599 research outputs found

    Clinical and biochemical correlates of serum L-ergothioneine concentrations in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults

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    Background: Despite the increasing interest towards the biological role of L-ergothioneine, little is known about the serum concentrations of this unusual aminothiol in older adults. We addressed this issue in a representative sample of communitydwelling middle-aged and older adults. Methods: Body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum concentrations of L-ergothioneine, taurine, homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, cysteinylglycine, and glutamylcysteine were evaluated in 439 subjects (age 55–85 years) randomly selected from the Hunter Community Study. Results: Median L-ergothioneine concentration in the entire cohort was 1.01 IQR 0.78–1.33 mmol/L. Concentrations were not affected by gender (P = 0.41) or by presence of chronic medical conditions (P = 0.15). By considering only healthy subjects, we defined a reference interval for L-ergothioneine serum concentrations from 0.36 (90% CI 0.31–0.44) to 3.08 (90% CI 2.45–3.76) mmol/L. Using stepwise multiple linear regression analysis L-ergothioneine was negatively correlated with age (rpartial =20.15; P = 0.0018) and with glutamylcysteine concentrations (rpartial =20.13; P = 0.0063). Conclusions: A thorough analysis of serum L-ergothioneine concentrations was performed in a large group of communitydwelling middle-aged and older adults. Reference intervals were established. Age and glutamylcysteine were independently negatively associated with L-ergothioneine serum concentration.</br

    A WEBGIS for the knowledge and conservation of the historical wall structures of the 13th–18th centuries

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    The presented work is part of the research project, titled "Tecniche murarie tradizionali: conoscenza per la conservazione ed il miglioramento prestazionale" (Traditional building techniques: from knowledge to conservation and performance improvement), with the purpose of studying the building techniques of the 13th&amp;ndash;18th centuries in the Sardinia Region (Italy) for their knowledge, conservation, and promotion. The end purpose of the entire study is to improve the performance of the examined structures. In particular, the task of the authors within the research project was to build a WebGIS to manage the data collected during the examination and study phases. This infrastructure was entirely built using Open Source software. The work consisted of designing a database built in PostgreSQL and its spatial extension PostGIS, which allows to store and manage feature geometries and spatial data. The data input is performed via a form built in HTML and PHP. The HTML part is based on Bootstrap, an open tools library for websites and web applications. The implementation of this template used both PHP and Javascript code. The PHP code manages the reading and writing of data to the database, using embedded SQL queries. As of today, we surveyed and archived more than 300 buildings, belonging to three main macro categories: fortification architectures, religious architectures, residential architectures. The masonry samples investigated in relation to the construction techniques are more than 150. The database is published on the Internet as a WebGIS built using the Leaflet Javascript open libraries, which allows creating map sites with background maps and navigation, input and query tools. This too uses an interaction of HTML, Javascript, PHP and SQL code

    What to Expect from COVID-19 and from COVID-19 Vaccine for Expecting or Lactating Women

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    Recent studies identified pregnancy as a high-risk condition for the development of maternal-fetal complications in the case of the SARS-CoV-2 infection. Therefore, the scientific community is now considering pregnant women a "fragile" category that should be vaccinated with high priority. The number of pregnant women undergoing hospitalization since summer 2021, including Intensive Care Unit admission, is growing, as well as the risk of preterm birth. Evidence from both animals and humans suggest that, similarly to other vaccines routinely administered in pregnancy, COVID-19 vaccines are not crossing the placenta, do not increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth, the birth of small gestational age neonates, as well as the risk of congenital abnormalities. To date, the World Health Organization and scientific literature are promoting and encouraging the vaccination of all pregnant and lactating women. The aim of our narrative review is to present the available literature regarding this issue with the aim to provide appropriate answers to the most frequent requests, doubts, and fears that have led many expecting and lactating women not to become vaccinated during this pandemic period

    SEM Remote Control with a 3D Option

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    Abstract Remote control of a scientific instrument is a topic gaining more and more attention between instrument users and operators. The project presented in this article reports results obtained from two distinct research efforts. The main outcome from the first research was the realization of an application to remote-control a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), while the main outcome from the second research was the implementation of a procedure to reconstruct 3D surfaces

    Méthodes de régénération du chêne-liège en Sardaigne (Italie)

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    La Sardaigne abrite 80% de la suberaie italienne. Tout comme en France, les forêts de chêne-liège sardes sont confrontées à des problèmes de vieillissement et de dégradation. En revanche, elles possèdent de bonnes potentialités de régénération, qui peuvent être valorisées en suivant quelques précautions lors de l’application des différentes méthodes de régénération. Cet article s’appuie sur des études effectuées sur différents types de reboisement : en plaine et en terrain pentu et aussi sur des suberaies incendiées

