16,786 research outputs found

    The Visible and the Invisible Hilary Mantel

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    This talk addresses the scarcity of critical material on Hilary Mantel’s writing in the academy. It questions the suitability of the ‘origin’ paradigm within the criticism that is available, which closes off the excess of Mantel’s texts through attempts to ‘unite’ her corpus. The ambiguity of her writing, and its suspicions, suggest Jacques Derrida’s thought as a pertinent means to read the differences in her work differently. The proximity of Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophy with Derrida’s thought allows the significance of ellipsis to surface as a liberating catalyst for weaving the implications of Derrida’s thinking through the writing of Mantel. This synthesis constitutes an original combination because Mantel’s writing has not been closely studied, Derrida’s notion of ellipsis has been eclipsed by philosophy, and the combination of these two ‘invisibilities’ is seminal. The talk begins with an exploration of the mythologies I discovered and interrogated during the course of my thesis. It then considers the key points in Mantel’s writing career. In particular taking her from the difficulty and invisibility of 1979 when A Place of Greater Safety, her first novel, was rejected, to winning the Booker prize twice in succession in 2009 and 2012. It thereby traces the story of her shift from invisible to infamous, in terms of her treatment by the mainstream British media as well as her phenomenal post-millennium success.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Now the wars are over: The past, present and future of Scottish battlefields

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    Battlefield archaeology has provided a new way of appreciating historic battlefields. This paper provides a summary of the long history of warfare and conflict in Scotland which has given rise to a large number of battlefield sites. Recent moves to highlight the archaeological importance of these sites, in the form of Historic Scotland’s Battlefields Inventory are discussed, along with some of the problems associated with the preservation and management of these important cultural sites

    Comics in clinical practice: a grounded theory exploration of how sequential art is applied to talking therapy

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    The clinical practice of counselling psychology and psychotherapy requires therapists to engage in a continuous process of development and learning regarding the range of their knowledge of theory, skills, and clinical tools. This research project explores the application of sequential art (comics, comic books, graphic novels, manga, comic strips etc) as a clinical tool in the practice of talking therapy. To date, there is a clear sparsity of research regarding this practice and the potential validity of sequential art as a legitimate clinical tool in counselling psychology and psychotherapy. This study used social-constructivist grounded theory (GT) in order to explore how therapists used sequential art in their clinical practice. It focused on exploring what kinds of clinical interventions sequential art was used in, which client groups sequential art was used with, what presenting issues sequential art was applied to, and how therapists viewed the effectiveness of applying sequential art to their clinical practice. Ten therapists with experience of applying sequential art to their clinical practice were interviewed. The findings of this project are presented as a substantive foundational model of how sequential art can be applied to talking therapy as a clinical tool. The findings indicate that, for some clients, interventions based on the application of sequential art can be a useful tool for a range of presenting issues and can be applied to therapeutic work with clients across a very broad range of demographic groups. The clinical application of sequential art takes three broad forms; interventions based on the creation of sequential art, interventions based on the consumption of sequential art, and some combination of these two forms. The findings also indicate that, for some clients, the application of sequential art can support communication between therapist and client, collaborative working between therapist and client, client engagement in therapy, the development of empathy and self-compassion, and the client’s development of insight

    UK Foot and Mouth disease: a systemic risk assessment of existing controls

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    This article details a systemic analysis of the controls in place and possible interventions available to further reduce the risk of a foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in the United Kingdom. Using a research-based network analysis tool, we identify vulnerabilities within the multibarrier control system and their corresponding critical control points (CCPs). CCPs represent opportunities for active intervention that produce the greatest improvement to United Kingdom's resilience to future FMD outbreaks. Using an adapted ‘features, events, and processes’ (FEPs) methodology and network analysis, our results suggest that movements of animals and goods associated with legal activities significantly influence the system's behavior due to their higher frequency and ability to combine and create scenarios of exposure similar in origin to the U.K. FMD outbreaks of 1967/8 and 2001. The systemic risk assessment highlights areas outside of disease control that are relevant to disease spread. Further, it proves to be a powerful tool for demonstrating the need for implementing disease controls that have not previously been part of the system

    Where do uncertainties reside within environmental risk assessments? Expert opinion on uncertainty distributions for pesticide risks to surface water organisms

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    A reliable characterisation of uncertainties can aid uncertainty identification during environmental risk assessments (ERAs). However, typologies can be implemented inconsistently, causing uncertainties to go unidentified. We present an approach based on nine structured elicitations, in which subject-matter experts, for pesticide risks to surface water organisms, validate and assess three dimensions of uncertainty: its level (the severity of uncertainty, ranging from determinism to ignorance); nature (whether the uncertainty is epistemic or aleatory); and location (the data source or area in which the uncertainty arises). Risk characterisation contains the highest median levels of uncertainty, associated with estimating, aggregating and evaluating the magnitude of risks. Regarding the locations in which uncertainty is manifest, data uncertainty is dominant in problem formulation, exposure assessment and effects assessment. The comprehensive description of uncertainty described will enable risk analysts to prioritise the required phases, groups of tasks, or individual tasks within a risk analysis according to the highest levels of uncertainty, the potential for uncertainty to be reduced or quantified, or the types of location-based uncertainty, thus aiding uncertainty prioritisation during environmental risk assessments. In turn, it is expected to inform investment in uncertainty reduction or targeted risk management action

    A commentary on recent water safety initiatives in the context of water utility risk management.

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    Over the last decade, suppliers of drinking water have recognised the limitations of relying solely on end-product monitoring to ensure safe water quality and have sought to reinforce their approach by adopting preventative strategies where risks are proactively identified, assessed and managed. This is leading to the development of water safety plans; structured ‘route maps’ for managing risks to water supply, from catchment to consumer taps. This paper reviews the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) procedure on which many water safety plans are based and considers its appropriateness in the context of drinking water risk management. We examine water safety plans in a broad context, looking at a variety of monitoring, optimisation and risk management initiatives that can be taken to improve drinking water safety. These are cross-compared using a simple framework that facilitates an integrated approach to water safety. Finally, we look at how risk management practices are being integrated across water companies and how this is likely to affect the future development of water safety p
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