4,761 research outputs found

    Neutrinoless double beta decay with and without Majoron-like boson emission in a 3-3-1 model

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    We consider the contributions to the neutrinoless double beta decays in a SU(3)LU(1)NSU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_N electroweak model. We show that for a range of the parameters in the model there are diagrams involving vector-vector-scalar and trilinear scalar couplings which can be potentially as contributing as the light massive Majorana neutrino exchange one. We use these contributions to obtain constraints upon some mass scales of the model, like the masses of the new charged vector and scalar bosons. We also consider briefly the decay in which besides the two electrons a Majoron-like boson is emitted.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages and 8 eps figures. Extended version to be published in Physical Review

    Phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic XY model in two dimensions in a magnetic field

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    The phase diagram of the quasi-two-dimensional easy-plane antiferromagnetic model, with a magnetic field applied in the easy plane, is studied using the self-consistent harmonic approximation. We found a linear dependence of the transition temperature as a function of the field for large values of the field. Our results are in agreement with experimental data for the spin-1 honeycomb compound BaNi_2V_2O_3Comment: 3 page

    Neutrino Decay and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in a 3-3-1 Model

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    In this work we show that the implementation of spontaneous breaking of the lepton number in the 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos gives rise to fast neutrino decay with majoron emission and generates a bunch of new contributions to the neutrinoless double beta decay.Comment: Version accepted for publication in the Phys. Rev.

    Proper motions of ROSAT discovered isolated neutron stars measured with Chandra: First X-ray measurement of the large proper motion of RX J1308.6+2127/RBS 1223

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    The unprecedented spatial resolution of the Chandra observatory opens the possibility to detect with relatively high accuracy proper motions at X-ray wavelengths. We have conducted an astrometric study of three of the "Magnificent Seven", the thermally emitting radio quiet isolated neutron stars (INSs) discovered by ROSAT. These three INSs (RX J0420.0-5022, RX J0806.4-4123 and RX J1308.6+2127/RBS 1223) either lack an optical counterpart or have one too faint to be used for astrometric purposes. We obtained ACIS observations 3 to 5 years apart to constrain or measure the displacement of the sources on the X-ray sky using as reference the background of extragalactic or remote galactic X-ray sources. Upper limits of 138 mas/yr and 76 mas/yr on the proper motion of RX J0420.0-5022 and RX J0806.4-4123, respectively, have already been presented in Motch et al. (2007). Here we report the very significant measurement (~ 10 sigma) of the proper motion of the third INS of our program, RX J1308.6+2127/RBS1223. Comparing observations obtained in 2002 and 2007 reveals a displacement of 1.1 arcsec implying a yearly proper motion of 223 mas, the second fastest measured for the ROSAT discovered INSs. The source is rapidly moving away from the galactic plane at a speed which precludes any significant accretion of matter from the interstellar medium. Its transverse velocity of ~ 740 (d/700pc) km/s might be the largest of the "Magnificent Seven" and among the fastest recorded for neutron stars. RX J1308.6+2127/RBS1223 is thus a young high velocity cooling neutron star. The source may have its origin in the closest part of the Scutum OB2 association about 0.8 Myr ago, an age consistent with that expected from cooling curves, but significantly younger than inferred from pulse timing measurements (1.5 Myr).Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the conference "40 Years of Pulsars", 12-17 August 2007, Montreal, Canad

    Sustainability Assessment of indicators for integrated water resources management

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    The scientific community strongly recommends the adoption of indicators for the evaluation and monitoring of progress towards sustainable development. Furthermore, international organizations consider that indicators are powerful decision-making tools. Nevertheless, the quality and reliability of the indicators depends on the application of adequate and appropriate criteria to assess them. The general objective of this study was to evaluate how indicators related to water use and management perform against a set of sustainability criteria. Our research identified 170 indicators related to water use and management. These indicators were assessed by an international panel of experts that evaluated whether they fulfil the four sustainability criteria: social, economic, environmental, and institutional. We employed an evaluation matrix that classified all indicators according to the DPSIR (Driving Forces, Pressures, States, Impacts and Responses) framework. A pilot study served to test and approve the research methodology before carrying out the full implementation. The findings of the study show that 24 indicators comply with the majority of the sustainability criteria; 59 indicators are bi-dimensional (meaning that they comply with two sustainability criteria); 86 are one-dimensional indicators (fulfilling just one of the four sustainability criteria) and one indicator do not fulfil any of the sustainability criteria.Postprint (author's final draft