    Anti-aging potential of extracts from Washingtonia filifera seeds

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    The aim of this study was to test the inhibitory effect of fruit extracts from Washingtonia filifera on skin aging-related enzymes. The pulp extracts did not exert a significant enzyme inhibition while seed extracts from W. filifera exhibit anti-elastase, anti-collagenase, and anti-tyrosinase activities. Tyrosinase was mildly inhibited while a stronger effect was observed with respect to elastase and collagenase inhibition. Alcoholic extracts provided better results than aqueous extracts. Among them, methanol extracts showed the prominent enzyme inhibitory activities being IC50 value for elastase and collagenase comparable and even better than the reference compound. The inhibition mode of the most active extracts was investigated by Lineweaver-Burk plot analysis. Seed extracts from W. filifera were also investigated for their photo-protective effect by Mansur equation and the antioxidant activity of W. filifera extract was evaluated in oxidative-stressed cells. To evaluate the safety of the extract, the effect on cell viability of human keratinocytes cells was analyzed. Methanol extract presented the best photo-protective effect and exerted an antioxidant activity in a cellular system with no cytotoxic effect. The overall results demonstrate that W. filifera extracts are promising sources of bioactive compounds that could be used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparation

    Changes of taste, smell and eating behavior in patients undergoing bariatric surgery: Associations with prop phenotypes and polymorphisms in the odorant-binding protein OBPIIa and CD36 receptor genes

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    Bariatric surgery is the most effective long-term treatment for severe obesity and related comorbidities. Although patients who underwent bariatric surgery report changes of taste and smell perception, results from sensory studies are discrepant and limited. Here, we assessed taste and smell functions in 51 patients before, one month, and six months after undergoing bariatric surgery. We used taste strip tests to assess gustatory function (including sweetness, saltiness, sourness, uma-miness, bitterness and oleic acid, a fatty stimulus), the “Sniffin’ Sticks” test to assess olfactory identification and the 3-Factor Eating Questionnaire to assess eating behavior. We also explored associations between these phenotypes and flavor-related genes. Results showed an overall improvement in taste function (including increased sensitivity to oleic acid and the bitterness of 6-n-propylthiou-racil (PROP)) and in olfactory function (which could be related to the increase in PROP and oleic acid sensitivity), an increase in cognitive restraint, and a decrease in disinhibition and hunger after bariatric surgery. These findings indicate that bariatric surgery can have a positive impact on olfactory and gustatory functions and eating behavior (with an important role of genetic factors, such PROP tasting), which in turn might contribute to the success of the intervention

    Artificial Intelligence in Acute Ischemic Stroke Subtypes According to Toast Classification: A Comprehensive Narrative Review

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    The correct recognition of the etiology of ischemic stroke (IS) allows tempestive interventions in therapy with the aim of treating the cause and preventing a new cerebral ischemic event. Nevertheless, the identification of the cause is often challenging and is based on clinical features and data obtained by imaging techniques and other diagnostic exams. TOAST classification system describes the different etiologies of ischemic stroke and includes five subtypes: LAAS (large-artery atherosclerosis), CEI (cardio embolism), SVD (small vessel disease), ODE (stroke of other determined etiology), and UDE (stroke of undetermined etiology). AI models, providing computational methodologies for quantitative and objective evaluations, seem to increase the sensitivity of main IS causes, such as tomographic diagnosis of carotid stenosis, electrocardiographic recognition of atrial fibrillation, and identification of small vessel disease in magnetic resonance images. The aim of this review is to provide overall knowledge about the most effective AI models used in the differential diagnosis of ischemic stroke etiology according to the TOAST classification. According to our results, AI has proven to be a useful tool for identifying predictive factors capable of subtyping acute stroke patients in large heterogeneous populations and, in particular, clarifying the etiology of UDE IS especially detecting cardioembolic sources

    Washingtonia filifera seed extracts inhibit the islet amyloid polypeptide fibrils formations and α-amylase and α-glucosidase activity

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    Washingtonia filifera seeds have revealed to possess antioxidant properties, butyrylcholinesterase and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities. The literature has indicated a relationship between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and type-2 diabetes (T2D). Keeping this in mind, we have now evaluated the inhibitory properties of W. filifera seed extracts on α-amylase, α-glucosidase enzyme activity and the Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) fibrils formation. Three extracts from seeds of W. filifera were evaluated for their enzyme inhibitory effect and IC50 values were calculated for all the extracts. The inhibition mode was investigated by Lineweaver-Burk plot analysis and the inhibition of IAPP aggregate formation was monitored. W. filifera methanol seed extract appears as the most potent inhibitor of α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and for the IAPP fibril formation. Current findings indicate new potential of this extract that could be used for the identification or development of novel potential agents for T2D and AD
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