50 research outputs found

    Variational estimates for the effective response and field statistics in thermoelastic composites with intra-phase property fluctuations

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    International audienceIn this work, variational estimates are provided for the macroscopic response, as well as for the first and second moments of the stress and strain fields, in thermoelastic composites with non-uniform distributions of the thermal stress and elastic moduli in the constituent phases. These estimates are obtained in terms of a 'comparison composite' with uniform phase properties depending on the first and second moments of a certain combination of the given intra-phase thermal stresses and modulus field distributions. Under certain hypotheses, these estimates can be shown to lead to upper and lower bounds for the free energy of the composite, which reduce to standard results when the intra-phase fluctuations vanish. An illustrative application is given for rigidly reinforced composites with a non-uniform distribution of the thermal stress in the matrix phase

    Numéro thématique des Comptes Rendus Mécanique en lʼhonneur dʼAndré Zaoui

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    La Mécanique des Matériaux a connu, en France et dans le monde, un développement spectaculaire au cours des dernières décennies, rendu à la fois nécessaire par les besoins d’innovation et de sûreté de secteurs industriels comme l’énergie et les transports, et possible par les avancées contemporaines en Physique et en Mécanique des Milieux Continus. Tout matériau est, par nature, hétérogène à une et souvent plusieurs échelles. La prise en compte, à une échelle pertinente, de cette hétérogénéité gouvernant les interactions entre mécanismes élémentaires est bien souvent la clef de la compréhension et de la prédiction du comportement mécanique des matériaux à leur échelle macroscopique d’usage. La Micromécanique des Matériaux, à laquelle ce numéro thématique des Comptes Rendus Mécanique est consacré, a précisément pour objet d’aborder ces problèmes de transition d’échelles. Ce numéro thématique est tout naturellement l’occasion d’honorer l’un des acteurs emblématiques du domaine, André Zaoui, qui a contribué de façon essentielle à l’établissement de la démarche micro–macro sur des bases théoriques rigoureuses validées par une approche expérimentale ambitieuse. Par ses travaux personnels, par la création, en avance sur son temps, d’une équipe de recherche dédiée aux expériences micromécaniques, par ses enseignements et ses actions de structuration de la recherche, André Zaoui a initié, puis constamment encouragé,ce domaine en France, l’ancrant solidement dans un dialogue fructueux entre expériences à petite échelle et modélisation

    Modeling Heterogeneous Materials via Two-Point Correlation Functions: I. Basic Principles

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    Heterogeneous materials abound in nature and man-made situations. Examples include porous media, biological materials, and composite materials. Diverse and interesting properties exhibited by these materials result from their complex microstructures, which also make it difficult to model the materials. In this first part of a series of two papers, we collect the known necessary conditions on the standard two-point correlation function S2(r) and formulate a new conjecture. In particular, we argue that given a complete two-point correlation function space, S2(r) of any statistically homogeneous material can be expressed through a map on a selected set of bases of the function space. We provide new examples of realizable two-point correlation functions and suggest a set of analytical basis functions. Moreover, we devise an efficient and isotropy- preserving construction algorithm, namely, the Lattice-Point algorithm to generate realizations of materials from their two- point correlation functions based on the Yeong-Torquato technique. Subsequent analysis can be performed on the generated images to obtain desired macroscopic properties. These developments are integrated here into a general scheme that enables one to model and categorize heterogeneous materials via two-point correlation functions.Comment: 37 pages, 26 figure

    Plastic Stress Intensity Factors in Steady Crack Growth

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    The asymptotic stress and deformation fields of a crack propagating steadily and quasi-statically into an elastic-plastic material, characterized by i 2 -fl°w theory with linear strain-hardening, were first determined b

    The J.R. Willis 60 th Anniversary Volume

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    J. Mech. Phys. Solids 48 n ° 6/

    Homogenization estimates for fiber-reinforced elastomers with periodic microstructures

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    This work presents a homogenization-based constitutive model for the mechanical behavior of elastomers reinforced with aligned cylindrical fibers subjected to finite deformations. The proposed model is derived by making use of the second-order homogenization method [Lopez-Pamies, O., Ponte Castañeda, P., 2006a. On the overall behavior, microstructure evolution, and macroscopic stability in reinforced rubbers at large deformations: I—theory. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 54, 807–830], which is based on suitably designed variational principles utilizing the idea of a “linear comparison composite.” Specific results are generated for the case when the matrix and fiber materials are characterized by generalized Neo-Hookean solids, and the distribution of fibers is periodic. In particular, model predictions are provided and analyzed for fiber-reinforced elastomers with Gent phases and square and hexagonal fiber distributions, subjected to a wide variety of three-dimensional loading conditions. It is found that for compressive loadings in the fiber direction, the derived constitutive model may lose strong ellipticity, indicating the possible development of macroscopic instabilities that may lead to kink band formation. The onset of shear band-type instabilities is also detected for certain in-plane modes of deformation. Furthermore, the subtle influence of the distribution, volume fraction, and stiffness of the fibers on the effective behavior and onset of macroscopic instabilities in these materials is investigated thoroughly