2,716 research outputs found

    Generalized multiobjective evolutionary algorithm guided by descent directions

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    This paper proposes a generalized descent directions-guided multiobjective algorithm (DDMOA2). DDMOA2 uses the scalarizing fitness assignment in its parent and environmental selection procedures. The population consists of leader and non-leader individuals. Each individual in the population is represented by a tuple containing its genotype as well as the set of strategy parameters. The main novelty and the primary strength of our algorithm is its reproduction operator, which combines the traditional local search and stochastic search techniques. To improve efficiency, when the number of objective is increased, descent directions are found only for two randomly chosen objectives. Furthermore, in order to increase the search pressure in high-dimensional objective space, we impose an additional condition for the acceptance of descent directions found for leaders during local search. The performance of the proposed approach is compared with those produced by representative state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms on a set of problems with up to 8 objectives. The experimental results reveal that our algorithm is able to produce highly competitive results with well-established multiobjective optimizers on all tested problems.Moreover, due to its hybrid reproduction operator, DDMOA2 demonstrates superior performance on multimodal problems.This work has been supported by FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope of the project: PEst-OE/EEI/UI0319/2014

    Wigner Crystallization in a Quasi-3D Electronic System

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    When a strong magnetic field is applied perpendicularly (along z) to a sheet confining electrons to two dimensions (x-y), highly correlated states emerge as a result of the interplay between electron-electron interactions, confinement and disorder. These so-called fractional quantum Hall (FQH) liquids form a series of states which ultimately give way to a periodic electron solid that crystallizes at high magnetic fields. This quantum phase of electrons has been identified previously as a disorder-pinned two-dimensional Wigner crystal with broken translational symmetry in the x-y plane. Here, we report our discovery of a new insulating quantum phase of electrons when a very high magnetic field, up to 45T, is applied in a geometry parallel (y-direction) to the two-dimensional electron sheet. Our data point towards this new quantum phase being an electron solid in a "quasi-3D" configuration induced by orbital coupling with the parallel field

    Development and preliminary evaluation of EMPOWER for surrogate decision-makers of critically ill patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to develop and refine EMPOWER (Enhancing and Mobilizing the POtential for Wellness and Resilience), a brief manualized cognitive-behavioral, acceptance-based intervention for surrogate decision-makers of critically ill patients and to evaluate its preliminary feasibility, acceptability, and promise in improving surrogates' mental health and patient outcomes. METHOD: Part 1 involved obtaining qualitative stakeholder feedback from 5 bereaved surrogates and 10 critical care and mental health clinicians. Stakeholders were provided with the manual and prompted for feedback on its content, format, and language. Feedback was organized and incorporated into the manual, which was then re-circulated until consensus. In Part 2, surrogates of critically ill patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) reporting moderate anxiety or close attachment were enrolled in an open trial of EMPOWER. Surrogates completed six, 15-20 min modules, totaling 1.5-2 h. Surrogates were administered measures of peritraumatic distress, experiential avoidance, prolonged grief, distress tolerance, anxiety, and depression at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and at 1-month and 3-month follow-up assessments. RESULTS: Part 1 resulted in changes to the EMPOWER manual, including reducing jargon, improving navigability, making EMPOWER applicable for a range of illness scenarios, rearranging the modules, and adding further instructions and psychoeducation. Part 2 findings suggested that EMPOWER is feasible, with 100% of participants completing all modules. The acceptability of EMPOWER appeared strong, with high ratings of effectiveness and helpfulness (M = 8/10). Results showed immediate post-intervention improvements in anxiety (d = -0.41), peritraumatic distress (d = -0.24), and experiential avoidance (d = -0.23). At the 3-month follow-up assessments, surrogates exhibited improvements in prolonged grief symptoms (d = -0.94), depression (d = -0.23), anxiety (d = -0.29), and experiential avoidance (d = -0.30). SIGNIFICANCE OF RESULTS: Preliminary data suggest that EMPOWER is feasible, acceptable, and associated with notable improvements in psychological symptoms among surrogates. Future research should examine EMPOWER with a larger sample in a randomized controlled trial

    Fracture properties of GGBFS-blended fly ash geopolymer concrete cured in ambient temperature

