8 research outputs found
Coloração diferencial de células para avaliação da qualidade de embriões bovinos.
A avaliação da qualidade do embrião é um fator determinante para o sucesso da produção in vitro de embriões (PIVE) e das demais técnicas de reprodução assistida, pois a seleção e transferência daqueles de melhor qualidade aumentam a taxa de gestação, melhorando a eficiência e reduzindo custos. Rotineiramente, a seleção de embriões produzidos por técnicas de reprodução assistida é realizada por avaliação morfológica. Porém, este método tem limitações por envolver observações subjetivas, como baixa repetibilidade e alta variação entre os avaliadores. Nos últimos anos, outros métodos têm sido desenvolvidos e utilizados na tentativa de se estabelecer uma seleção mais eficiente. Um destes é o uso da coloração diferencial, método que informa, não somente sobre o número total de células, mas também identifica as células da massa celular interna, que darão origem ao embrião, e as células que darão origem à placenta. A identificação do número de cada um desses tipos celulares pode ser um indicativo mais preciso da qualidade embrionária. As informações obtidas com essa técnica podem ser utilizadas juntamente com a morfologia para indicar, de forma mais precisa, a qualidade do embrião que foi produzido, auxiliando em biotécnicas reprodutivas tanto em bovinos como em outras espécies domésticas. A técnica de coloração diferencial apresentada e discutida neste Documento pode ser associada a outros parâmetros, melhorando a precisão da avaliação geral em estudos que envolvem a produção de embriões in vitro, seja por fecundação in vitro, clonagem, ICSI (injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides) ou outras biotécnicas reprodutivas. Por se tratar de uma técnica rápida, de baixo custo e que não exige equipamentos sofisticados, pode ser relativamente fácil de ser adotada por laboratórios de pesquisa e de ensino e também na conservação de recursos genéticos.bitstream/item/198766/1/documentos-363.pd
Post-graduate medical education in public health: The case of Italy and a call for action
Public health technical expertise is of crucial importance to inform decision makers\u2019
action in the field of health and its broader determinants. Improving education and
training of public health professionals for both practice and research is the starting
point to strengthen the role of public health so that current health challenges can
be efficiently tackled. At the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European
Region (ASPHER) Deans\u2019 & Directors\u2019 2017 Annual Retreat, we presented the structure
and management of public health training system in Italy, and we reported recent data
on Italian public health specialists\u2019 educational experience, employment opportunities
and job satisfaction. Public health training in Italy is implemented in the context
of the post-graduate medical education residency programme in Hygiene and
Preventive Medicine, delivered by 34 University-based Schools of Public Health.
We report relatively high employment rates across the county and wide
spectrum of career opportunities for young public health specialists. However,
job security is low and training expectations only partially met. We call upon
other Schools of Public Health to scale up the survey within the broad ASPHER
community in a shared and coordinated action of systematically collecting useful
data that can inform the development of public health education and training
models, their implementation and fruitful interaction with population health,
health systems and services
Postoperative varicose recurrence at the junctions. A multicentric study of 1056 patients by the Italian Society of Phlebolymphology. Conclusive considerations
AIM: Since new endovascular procedures and foam sclerotherapy have been developed for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs the recent literature seems to demonstrate that surgery of the saphenofemoral and saphenopopliteal junctions (SFJ, SPJ) is the main responsible for varicose recurrence (VR) owing to neovascularization by neoangiogenesis (NN). Aim of the study was to verify the anatomical causes of postoperative VR at the SFJ and SPJ.
METHODS: Fourteen centers belonging to the Italian Society of Phlebolymphology collected the data of 1056 patients (=1081 limbs-25 bilateral) affected with VR. Clinical feature ranged from C2 to C6. Limbs were studied by Duplex ultrasound (DUS) investigation and by surgical revision from 2001 up to now: N. 927 (85.7%) retrospectively, 154 (14.2%), prospectively. Distribution of the limbs was as follows: mean age of patients was 56.6 years; the study enrolled 291 males (27.5%) and 765 females (72.4%); right limbs were 532 (49.2%), left limbs were 549 (50.7%); symptoms from venous insufficiency were found in 1043 subjects (96.4%). Previous surgery data: SFJ+stripping 873 (80.7%), SFJ alone 156 (14.3%), SPJ 52 (4.8%). Only 611 (56.5%), were studied by Duplex ultrasound (DUS), 470 by DUS+introperative observation (43.4%). The surgical revision was performed by direct dissection in 200 limbs and by Li technique in 270. The following elements were investigated: saphenous stump (SS), identified and unidentified tributaries (IT, UT) of the SFJ, tributaries of the SPJ, common tributaries outlet, tributaries outlet into the deep veins, suspected NN.
RESULTS: Residual veins detected: saphenous stump+identified tributary (IT) 711 (65.7%), anterior accessory 298 (27.5%), superficial iliac circumflex 127 (11.7%), superficial epigastric 96 (8.8%), residual greater saphenous 95 (8.7%), medial accessory 88 (8.1%), superficial external pudendal 44 (4%), deep external pudendal 4 (0.3%), common outlet into the common femoral 14 (1.3%), independent outlet into the common femoral 7 (0.6%), unidentified tributaries (UT) at the SFJ 290 (26.8%), UT at the SPJ 52 (4.8%), complex varicose collateral circulation (CVC) total 386 (35.7%), CVC+IT 147 (13.5%), CVC+UT 149 (13.7%), CVC without IT/UT (unrecognized-suspected NN) 90 (8.3%). Unrecognized IT/UT at the SFJ (suspected NN) 45 (4.1%); unrecognized IT/UT at the SPJ (suspected NN) 2 (0.1%), surgically assessed NN 5 (0.4%).
CONCLUSION: The causes of VR must be investigated by detailed DUS examination. Direct observation by surgical dissection leads to a verify better than by the Li technique. CVC is a consequence of VR and renders more difficult the detection of IT/UT both by DUS and surgical revision. NN plays a minimal role in VR at the groin and at the popliteal region but is not yet sufficiently demonstrated. Residual saphenous stump and IT/UT caused by inadequate surgery appeared to be the main causes of VR at the saphenous junctions
Listeria monocytogenes in Five Sardinian Swine Slaughterhouses: Prevalence, Serotype, and Genotype Characterization
In a 3-year study (2008 to 2011) to estimate the prevalence and the contamination sources of Listeria monocytogenes in pork meat in Sardinia, Italy, 211 samples were collected from five Sardinian swine slaughterhouses: 171 samples from slaughtered pigs and 40 from the slaughterhouse environment. Fifty L. monocytogenes isolates were characterized by PCR-based serotyping, presence of virulence-associated genes, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis restriction analysis. The overall prevalence of L. monocytogenes was 33% in swine carcasses, 7% in cecal material, 23% on meat contact surfaces, and 25% on noncontact surfaces. Only two serotypes were detected: 1/2c (78%) and 1/2a (22%). In all, based on the presence of virulence-associated genes, eight pathogenic profiles were detected. Only 42% of all isolates carried the full complement of virulence-associated genes and were allotted to profile 1. Six pulsed-field gel electrophoresis profiles persisted in the slaughterhouses; restriction profiles appeared to be specific to each plant