51 research outputs found

    Reduction of colonic inflammation in HLA-B27 transgenic rats by feeding Marie MĂ©nard apples, rich in polyphenols

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are immunomediated ailments affecting millions of individuals. Although diet is regarded as an important factor influencing IBD, there are no accepted dietary recommendations presently available. We administered 7.6 % lyophilised apples obtained from two cultivars (Golden Delicious and Marie MĂ©nard, low and high in polyphenols, respectively) to HLA-B27 transgenic rats which develop spontaneous IBD. After 3 months feeding, rats fed Marie MĂ©nard apples had reduced myeloperoxidase activity (3.6 (sem 0.3) v. 2.2 (sem 0.2) U/g tissue; P <0.05) and reduced cyclo-oxygenase-2 (P <0.05) and inducible NO synthase gene expression (P <0.01) in the colon mucosa and significantly less diarrhoea (P <0.05), compared with control rats. Cell proliferation in the colon mucosa was reduced significantly by feeding Golden Delicious apples, with a borderline effect of Marie MĂ©nard apples. Gene expression profiling of the colon mucosa, analysed using the Whole Rat Genome 4 x 44 K Agilent Arrays, revealed a down-regulation of the pathways of PG synthesis, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling and TNFalpha-NF-kappaB in Marie MĂ©nard-fed rats. In the stools of the animals of this group we also measured a significant reduction of bacteria of the Bacteriodes fragilis group. In conclusion, the administration of Marie MĂ©nard apples, rich in polyphenols and used at present only in the manufacturing of cider, ameliorates colon inflammation in transgenic rats developing spontaneous intestinal inflammation, suggesting the possible use of these and other apple varieties to control inflammation in IBD patient

    Assessment of the antibiotic resistance profile, genetic heterogeneity and biofilm production of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from the italian swine production chain

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    The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the level of antibiotic resistance, prevalence and virulence features of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from heavy swine at abattoir level and farming environments in Lombardy (Northern Italy). With this scope, 88 different heavy swine farms were surveyed, obtaining a total of n = 440 animal swabs and n = 150 environmental swabs. A total of n = 87 MRSA isolates were obtained, with an overall MRSA incidence of 17.50% (n = 77) among animal samples and a 6.67% (n = 10) among environmental. Molecular characterisation using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) plus spa-typing showed that sequence type ST398/t899 and ST398/t011 were the most commonly isolated genotypes, although other relevant sequence types such as ST1 or ST97 were also found. A lack of susceptibility to penicillins, tetracycline and ceftiofur was detected in &gt;91.95, 85.05 and 48.28% of the isolates, respectively. Resistance to doxycycline (32.18%), enrofloxacin (27.59%) and gentamicin (25.29%) was also observed. Additionally, a remarkable level of antibiotic multiresistance (AMR) was observed representing a 77.01% (n = 67) of the obtained isolates. Genetic analysis revealed that 97.70% and 77.01% of the isolates harboured at least one antibiotic resistance or enterotoxin gene, respectively, pointing out a high isolate virulence potential. Lastly, 55.17% (n = 48) were able to produce measurable amounts of biofilm after 24 h. In spite of the current programmes for antibiotic reduction in intensively farming, a still on-going high level of AMR and virulence potential in MRSA was demonstrated, making this pathogen a serious risk in swine production chain, highlighting once more the need to develop efficient, pathogen-specific control strategies

    Topologies des corps

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    Il corpo in relazione alla tecnologia di motion capture. Analisi di casi studio nordamericani

    De la constitution du corps de synth\ue8se sur la sc\ue8ne performative: perception et technologies

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    Les personnages virtuels se multiplient depuis quelques ann\ue9es dans les arts m\ue9diatiques et les arts de la sc\ue8ne en empruntant plusieurs apparences. Ils se situent dans la lign\ue9e des \ueatres artificiels ayant peupl\ue9 l'histoire humaine au sein de repr\ue9sentations fantasmagoriques, que ce soit sous forme d'ombres, de doubles ou de spectres ayant le pouvoir de s'animer. En effet, les figures du simulacre jouant sur l'illusion perceptive ou sur les leurres sont aussi anciennes que la facult\ue9 de symboliser. Au sein des repr\ue9sentations contemporaines, elles partagent la sc\ue8ne avec l'acteur ou le danseur en chair et en os, par le truchement de projections d'images ou en s'incarnant dans des automates issus de la robotique. Dans les mondes fictionnels du cin\ue9ma num\ue9rique, ces figures anthropomorphiques rel\ue8vent de l'animation de synth\ue8se. Elles agissent \ue0 titre de personnages : parfois elles dialoguent avec les acteurs r\ue9els, d'autres fois elles les remplacent. Qu'est-ce qui rend pr\ue9sent, performatif et parfois inqui\ue9tant un personnage virtuel ? Quel r\uf4le est-il appel\ue9 \ue0 jouer dans les pratiques artistiques contemporaines des arts de la sc\ue8ne ? Dans le domaine de la danse, les chercheurs explorent le mouvement de ces corps virtuels, d\ue9sormais dissoci\ue9s de leur enveloppe charnelle d'origine. Quels sont les proc\ue9d\ue9s sc\ue9nographiques et m\ue9diatiques utilis\ue9s pour animer ces personnages et cr\ue9er un effet de pr\ue9sence ? Quelles transformations esth\ue9tiques op\ue8rent les simulations du corps de synth\ue8se ? Le personnage virtuel peut-il vraiment simuler le corps humain dans toutes ses nuances expressives, tant sur le plan de son apparence que de son comportement ? Et que nous apprend le corps artificiel sur l'identit\ue9 motrice ou encore sur le ph\ue9nom\ue8ne de l'empathie ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions que posent les auteurs que nous avons r\ue9unis ici. Cet ouvrage se penche sur les effets de pr\ue9sence que suscitent de tels \ueatres artificiels, en relation avec le corps performatif

    Dissectio : anatomie del corpo sonoro

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    Il testo focalizza l'attenzione sulla nozione di suono sulla scena teatrale contemporanea, discutendone le implicazioni con i dispositivi instalativi e audiovisivi

    Anatomia del gesto. Conversazione con Virgilio Sieni

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    Conversazione con il coreografo Virgilio Sieni sulle pratiche compositive del gesto coreografico

    Corpografie. Percezione, presenza, dispositivi tecnologici

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    Introduzione e discussione della nozione di corporeit\ue0 nell'ambito della coreografia contemporanea legata all'uso delle tecnologie

    The perception is a prism: body, presence and technologies

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    The Perception is a Prism: body, presence and technologies1 \u2013 Starting from an interdisciplinary perspective of the concepts of body, perception, and technologies in the contemporary scene, this text will attempt to define the general aesthetic notion as bodyscape as an extension of the performer\u2019s perception. Through a survey of some key practices from the contemporary scene such as choreographic compositions by Myriam Gourfink, Isabelle Choini\ue8re, and project of motion signature by Martine \uc9poque and Denis Poulin, the impact of technologies on redefining the process of the performer\u2019s perception in the composition of the movement and the change of the notion of presence will be analysed. In this sense, a series of modifications that influence also the spectator\u2019s perception is presented. Therefore, the notion of empathy is discussed, and an attempt to find out how this applies in the context of a digital image of the body is made

    Sonografie. Corpo, percezione, atmosfere acustiche

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    La nozione di sonografia si riferisce alle sperimentazioni contemporanee, nel campo della danza, che legano il movimento del corpo alla produzione del suono

    Il corpo: geografia delle sensazioni.

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    Analisi dell'opera "corpo devoto" del coreografo Zappal\ue0
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