972 research outputs found

    On the local time of random walks associated with Gegenbauer polynomials

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    The local time of random walks associated with Gegenbauer polynomials Pn(α)(x), x∈[−1,1]P_n^{(\alpha)}(x),\ x\in [-1,1] is studied in the recurrent case: $\alpha\in\ [-\frac{1}{2},0].When. When \alphaisnonzero,thelimitdistributionisgivenintermsofaMittag−Lefflerdistribution.TheproofisbasedonalocallimittheoremfortherandomwalkassociatedwithGegenbauerpolynomials.Asaby−product,wederivethelimitdistributionofthelocaltimeofsomeparticularbirthanddeathMarkovchainson is nonzero, the limit distribution is given in terms of a Mittag-Leffler distribution. The proof is based on a local limit theorem for the random walk associated with Gegenbauer polynomials. As a by-product, we derive the limit distribution of the local time of some particular birth and death Markov chains on \bbN$.Comment: 12 page

    Persistence exponent for discrete-time, time-reversible processes

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    We study the persistence probability for some discrete-time, time-reversible processes. In particular, we deduce the persistence exponent in a number of examples: first, we deal with random walks in random sceneries (RWRS) in any dimension with Gaussian scenery. Second, we deal with sums of stationary Gaussian sequences with correlations exhibiting long-range dependence. Apart from the persistence probability we deal with the position of the maximum and the time spent on the positive half-axis by the process

    Persistence exponent for random walk on directed versions of Z2Z^2

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    We study the persistence exponent for random walks in random sceneries (RWRS) with integer values and for some special random walks in random environment in Z2\mathbb Z^2 including random walks in Z2\mathbb Z^2 with random orientations of the horizontal layers.Comment: 19 page

    Renewal theorems for random walks in random scenery

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    Random walks in random scenery are processes defined by Zn:=∑k=1nξX1+...+XkZ_n:=\sum_{k=1}^n\xi_{X_1+...+X_k}, where (Xk,k≥1)(X_k,k\ge 1) and (ξy,y∈Z)(\xi_y,y\in\mathbb Z) are two independent sequences of i.i.d. random variables. We suppose that the distributions of X1X_1 and ξ0\xi_0 belong to the normal domain of attraction of strictly stable distributions with index α∈[1,2]\alpha\in[1,2] and β∈(0,2)\beta\in(0,2) respectively. We are interested in the asymptotic behaviour as ∣a∣|a| goes to infinity of quantities of the form ∑n≥1E[h(Zn−a)]\sum_{n\ge 1}{\mathbb E}[h(Z_n-a)] (when (Zn)n(Z_n)_n is transient) or ∑n≥1E[h(Zn)−h(Zn−a)]\sum_{n\ge 1}{\mathbb E}[h(Z_n)-h(Z_n-a)] (when (Zn)n(Z_n)_n is recurrent) where hh is some complex-valued function defined on R\mathbb{R} or Z\mathbb{Z}

    A functional approach for random walks in random sceneries

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    A functional approach for the study of the random walks in random sceneries (RWRS) is proposed. Under fairly general assumptions on the random walk and on the random scenery, functional limit theorems are proved. The method allows to study separately the convergence of the walk and of the scenery: on the one hand, a general criterion for the convergence of the local time of the walk is provided, on the other hand, the convergence of the random measures associated with the scenery is studied. This functional approach is robust enough to recover many of the known results on RWRS as well as new ones, including the case of many walkers evolving in the same scenery.Comment: 23

    Random walks on FKG-horizontally oriented lattices

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the simple random walk on oriented version of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2. The considered latticesare not directed on the vertical axis but unidirectional on the horizontal one, with symmetric random orientations which are positively correlated. We prove that the simple random walk is transient and also prove a functionnal limit theorem in the space of cadlag functions, with an unconventional normalization.Comment: 16 page
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