29,363 research outputs found

    Discontinuous Almost Automorphic Functions and Almost Automorphic Solutions of Differential Equations with Piecewise Constant Argument

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    In this article we introduce a class of discontinuous almost automorphic functions which appears naturally in the study of almost automorphic solutions of differential equations with piecewise constant argument. Their fundamental properties are used to prove the almost automorphicity of bounded solutions of a system of differential equations with piecewise constant argument. Due to the strong discrete character of these equations, the existence of a unique discrete almost automorphic solution of a non-autonomous almost automorphic difference system is obtained, for which conditions of exponential dichotomy and discrete Bi-almost automorphicity are fundamental

    Modelling a layer for real-time management of interactions in web based distance learning

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    In the last few years, the University of Aveiro, Portugal, has been offering several distance learning courses over the Web, using e-learning platforms. Experience showed that different editions of a same course, using the same contents and structure, and having similar target learners, had different success rates. What would be the reason for that? A hypothesis was considered: The level of success could be directly related with the remote follow-up of the learners’ participation in the courses; the best results usually occur when the follow-up is closer. The existing e-learning platforms offer and the standardization works being developed by organizations and consortiums like IMS (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc), ADL SCORM (Advanced Distributed Learning Sherable Content Object Reference Model), IEEE LTSC LOM (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee Learning Object Metadata), ARIADNE (ARIADNE Foundation for the European Knowledge Pool), AICC CMI (Aviation Industry CBT Committee Computer Managed Instruction), etc, don’t cover the course monitorization concerns mentioned. Those projects were focused on aspects like contents and its delivery in the context of the execution of the courses’ activities. This is even true in the SCORM project that doesn’t include any reference to the management of the e-learning processes. Recently, in the context of the IMS Global Consortium, a new project designated IMS LD (Learning Design) is under development, providing a framework for the description of learning units under a three level model. In the most recently defined level, the C level, some functionalities related to notifications were proposed, expressing similar concerns to the ones that triggered our research. However, the extent at which IMS LD takes the functionalities is, from our point of view, not complete. This article describes a proposal of a reference model and functionalities towards a specification of a layer for real-time management of user interactions on LMSs, and its possible integration with the ADL SCORM standard proposal. The paper includes a discussion of the management metadata model for the LMS sub-system and how the integration of the management module under SCORM may be achieved

    Enhancing web supported learning in higher education by adding a management layer to LMSs

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    There are many situations in the e-Learning experiences that can compromise the success of the courses. Many times simple reasons are great enough to motivate people to abandon them. For example, if someone does not execute a programmed activity inside the defined window of time, it can compromise the rest of the course to that person. In such situations it would be important that the teacher knew about the situation in useful time, to be able to take any corrective action. Another example could be presented, involving the professor and the learners. Let us assume that an activity A2 is programmed to be executed by the learners and that it depends on the previous knowledge of the result of the evaluation of a work submitted by the learners to the teacher (activity A1). If the teacher doesn’t inform the learners about their classification in useful time, that can compromise the execution of the activity A2. It seems to be necessary to use mechanisms of automatic management, in real time, of the envolvement of each participant in a distance learning course using LMS (Learning Management System). Such a functionality allows the detection of deviations to the scheduled activities planned for each actor. If it is the case, the referred mechanism can initiate the process of sending notifications to the relevant entities, enabling the correction of these deviations. Several organizations and consortiuns, involving the industry, governmental institutions and universities, are developing projects of standardization. It seemed important to us to see how the referred aspects were covered by those projects, and to perceive how it could be possible to articulate our work with the ones that are available from these organizations and consortiuns. This article describes the work that the authors are developing towards the specification of a layer for real-time management of user interactions with LMSs, during the operationalization of a course, and also includes a management meta-data model, related to that management layer

    Effective action in DSR1 quantum field theory

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    We present the one-loop effective action of a quantum scalar field with DSR1 space-time symmetry as a sum over field modes. The effective action has real and imaginary parts and manifest charge conjugation asymmetry, which provides an alternative theoretical setting to the study of the particle-antiparticle asymmetry in nature.Comment: 8 page

    Ações voltadas em educação ambiental para crianças de quatro a oito anos em oficinas no projeto Rondon

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    Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A educação ambiental de forma contrária a educação tradicional, é uma educação coletiva, na qual seu conteúdo está na realidade socioambiental dos indivíduos ultrapassando os muros da escola (GUIMARÃES, 2007). À vista disso, o estímulo à percepção ambiental pelas crianças quanto às noções básicas de entendimento, respeito e cuidado com o meio ambiente torna-se fundamental. Apresentar as atividades realizadas em oficinas de educação ambiental com crianças de quatro a oito anos durante operação do Projeto Rondon. Tais atividades visaram despertar o interesse das crianças para os assuntos relacionados com o meio ambiente e, em especial com as florestas. As atividades desenvolveram-se durante a Operação Itacaiúnas do Projeto Rondon em julho de 2015 no município de Rondon do Pará, tendo foco a comunidade mais fragilizada socioeconomicamente. Realizaram-se quatro oficinas nomeadas: 1- “O Refúgio”, que tinha como objetivo fornecer a ideia das dificuldades que os animais enfrentam a se abrigarem frente ao desmatamento; 2 - “Boliche da Floresta” que objetivou ensinar sobre os componentes que constituem uma floresta; 3- “Se lixando” que trouxe informações referentes à redução, reutilização e reciclagem do lixo; 4- “Careca-cabeludo” que permitiu que as crianças acompanhassem o desenvolvimento de uma planta. As atividades realizaram-se de forma satisfatória apresentando grande aceitação pelas crianças. Foi interessante notar as diferenças estruturais e culturais da comunidade observada nas atividades, visto que foram planejadas numa realidade diferente da população local. Com isso, foi necessário, de forma geral, realizar alterações na metodologia das atividades para atender o tema nas adversidades locais. Como resultado da operação do Projeto Rondon em si, pode-se destacar um significativo crescimento pessoal, coletivo e profissional, fruto do impacto sociocultural e do trabalho em conjunto com a população local. No total foram envolvidas mais de 46 crianças tanto na zona urbana quanto na zona rural do município. Pode-se ressaltar a importância da educação ambiental como um processo contínuo na formação das crianças, pois, apesar das ações do projeto assumir um caráter pontual, o saber ambiental se solidifica num sentimento de pertencimento e corresponsabilidade frente aos diversos problemas ambientais observados cotidianamente