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    Fracture characteristics are important part of concrete design against brittle failure. Recently, fly ash geopolymer binder is gaining significant interest as a greener alternative to traditional ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Hence it is important to understand the failure behaviour of fly ash based geopolymers for safe design of structures built with such materials. This paper presents the fracture properties of ambient-cured geopolymer concrete (GPC). Notched beam specimens of GPC mixtures based mainly on fly ash and a small percentage of ground granulated blast furnace slag were subjected to three-point bending test to evaluate fracture behaviour. The effect of mixture proportions on the fracture properties were compared with control as well as OPC concrete. The results show that fracture properties are influenced by the mixture compositions. Presence of additional water affected fracture properties adversely. Fracture energy is generally governed by tensile strength which correlates with compressive strength. Critical stress intensity factor varies with the variation of flexural strength. Geopolymer concrete specimens showed similar load–deflection behaviour as OPC concrete specimens. The ambient cured GPC showed relatively more ductility than the previously reported heat cured GPC, which is comparable to the OPC specimens. Fly ash based GPC achieved relatively higher fracture energy and similar values of KIC as compared to those of OPC concrete of similar compressive strength. Thus, fly ash based GPC designed for curing in ambient condition can achieve fracture properties comparable to those of normal OPC concrete

    Comparing Monofractal and Multifractal Analysis of Corrosion Damage Evolution in Reinforcing Bars

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    Based on fractal theory and damage mechanics, the aim of this paper is to describe the monofractal and multifractal characteristics of corrosion morphology and develop a new approach to characterize the nonuniform corrosion degree of reinforcing bars. The relationship between fractal parameters and tensile strength of reinforcing bars are discussed. The results showed that corrosion mass loss ratio of a bar cannot accurately reflect the damage degree of the bar. The corrosion morphology of reinforcing bars exhibits both monofractal and multifractal features. The fractal dimension and the tensile strength of corroded steel bars exhibit a power function relationship, while the width of multifractal spectrum and tensile strength of corroded steel bars exhibit a linear relationship. By comparison, using width of multifractal spectrum as multifractal damage variable not only reflects the distribution of corrosion damage in reinforcing bars, but also reveals the influence of nonuniform corrosion on the mechanical properties of reinforcing bars. The present research provides a new approach for the establishment of corrosion damage constitutive models of reinforcing bars

    Direct effects of doxorubicin on skeletal muscle contribute to fatigue

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    Chemotherapy-induced fatigue is a multidimensional symptom. Oxidative stress has been proposed as a working mechanism for anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. In this study, doxorubicin (DOX) was tested on skeletal muscle function. Doxorubicin induced impaired ex vivo skeletal muscle relaxation followed in time by contraction impediment, which could be explained by DOX-induced changes in Ca2+ responses of myotubes in vitro. The Ca2+ responses in skeletal muscle, however, could not be explained by oxidative stress

    The effects of tea extracts on proinflammatory signaling

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    BACKGROUND: Skin toxicity is a common side effect of radiotherapy for solid tumors. Its management can cause treatment gaps and thus can impair cancer treatment. At present, in many countries no standard recommendation for treatment of skin during radiotherapy exists. In this study, we explored the effect of topically-applied tea extracts on the duration of radiation-induced skin toxicity. We investigated the underlying molecular mechanisms and compared effects of tea extracts with the effects of epigallocatechin-gallate, the proposed most-active moiety of green tea. METHODS: Data from 60 patients with cancer of the head and neck or pelvic region topically treated with green or black tea extracts were analyzed retrospectively. Tea extracts were compared for their ability to modulate IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, TNFα and PGE(2 )release from human monocytes. Effects of tea extracts on 26S proteasome function were assessed. NF-κB activity was monitored by EMSAs. Viability and radiation response of macrophages after exposure to tea extracts was measured by MTT assays. RESULTS: Tea extracts supported the restitution of skin integrity. Tea extracts inhibited proteasome function and suppressed cytokine release. NF-κB activity was altered by tea extracts in a complex, caspase-dependent manner, which differed from the effects of epigallocatechin-gallate. Additionally, both tea extracts, as well as epigallocatechin-gallate, slightly protected macrophages from ionizing radiation CONCLUSION: Tea extracts are an efficient, broadly available treatment option for patients suffering from acute radiation-induced skin toxicity. The molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects are complex, and most likely not exclusively dependent on effects of tea polyphenols such as epigallocatechin-gallate
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