    Searching for new thermally emitting isolated neutron stars in the 2XMMp catalogue - Discovery of a promising candidate

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    The group of 7 thermally emitting and radio-quiet isolated neutron stars (INSs) discovered by ROSAT constitutes a nearby population which locally appears to be as numerous as that of the classical radio pulsars. So far, attempts to enlarge this particular group of INSs finding more remote objects failed to confirm any candidate. We found in the 2XMMp catalogue a handful of sources with no catalogued counterparts and with X-ray spectra similar to those of the ROSAT discovered INSs, but seen at larger distances and thus undergoing higher interstellar absorptions. In order to rule out alternative identifications such as an AGN or a CV, we obtained deep ESO-VLT and SOAR optical imaging for the X-ray brightest candidates. We report here on the current status of our search and discuss the possible nature of our candidates. We focus particularly on the X-ray brightest source of our sample, 2XMM J104608.7-594306, observed serendipitously over more than four years by the XMM-Newton Observatory. A lower limit on the X-ray to optical flux ratio of ~ 300 together with a stable flux and soft X-ray spectrum make it the most promising thermally emitting INS candidate. Beyond the finding of new members, our study aims at constraining the space density of this population at large distances and at determining whether their apparently high local density is an anomaly or not.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the conference "40 Years of Pulsars", 12-17 August 2007, Montreal, Canad

    XMM-Newton observations of the low-luminosity cataclysmic variable V405 Pegasi

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    V405 Peg is a low-luminosity cataclysmic variable (CV) that was identified as the optical counterpart of the bright, high-latitude ROSAT all-sky survey source RBS1955. The system was suspected to belong to a largely undiscovered population of hibernating CVs. Despite intensive optical follow-up its subclass however remained undetermined. We want to further classify V405 Peg and understand its role in the CV zoo via its long-term behaviour, spectral properties, energy distribution and accretion luminosity. We perform a spectral and timing analysis of \textit{XMM-Newton} X-ray and ultra-violet data. Archival WISE, HST, and Swift observations are used to determine the spectral energy distribution and characterize the long-term variability. The X-ray spectrum is characterized by emission from a multi-temperature plasma. No evidence for a luminous soft X-ray component was found. Orbital phase-dependent X-ray photometric variability by 50%\sim50\% occurred without significant spectral changes. No further periodicity was significant in our X-ray data. The average X-ray luminosity during the XMM-Newton observations was L_X, bol simeq 5e30 erg/s but, based on the Swift observations, the corresponding luminosity varied between 5e29 erg/s and 2e31 erg/son timescales of years. The CV subclass of this object remains elusive. The spectral and timing properties show commonalities with both classes of magnetic and non-magnetic CVs. The accretion luminosity is far below than that expected for a standard accreting CV at the given orbital period. Objects like V405 Peg might represent the tip of an iceberg and thus may be important contributors to the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission. If so they will be uncovered by future X-ray surveys, e.g. with eROSITA.Comment: A&A, in pres

    Symplectic Origami

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    An origami manifold is a manifold equipped with a closed 2-form which is symplectic except on a hypersurface where it is like the pullback of a symplectic form by a folding map and its kernel fibrates with oriented circle fibers over a compact base. We can move back and forth between origami and symplectic manifolds using cutting (unfolding) and radial blow-up (folding), modulo compatibility conditions. We prove an origami convexity theorem for hamiltonian torus actions, classify toric origami manifolds by polyhedral objects resembling paper origami and discuss examples. We also prove a cobordism result and compute the cohomology of a special class of origami manifolds.Comment: v2; 42 pages, 18 figures; significant revision; to appear in Int. Math. Res. Not.; first published online December 2, 201