resolva espontaneamente, pode complicar-se de hipercalcemia condicionando uma evolução desfavorável

    Performance of processing tomatoes under different supply levels of crop evapotranspiration.

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    This study was installed to evaluate productive performance of two processing tomato hybrids submitted to five water depths under drip irrigation system. Five levels of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) replacement (60%, 100%, 140%, 180% and 220%) and two tomato hybrids (BRS Sena and H 9992) were tested

    Glass fibre content of PP plates and their properties: part II: tensile mechanical properties

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    Short fibre reinforced polypropylene compounds have been used to produce composites taking advantage of its interesting properties and competitive raw material prices. For the same reason the short glass fibres are the most used reinforcement in injection moulded thermoplastic composites. In injection moulding, varying patterns of fibre orientation are obtained through the thickness direction and along the flow path. Moulding parameters such as injection flow rate or melt-temperature do affect the fibre orientation distributions in mouldings. It has been observed that the type of flow, being dominated by shear stresses (e.g. linear flow) or by extensional stresses (e.g. radial flow) affects the fibre orientation field. Other parameters may have an effect over the fibre orientation such as the fibre length distribution. During processing some degree of fibre breakage in unavoidable. The fibre contents, its length and orientation distributions cause anisotropy on mechanical properties. Efficient reinforcements are obtained in the direction of major orientation of the fibres and when longer fibres are used. In this work the effect of various fibre contents, by volume (0, 10, 20 and 25%) over the anisotropy of mechanical properties of injection moulded rectangular plates is explored. Specimens cut along and across the flow directions are subjected to tensile tests enabling to discuss the anisotropy of tensile mechanical properties.(undefined

    Glass fibre contents of PP plates and their properties: part I: Shrinkage and changes in time

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    In this paper the results from the first part of a study on the glass fibre contents of PP plates and their properties is presented. Focus is made on the effect of the fibre volume fraction and holding pressure on the experimental as-moulded shrinkage in the flow and across flow directions. Data is also presented on the post-moulding shrinkage. For the experimental work, PP with different volume fraction of glass fibre (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.25) was used. The mouldings are edge gated flat rectangular plates. The moulding process was continuously monitored with pressure transducers.(undefined

    Arranjo de plantas no desempenho do híbrido de tomate para processamento industrial BRS Sena.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar diferentes arranjos de plantas para o híbrido de tomate para processamento industrial BRS Sena, considerando duas épocas de transplante: mês de fevereiro (ano de 2012) e mês de abril (ano de 2013).Resumo 1

    Ocorrência de Xanthomonas perforans e X. gardneri em plantas infestantes em lavouras de tomate.

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    Este estudo objetivou relatar a ocorrencia natural de Xanthomonas spp. que causam a mancha bacteriana do tomateiro em plantas infestantes encontradas em lavouras comerciais de tomate para mesa e para industria.Resumo 1024. Edição dos resumos do 44º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 2011, Bento Gonçalves

    Intervalo e número de aplicações do acibenzolar-s-metil no manejo da mancha bacteriana em tomate para processamneto industrial.

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    Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do intervalo entre aplicações (4, 7, 10 e 14 dias) e do número de aplicações (4,6, 8 e 10) do ASM na eficiência de controle da doença em campo e na produtividade final, bem como na relação beneficio/custo dos tratamentos.Suplemento. Edição dos resumos do 44º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 2011, Bento Gonçalves. Resumo 318